The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

Chapter 213 - Chapter 213: Conquering the Enemy Reaping the Harvestthe Enemy Country Rewards

Chapter 213: Conquering the Enemy, Reaping the Harvestthe Enemy Country, Rewards

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

After two days of rest.

On the battlefield of the past, beside the Magma River, Ji Chen stood atop a raised platform, gazing down at the orderly arrangement of thousands of troops below, his countenance solemn.

From left to right, there were the Half-Orc army, the Recruitment Camp army, the Ruins Guardians, and the Sky Guardians, as well as the lizardmen army from the Dork Kingdom.

In front of the armies stood the Half-Orc hero Daro, the Murloc hero Benbo, and the Siren hero Alice.

All the troops and heroes looked up to him, their eyes filled with fervor.

Today, they would set out again, under the leadership of the great Lord, to completely conquer the remaining three lizardmen kingdoms, bringing them under the rule of the Crown of the Ocean and achieving the goal of unifying the underground lizardmen world.

After a moment of silence, Ji Chen swept his gaze around and spoke in a resolute tone.

He first looked at Daro.



“Lead the Half-Orc army to attack the Panda Kingdom, capture their capital, and control their high-ranking officials.”

“Yes! I will ensure the task is completed!” Daro pounded his chest with his right hand and kneeled down to receive the order.

The Panda Kingdom was the second-ranked lizardmen kingdom, but their soldiers had almost been wiped out in the previous war. A thousand Half-Orcs were more than enough to conquer them.

Ji Chen nodded and then turned to Benbo.

“Alice and Benbo, lead the Recruitment Camp army to attack the Lando Kingdom and wipe out any enemies who dare to obstruct you!”

The Lando Kingdom was the weakest among the four kingdoms, even weaker than the Dork Kingdom. A few hundred Tier 4 soldiers from the Recruitment Camp would be more than sufficient to deal with them.

“As you wish, my great master!” Benbo raised his trident high, also accepting the command.

“Understood, my lord!” Alice saluted, placing her hand over her chest.

“Ruins Guardians and Sky Guardians, follow me to attack the Bano Kingdom. The soldiers from the Dork Kingdom will be divided into three groups, following behind to take control of the territory we conquer and handle prisoners. They will also be responsible for transporting supplies. No mistakes are allowed!”

With that, Ji Chen didn’t waste any more time. He waved his hand and spoke loudly, “Set out, everyone! Complete the mission as soon as possible!”

The armies split into three, led by their respective heroes, and marched towards their targets.

After the previous wars, the military strength of the three kingdoms had reached its lowest point.

The remaining troops in each kingdom numbered only a few thousand, and they were unable to resist the advancing forces.

The three armies set out, destroying any obstacles on their way until they captured the enemy capitals.

Once all of this was accomplished, the underground lizardmen kingdoms would be unified, and only Ji Chen’s voice would resound throughout.

As they traversed through the mountain cave leading to the Bano Kingdom, they encountered several lizardmen settlements along the way.

Ji Chen didn’t trouble them, merely handing them over to the lizardmen soldiers from the Dork Kingdom who were following behind, and then continued forward.

As they approached the capital of the Bano Kingdom, the number of settlements along the way increased.

However, stopping at each one would significantly slow down their progress.

Therefore, they chose to ignore them and head straight towards their destination.

Along the way, they didn’t encounter any soldiers from the Bano Kingdom. It seemed that the remnants of the defeated army and the guards along the route had all been called back to concentrate their forces for a final desperate resistance.

Ji Chen was pleased to see this, as it saved him the trouble of searching for them. All he needed to do was to wipe them out in one go.

During the journey, they learned from the mouths of these lizardmen civilians that the Bano Kingdom had urgently recruited about two thousand able-bodied lizardmen in the past two days to replenish their previously lost forces.

Compared to the Dork Kingdom, the Bano Kingdom was more powerful and had a considerably larger territory. It took them half a day’s journey to reach the cave where the capital was located.

Standing on a plain in front of the cave, they gazed at a majestic underground city standing at the center.

The capital of the Bano Kingdom was built around an underground plateau, with a thirty-meter-high thick city wall on the outermost layer. Hundreds of arrow towers and watchtowers stood on top.

From the battlements, one could see a large number of bed crossbows, city defense crossbows, catapults, and other siege equipment filling every part of the city wall.

Numerous fully armed lizardmen soldiers patrolled closely on the city wall, looking as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

At this moment, the city resembled a startled hedgehog, bristling with thorns, nervously peering out through the gaps.

Ji Chen smiled at the sight.

It seemed that the Bano Kingdom was aware of their approach and dared not move, staying huddled inside their city.

However, it was indeed an effective tactic. With such tight city defenses, a forced attack would undoubtedly lead to significant losses.

The formidable bed-mounted crossbows and crossbow machines were not easy opponents, even for the Ruins Guardians.

When they arrived within firing range, Ji Chen first ordered the Sky Guardians to take action and try to destroy the bed crossbows and crossbow machines.

However, as soon as the Sky Guardians approached the city wall, a barrage of arrows of all sizes was shot out.

Faced with such a dense rain of arrows, even the Sky Guardians dared not get close and had to hover outside the firing range of the city.

Seeing this scene, Ji Chen frowned.

It seemed that he had to personally take action.

With a thought, the Tidal Domain, which had previously demonstrated its might in the battle with the Hanseatic Chamber of Commerce, appeared once again.

As the Tidal Dominator, controlling water was an effortless task for him.

He raised his right hand.

Like a massive magnet, thousands of puddles, pools, and underground rivers in this cave defied gravity and floated up, converging into numerous tiny streams that flowed towards him..

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