Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life

Chapter 217 - Chapter 217: Is There Anything You Can’t Say?

Chapter 217: Is There Anything You Can’t Say?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At this moment, the workers were all busy, each with a shovel, digging holes and planting trees on the barren land.

Qiao Mai raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t we provide them with some water?”

“We do have water. A water cart comes every hour to bring water here. When they get thirsty, they boil it and let it cool down before drinking. The remaining water is used for watering the trees.”

“Oh. How long will it take to plant the one thousand saplings?”

“Five days with fifty workers.”

“The efficiency seems a bit low.”

“The soil here has lots of rocks, making it difficult to dig.”

“Why don’t you go home every five days to get more saplings? You don’t need to come every time. After all, you’re not staying at home. You can send someone instead.”

“I can’t do that. I’m not coming back just for the saplings; I’m there for you. But it seems you don’t want to come to my place.”

Qiao Mai looked at his blushing face and smiled without further objections.

In the evening, the old couple decided to stay for the night. Qiao Mai and the children had no choice but to stay.

However, staying here was not as comfortable as being at home. Especially at night, she felt uneasy with Yuan Jiaqi’s watchful eyes.

If he wanted to consummate their marriage, he could say it. Does he think he’ll achieve anything while staring at her?

What’s going on? Is he trying to create some mood here?


“Is there something you want to say?”

“I haven’t been with a woman for almost ten years. I’m afraid I won’t be able to control myself.”

“Do you want to turn into a wolf? Don’t worry; I’m not afraid of passionate men. Just come boldly.”

“No, no. I’m afraid I won’t be able to control myself properly. What if you say

I’m no good later?”


Qiao Mai couldn’t help but burst into laughter, making Yuan Jiaqi even redder.

“Don’t laugh, Wife. I genuinely have not much interest in sex. If it weren’t for you, I could live without women for the rest of my life.” “Then, should we sleep separately?”

“No, I have to make you mine; only then will I feel at ease.”

Qiao Mai frowned, “You’re mistaken. Even if we sleep together, I will still be myself if you betray me. I don’t belong to anyone; I’m not an object. Do you understand?”

“I understand. I belong to you, and you belong to yourself. Is that acceptable?”

“Why are you dragging your feet? It’s almost morning!”

Yuan Jiaqi took a deep breath, turned his head, blew out the lamp, and closed his eyes. He hesitated for a moment, then pounced toward Qiao Mai.

It was already morning. Yuan Jiaqi, accustomed to getting up early, saw Qiao Mai’s exposed fair chest. His mind went blank.

He immediately remembered the events of last night, and his face turned bright red, fearing Qiao Mai might be dissatisfied.

“Wife? 1… 1…

“Go ahead, say whatever you want. We’ve already come this far; there’s nothing we can’t discuss.”

Qiao Mai opened her eyes and looked at him with a seductive expression, making his heart race even more. He dared not speak.

“I’m going to the court, okay?” He finally blurted out after hesitating for a while.

“Sure, I’ll take the children back home today. I’m uncomfortable here. It’s better at home.”

“Oh, I’ll be back home in five days.”


After exchanging a few words, Yuan Jiaqi mustered his courage and leaned closer to her.

“The weather is too hot. I won’t hold you, and I won’t see you off.”

“Off to work with you. If you stay any longer, someone will come looking for you.”

“Alright, alright.’

Yuan Jiaqi hurriedly dressed, washed up and left the room. Qiao Mai couldn’t help but laugh. He seemed like he was running away.

How can someone be so shy, especially after having been married once before? She should be the shy one.

Ancient men were even shy about matters in this area, which she found particularly intriguing, and she liked it a lot.

Unbeknownst to Qiao Mai and Yuan Jiaqi, the night’s events were known to Old Mistress Wang.

When Yue Hong and Yue Xia went to play with Ling’er, they spilled the beans about them, leading to hearty laughter from the old lady.

“I told you so. To break that final barrier, someone has to push them.

Otherwise, how could they take that step?”

Old Master Wang stroked his beard with a smile, “You’re quite clever.”

“Of course, from now on, they are like two peas in a pod, working together for the good of the family. Shouldn’t we celebrate this?”

“Or we could return home. I’ve had enough of staying here for a night.”

“Me too. It’s easy to go from simplicity to complexity, but difficult to do the opposite.”

At that moment, Qiao Mai arrived. She hadn’t seen Ling’er when she woke up, so she came looking for her and found the three of them chatting and laughing. She realized they were making fun of her again.

“Grandmother, I’ve arranged for a carriage. Shall we return to Tianshui Town?”

“That’s great. Let’s get ready. I haven’t wanted to stay here. I’m not comfortable here. I’m even thinking about my chicks and deer back home.”

“Sorry for putting you through this for Jiaqi and me.”

“It’s nothing at all. In fact, it’s worth it. Make sure to have a few children with Jiaqi while I’m still young enough to help take care of them.”

Old Mistress Wang considered herself Qiao Mai’s real grandmother. Her words were filled with care, warming Qiao Mai’s heart.

The family had breakfast and headed back to Tianshui Town. Yuan Jiaqi stood on the city gate tower, watching their carriage until it disappeared.

September soon came. After three years of drought, the townspeople rejoiced when torrential rain finally arrived in mid-September. They rushed outside, tears streaming down their faces, kneeling and thanking the heavens for showing mercy and ending their punishment.

From that day on, Qiao Mai’s work of transporting water was done.

She could now focus on managing her household, reading books when she had free time, practicing her skills in the space at night, and reuniting with her husband a few times.

Life was comfortable and fulfilling.

On the other hand, Yuan Jiaqi remained quite busy. He not only handled official duties but also worked on his purchased land of over ten thousand acres.

With many people migrating south to escape the drought, there was a lot of available land.

However, he was concerned that people would recklessly cut down trees before the winter arrived without proper regulations. He ordered the construction of a wall and fences around the area, with signs prohibiting unauthorized logging.

Even with these measures, people were still trying to exploit the situation by sneaking into the area for illegal logging.

When caught, they were immediately sent to the local prison for a one-year sentence.

With full support from Qiao Mai, Yuan Jiaqi managed to transform over ten thousand acres of barren land into lush forests within a few months. He was now wrapping up this project, and his next plan was to purchase more barren land for reforestation.

Since no one is reclaiming the land, he, as the county governor, has taken it upon himself to do so. After all, there’s no tax to be paid for ten years, so he’s planting trees first.

Within five years, the trees in these forests would start to bear nuts. Yuan Jiaqi intended to establish a pine nut processing workshop and ask Qiao Mai for a recipe to roast them.

The proceeds from the pine nuts will be sold by his wife, as she is more business-savvy than him. She can surely fetch a good price for them..

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