Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life

Chapter 297 - Chapter 297: Ski Area

Chapter 297: Ski Area

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation       Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After having dinner, Yuan Jiaqi took her hand and led her back to the bedroom. The spacious bed was warm with a burning fire with neatly arranged bedding.

Qiao Mai took off her shoes and got on the bed. Yuan Jiaqi quickly joined her, massaging her shoulders.


“Not too much.”

“Get a good night’s sleep.”

“Have you sent the New Year’s gift to our in-laws?”

“Not yet. I’m waiting for you. The preparations here are insufficient, and there are many gifts from last year we don’t have.”

“All right. I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”

The next day, while Qiao Mai was still asleep, Yuan Jiaqi quietly got up and left for morning court, careful not to disturb her rest.

When the sun was shining brightly, Qiao Mai opened her eyes. Old Master Wang, Old Mistress Wang, and the children were waiting for her in the living room.

She smiled, feeling grateful for having family waiting for her.

Lazily, she got off the bed, changed into a clean outfit, and casually tied up her hair before heading to the living room.

“Wow, looking neat!”

“It’s been a while since you came back. We’ve all missed you.”

Qiao Mai sat down, and soon, the kitchen served her a meal. Everyone watched her as she ate.

“How’s everything over there?”

“Everything’s fine. We’ve had three snowfalls in the past month.”

“We love snow. We don’t get to see any here throughout the year.”

A thought occurred to Qiao Mai. With her cultivation, she could probably conjure snow, but it wasn’t necessary since she had a platform. Even without actual snow, she could create it.

She kept this idea in mind and chatted with the family for a while before everyone went about their business.

Qiao Mai first placed the New Year goods prepared in her space in the east wing. Then, she summoned the steward and, accompanied by some servants, began the gift-giving.

They don’t have many relatives and friends in the capital, only the Duke’s family and the General West Gate’s family. After sending out the gifts, Qiao Mai felt relieved.

With her hands behind her back, she explored the house.

She looked for a place to create snow. She remembered the idea of a skiing area. Although the house wasn’t large, it could accommodate a small one.

She arrived at a grove filled with bamboo. It was clean and elegant, with a graceful path leading directly to the backyard.

There were several paths leading to the backyard from the grove. The grove was large and elongated, and she had considered changing it.

Surveying the surroundings with servants coming and going, she didn’t feel the need to rush into action.

In the middle of the night, after making sure Yuan Jiaqi was sound asleep, Qiao Mai quietly came to the forest. With a wave of her hand, she stored it in her space. Then, she flew to a barren land outside the city, created a large pit, and returned to the forest.

She moved the soil from the pit, creating a hill and compacting it with her mental power.

Having checked the platform, she decided to bring snow from the north instead of using a snow-making machine. It was not only faster but also more authentic.

She enclosed the hill with a barrier, flew to the north, brought back a large amount of white snow, and covered the hill with it.

Looking at both bare sides, she moved some trees into the two sides of the hill, making it more pleasing to the eye.

She surrounded the area with a barrier and set up an entrance gate. As long as she didn’t remove the barrier, the ice and snow would never melt, even in the hot summer.

Others wouldn’t be able to see inside unless they entered the gate. She did this for her family.

After completing everything, the sky was almost bright. Qiao Mai stretched lazily before returning to the room.

Seeing Yuan Jiaqi sitting at the table with a pot of hot tea, looking at her with a somewhat resentful expression, she couldn’t help but smile.

“Hehe, you’re awake?”

“Wife, what were you doing behind my back again?”

As Qiao Mai wasn’t sleepy, she gestured for him to come over. “Put on something warm. Let me show you something.”


“Right here at home. I want to give the children a New Year’s gift. I worked on it all night.”

Yuan Jiaqi, now fully awake, eagerly jumped off the bed. Wearing a padded cloak, he grabbed Qiao Mai’s hand, and they left the room.

“Where is it? Where is it?”

“Don’t be so impatient.”

She led him to the outer side of a wall, standing before an imposing gate. Yuan Jiaqi’s mouth hung open. “I don’t remember having this at home?”

“I set it up in one night.” He swallowed, “Wife, you’re amazing.”

“Flattering. Is it good?”

Qiao Mai took a key from her pocket, unlocked the gate, and led him inside.

When he saw the snow-covered mountain, Yuan Jiaqi was shocked and stared at everything in disbelief. “Wife, did you do all this?” “What else could it be?”

“Are you a fairy, wife?”

“No. I’m a cultivator.”

“Alright, it’s nothing. I just moved things from elsewhere, nothing extraordinary.”

“But in this world, no one can do this as far as I know.’

“Okay, I’ve said it. You’ll know in your heart. Don’t ask too much.”

“Oh, how do we play with this?”

First, practice skiing. Qiao Mai waved her hand, and two sets of skis appeared on the ground. She stepped onto them, holding support in both hands, and started sliding on the snow.

She had known how to ski in her past life, although she hadn’t done it for a while. But as soon as she tried it, the familiar feeling rushed back.

Yuan Jiaqi’s eyes were filled with complex emotions as he watched his wife skillfully skiing, sliding from low to high and rushing down from a slope, even performing a flip in the air.

The movements were handsome. “Wife, I’m extremely impressed.”

“You can do it too. Shall I teach you?”

Yuan Jiaqi quickly waved his hands, “No, no, I’m not cut out for skiing. I’m good at studying.”

“Now you know where I went all night.”

“Yeah, is this called a ski area?”

“Yes, let the children relax here when they have nothing to do. They all have martial arts skills, and you don’t have to worry about their safety, even


“The scenery here is mindblowing. I miss the snow in the north. Seeing this scene reminds me of Tianshui Town.’

“When you’re old, we’ll retire to Tianshui Town. The children can take care of things here.”

“Yeah, I also have this intention.”

Qiao Mai waved her hand, and several pairs of skis appeared on the ground. She put the skis aside, took off the ones on her feet, and then walked out of the gate holding Yuan Jiaqi, locking it behind her. “Let’s give them a surprise on New Year’s Day?”


Yuan Jiaqi didn’t have to go to court today. The affairs this year were numerous, but after the second day of the new year, he would officially take office.

The few days they could gather were only these.

As for the Fengyun brothers, they would take turns in office this year. One on New Year’s Day and the other on the second day. Fortunately, Yun’er was in office on the second day, or his wife must return to her maiden family alone.

As Qiao Mai had sent the New Year’s gift yesterday, the two in-laws returned the gift today.

Qiao Mai hadn’t slept all night. At this moment, she was sleeping soundly on the warm bed. As the family head, Yuan Jiaqi settled the return gifts.

He chatted with Old Master and Mistress Wang. “Teacher, don’t the Wang and

Pang family need to send New Year’s gifts? We still have a lot left.”

“The Wang family doesn’t need to send. The Pang family depends on your grandmother.”

Old Mistress Wang rolled her eyes. “We sent it early. Although they don’t lack anything, there should be etiquette. I’m a person who won’t lose out, but I won’t take care of your affairs with the Wang family.” “We’ve fallen out. I won’t give them anything.”

“Jiaqi. ”

“I’m here.”

“Now that you are the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, you need someone you trust to manage around you.”

“Are you suggesting something?”

“I think Ruyi’s husband has a good character. You can discuss this with the

Emperor and transfer him to the capital. After the New Year, Chuan’er and Zihan will take the imperial examination..”

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