The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

Chapter 174 - Chapter 174: The Fourth Reward Dragon Transformation

Chapter 174: The Fourth Reward, Dragon Transformation

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

In the middle of the stone pillar, there were eleven blood-red square crystals, gleaming like rubies. Within their coagulated blood-like texture, a sense of nobility emanated, with golden threads branching out like tree branches, adding a touch of elegance.

Among the eleven crystals, one was larger than the rest, with denser golden threads spreading across it. Suppressing his emotions, Ji Chen picked up one of the smaller crystals.

[Advanced Crystal]

[Tier]: 5-star treasure

[Effect]: It can directly upgrade a military recruitment camp with a tier no higher than Tier 4 to Tier 4.

In this world, the tiers of military units were relatively fixed, and only a few methods could allow them to advance. The Advanced Crystal was one such method.

There were a total of ten of these Advanced Crystals, which meant that he could upgrade ten military recruitment camps to Tier 4. This was enough to elevate the majority of his military units to Tier 4!

Even though Ji Chen had the Military Talent Tree, seeing so many Advanced Crystals at this moment brought a smile to his face. Upgrading with this thing didn’t require any resource consumption! Isn’t it great to save a large amount of resources?

Indeed, it was a reward befitting a deity, incredibly generous.

Ji Chen had no doubt that if these ten Advanced Crystals appeared in the outside world, they would drive all players crazy!

These ten smaller Advanced Crystals could be used to upgrade to Tier 4. Then the larger crystal in the middle, which was even more exquisite…

[Advanced Crystal]

[Tier]: 6-star treasure

[Effect]: It can directly upgrade a military recruitment camp with a tier no higher than Tier 5 to Tier 5.

Sure enough, it could directly upgrade to Tier 5!

Ji Chen couldn’t stop smiling. This was Tier 5!

Even he didn’t have any Tier 5 military units at the moment. The highest he had was a Tier 4 8-star Giant Octopus.

What a bloody profit!

Ji Chen carefully gathered all the Advanced Crystals, ensuring not a single one was left behind, and stowed them away in his backpack. A sense of great satisfaction washed over him. It was now clear to him that the rewards grew increasingly generous as he ventured towards the rightmost stone pillar.

The left pillar held a Control Crystal, and the middle had eleven Advanced Crystals, so what was on the right pillar?

Could it be some kind of artifact?

With a hint of excitement, Ji Chen approached the right stone pillar.

Hovering above the pillar was a golden energy cluster, exuding a faint light. Upon closer inspection, there were no information panels or a way to put it into the backpack. Ji Chen looked puzzled.

What is this thing?

After some thought, he reached out and tried to touch it.

When his fingertip made contact with the energy cluster, it absorbed the energy like a sponge absorbing water, instantly flowing through his finger and into his body.

The energy was gentle and flowed from his finger to his arm, then spread throughout his entire body, like basking in warm sunlight on a winter’s day.

He looked bewildered but quickly realized that it was similar to when he obtained the Tidal Lord’s inheritance. This energy was strengthening his physique!

Once he understood, Ji Chen relaxed and fully absorbed the energy. Every cell in his body rejoiced and absorbed the gentle energy, growing stronger.

After half an hour, he felt a surge of vitality throughout his body.

He could sense that his physical strength and mana capacity had grown significantly.

If his previous mana capacity was like a lake, it was now equivalent to ten lakes, more than ten times larger.

However, the golden energy cluster before him had only reduced in size by a small margin.

It seemed to be an endless source of energy, continuing to flow into his body without any sign of stopping.

As the saturation of energy increased, Ji Chen could almost hear his cells crying out to stop. It was too much, too full!

Although the energy was incredibly gentle, it was simply too abundant. The continuous influx of energy into various parts of his body made him feel like he was being inflated like a balloon.

This divine power left behind was truly profound. Even after dissipating for countless ages, what remained was still immeasurable.

Ji Chen worried that he might burst from absorbing it all.

The passage of time became indiscernible as the saturation level of energy seemed to transcend a certain boundary.

In an instant, a distinct cracking sound reverberated in Ji Chen’s ears, piercing through to the very core of his being.

Suddenly, a profound transformation was unfolding within him, with intensity beyond measure.

“Ding- Due to your absorption of abundant energy, the Tide Lord profession is undergoing evolution.”

The echoes of the sound dissipated, resembling the resonance of a subtle notification. It was as though the tranquil surface of a water-filled lake had ruptured, unveiling a pathway that delved into an expansive subterranean realm. The energy surged and whirled, akin to a vortex eagerly absorbing everything in its path, saturating the previously empty expanse.

During this process, an immense sense of enjoyment and exhilaration overwhelmed Ji Chen. Waves of satisfaction surged through his heart, surpassing the thrill of even the most triumphant victories.

Just as Ji Chen was soaring with delight, lost in his ecstatic state, another system prompt echoed in his mind.

“Ding- Due to the influence of your Lord Talent: Favor of the Sea, you will gain additional skills.”

Ji Chen was instantly awakened from his daze, filled with a sense of pleasant surprise.

Could there be such a stroke of good fortune?

He truly was the chosen one!

Several hours passed, and the influx of energy gradually ceased, reducing to a gentle trickle. Even if he were to continue absorbing, it would merely be an embellishment, as any excess would slowly dissipate over time.

Realizing this, Ji Chen decisively ended his absorption, retracting his fingers..

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