Supremacy Games

Chapter 1358  Testing The Divine Axe!

Chapter 1358  Testing The Divine Axe!

'I don't mind it, we will see who will prevail in the end.' Felix smiled, waving the divine axe around him to have a sense of its weight.


Whoosh! Whoosh!

Even though he was gently waving it around, the air seemed to cry for help as the sharp blade of the axe kept slicing through it without an ounce of resistance.

"Let's take it outside to test it." Elder Cyclope shooed him away, "You will damage my forge like this."

Felix placed the divine axe on his shoulder and requested with an eager tone, "Is it possible to try it on a planet or a star?"

"As long as you pick another solar system, do as you please with it." Elder Cyclope permitted.

The moment he heard this, Felix took off with Bodidi and Candace...Obviously, he took elder Cyclope with them to supervise the test and give a final grade to his work.


Two million light years away from the forge, Felix could be seen standing thousands of kilometers away from a small deserted cloudy planet.

The barren expanse of the small, deserted planet stretched out before Felix, a canvas of emptiness punctuated only by the stark loneliness of space.

 In his hand, the divine axe, gargantuan and imposing, pulsed with celestial energy.

Felix balanced the tremendous weight of the axe effortlessly on his shoulder.

His eyes, full of steely determination, were locked onto the lifeless sphere in the distance...He had already done his due diligence and found out that not a single ounce of life was on this planet.

It was the same as a pebble near a river, no one would know or care if it went missing.

'Let's do this.'

 With a deep breath, he hoisted the axe over his shoulder, its divine inscriptions flickering to life, lighting up the desolate landscape around him!

"Size Manipulation."

Felix used both his ultimate ability and the size manipulation skill on the divine axe to grow into celestial sizes together.

"Woaah...This is the first time I see a living person get this big."

Bodidi exclaimed with an astounded tone as he stared at Felix and his axe, becoming as big as Earth or even slightly bigger!

"At last, you can sustain such size for a decent period." Asna commentated.

She knew that Thor, Cyclopes, and other primogenitors with size manipulation were required to devour planets and celestial objects as fuel since neutral energy in outer space wasn't potent enough for lasting periods.

Right now, Felix could maintain this form for a reasonable period before his size would get reduced forcefully to adjust to the incoming fuel.

Unfortunately, the divine axe also required a heavy amount of fuel to maintain its freakish size.

The fuel in this scenario was nonother than Felix's life force!

'F*cking hell, I can feel the years getting sucked out of me each second.' Felix got pissed again at the divine axe targeting his life force instead of the elemental energy stored within it.

Alas, no matter how mad he had gotten this time, it didn't seem like the divine axe had any intentions of switching fuel sources.

So, instead of complaining or canceling the test entirely, Felix took a deep breath to calm himself and then hurled the divine axe with everything he got!

The enormous weapon sliced through the vacuum of space like a shooting star, a brilliant comet that marked its path with an ethereal trail!

The abandoned planet seemed to hold its breath as the axe drew nearer, almost as if anticipating the impact.

With a deafening crash that reverberated through the cosmos, the divine axe struck, its silver head cutting into the planet's crust like a hot knife through butter under the stunned eyes of Bodidi and Candace.

"Dear goodness..."

"What the..."

The silent planet was silent no more, as a shockwave of cosmic energy rippled across its surface, the impact splitting the planet cleanly down the middle!

From a distance, Felix watched as the once solid sphere started to slowly separate, creating a monumental chasm that bore testament to the power of the divine axe.

As the dust settled and the echoing rumble of the cataclysm faded away, something remarkable happened.

The divine axe, seemingly unscathed by the colossal destruction it had wrought, began to change its trajectory!

Like a cosmic boomerang, it reversed its course, cutting across the emptiness of space to return to its user!

Felix anticipated this much and outstretched his right hand.

With a sense of inevitability, the divine axe returned to him...It settled into his grasp as if it had never left, as intact as the moment he first held it, its divine inscriptions glowing softly.

"If you weren't such a hungry asshole, I would have kissed you now." Felix said with an irritated look, mixed with satisfaction.

How could he not be satisfied?

He had just sundered an entire planet into two halves from thousands of kilometers without putting much effort into it.

The best part? The divine axe would always return to him as it had the same boomerang skill inscribed on it, which meant he would never be without his weapon in hand!

Felix swiftly canceled the size manipulation skill of the divine axe and returned it to its original size, not wanting to lose out more years for nothing.

'What you have seen right now, is only four skills being used...Three passively, and one actively.' Elder Cyclope shared telepathically. 'Besides Size Manipulation and Boomerang, the other two are Empowered Acceleration and Fine Cut.'

'Seems like they are the improved versions of what I had before.' Felix smiled.

When Elder Cyclope told him to pick the skills he wanted on his divine axe, Felix prioritized those passives even when they sounded too simple and common.

It was the right move as when both those two passives work together, nothing can stop them from cutting through anything!

'I have also added a similar second form to your previous battleaxe as per your request.' Elder Cyclope said, 'Just call duel style and it will be activated.'

'If it's the same as the one I know, there is no need to showcase it.' Thor advised, 'You might have millions of years of lifespan now that you have become a deity, but it doesn't mean you can waste them to fuel meaningless tests.'

'I understand.' Felix nodded in agreement.

Elder Cyclope moved on as well.

'Besides those five requested skills, I took the liberty to inscribe skills relevant to your countless unique powers.' He grinned faintly.

'What do you mean?'

'First off, I added two elemental amplification/empowering skills working in tandem to increase the prowess and even effect of any spell, skill, or ability used.' Elder Cyclope shared with a look of gratification. 'This is a new combination of skills that have never been inscribed on any other divine equipment before.'

'You are telling me that all of my abilities, spells, and even the divine axe's skills can be amplified? How is that even possible?!'

Neither Felix nor the tenants believed Elder Cyclope's bold statement right away as it was just so insane to think about.

Even Lord Shiva and Lord Loki had their interest piqued.

They could understand amplifying skills and abilities, but runes had wands as their medium and there was no way they would be affected by another object, even if it was a divine weapon.

'I know what you are wondering.' Elder Cyclope smiled, 'All I had to do was turn the divine axe into a wand as well to make it work.'

'Lady Yggdrasil's first root!' Felix exclaimed as he eyed the milky white haft.

'It wouldn't have been possible without it.' Elder Cyclope confirmed.

'You really outdid yourself here.' Thor praised.

'I have just been given more freedom in my work.' Elder Cyclope scoffed in annoyance, 'Working with you guys has been a pain in the ass since you need your skills tailored exactly for your element.'

'We didn't hear you complain back then.' Thor's eyelids twitched.

Elder Cyclope ignored him and continued his conversation with Felix, 'If you want to use the amplification on anything, just channel the ability through the divine axe.'

'It's really like a wand.'

Just as Felix picked a time spell and wanted to test the waters with it, Elder Cyclope warned him, 'Be careful, the amplification is limited to the fuel it's given.'

'Sh*t.' Felix dropped the test immediately.

He understood that his divine axe was using lifeforce as fuel and if he dared to use the amplification skills, it would make sure to suck him dry out of centuries if not millenniums until he cut off the source!

'If I want to use this axe to its fullest potential, I really need to tame it and recognize me as its master.' Felix narrowed his eyes coldly, 'Since it responds to confrontation, I can't b*tch out from a mere test.'

'Elder Cyclope, can you tell me one of its active offensive skills?' Felix asked.

If he was going to amplify something, it better be a new skill to test two at once.

'You can try Cosmic Rift.' Elder Cyclope suggested with a wide smile.


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