The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

Chapter 211 - Chapter 211: Striking Allies Surrender

Chapter 211: Striking Allies, Surrender

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“My warriors, it’s our turn to take the stage! This performance will determine whether we feast on victory or swallow defeat! Tell me, what do you want to eat?!”

“Meat!” The Half-Orcs answered loudly.

“Very well!” Daro lifted a huge battle axe resembling a door panel and pointed it towards the frontline, roaring, “Cut down the enemy to the last! Leave none alive!!”

“For our Lord, we offer our hearts!”


With over a thousand Half-Orc warriors clad in heavy iron armor and wielding various fierce weapons, they transformed into a steel torrent, charging straight towards the frontline.

The Lizardman coalition soldiers, already at their wit’s end from the attacks of the Ruins Guardians and Sky Guardians, felt their hearts sink as they saw the imposing Half-Orc warriors charging towards them.

When did the Dork Kingdom produce such terrifying creatures?

Enormous stone golems, flying creatures, and these frightening fanged monsters, each more terrifying than the other, each more powerful than the other.

Their swords and blades slashed at the enemy like they were hitting rocks, and even the proud bows and crossbows failed to exert their expected killing power.

Seeing their own soldiers being slaughtered by the Half-Orc warriors, they couldn’t help but recall the news from a few days ago about guests from the surface appearing in the Dork Kingdom.

Previously, they had scoffed at this news, but now witnessing these strange creatures, they couldn’t help but reconsider whether the news was indeed true.

In the center of the army, the commanders of the Lizardman coalition, faced with the dire situation, couldn’t remain calm.

They gritted their teeth and spoke fiercely, “Damn it, where did these creatures come from? Could it be true that they really came from the so-called surface? Could there truly be an unknown world above our heads?”

“The Dork Kingdom must have received help from these creatures, giving them the audacity to start this war! If not for them, we would have easily defeated the Dork Kingdom!”

“Regardless of whether they exist or not, if we can’t stop them now, we will face the calamity of annihilation!!”

Seeing the battlefield turning overwhelmingly in favor of the enemy, many Lizardman coalition commanders started to consider retreat.

Just as they were contemplating whether to withdraw, a soldier suddenly cried out in fear, “Those fanged monsters are charging this way!!”

They looked in the distance and saw thousands of Half-Orc warriors, drenched in blood from their fierce battle, breaking through the defensive lines and heading straight towards the center of the army.

The Lizardman commanders immediately panicked, realizing it was a beheading tactic.

They urgently shouted, “Quick, stop them!!”

Wave after wave of soldiers rushed forward.

Daro, leading his tribesmen, charged back and forth amidst the enemy, not caring about the direction or who was friend or foe, as long as it was a Lizardman, he charged towards them.

The battlefield was filled with bloodshed and corpses.

As Daro was in the midst of the intense battle, he suddenly heard an extraordinary voice.

He looked up and saw a few Lizardmen dressed in magnificent armor standing on a high platform, directing the battle. His eyes lit up.

Those were the enemy Lizardman commanders!

Killing one commander was worth much more than killing a hundred ordinary soldiers!

“My warriors, take down those Lizardman standing up there! Our Lord will surely praise us!”

Upon hearing this, the half-orcs beside Daro all looked over, their eyes bloodshot, filled with the thirst for battle achievements and glory.


Although the Half-Orcs appeared weak and helpless before Ji Chen, their combat strength was quite astonishing.

With their upgraded equipment, killing enemy Lizardman soldiers seemed like child’s play.

Under Daro’s leadership, the Half-Orc warriors pierced into the enemy formation like a sharp knife, carving a gap wherever they went, turning the area into a bloody hell.

Even the most elite soldiers dispatched by the Three Kingdoms Alliance couldn’t stop their onslaught and massacre.

As Daro approached closer, the Lizardman commanders of the coalition finally panicked and hurriedly descended from the platform to escape.

Witnessing their own commanders fleeing, other Lizardman soldiers lost their will to fight, one by one throwing off their helmets and armor, eager to grow an extra pair of legs to run faster.

A miraculous scene unfolded on the battlefield, where thousands of Lizardman soldiers were chased by merely a thousand Half-Orc warriors, like wolves chasing a flock of sheep.

Daro fought fiercely, chopping up the fleeing Lizardman commanders into pieces with a few strikes.

Just when he planned to pursue and collect more enemy heads, he suddenly remembered Ji Chen’s instructions and immediately shouted at the top of his lungs as he chased after, “Surrender and you won’t be killed! Treat the captives kindly!!”

Seeing their leader giving the order, other Half-Orcs followed suit, shouting, “Surrender and you won’t be killed! Treat the captives kindly!!”

Upon hearing this, a large number of fleeing enemy Lizardman soldiers chose to surrender on the spot, lying down obediently on the ground. They were no longer willing to face such terrifying foes in battle.

The enemy surrendered one after another, and only a small number of them escaped into the interconnected caves, disappearing without a trace by relying on their familiarity with the terrain.

Seeing this, Ji Chen ordered to halt the pursuit.

They began to clean up the battlefield and count the casualties.

Walking across the stone bridge to the other side of the lava river, Ji Chen looked at the numerous lizardmen corpses scattered all over and silently shook his head.

A feeling of invincibility surged within him.

The real strength of his forces, the recruited army, had not yet joined the battle..

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