Mystical Journey

Chapter 1210 - Gather 2

Chapter 1210: Gather 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“It’s actually him!”

Nine-tailed Fox looked with a solemn expression on her face as Kong Xinxue put down the little device that she was holding earlier.

“I’m afraid that Garen himself has yet to think of this. Ah Xue, you have the powerful ability of eavesdropping on information within a radius of more than a thousand meters in your surroundings at any time! It’s fortunate that you didn’t inform him directly in the beginning,” said Nine-tailed Fox gladly.

“He will probably take drastic measures soon. However, it won’t be a serious issue as long as it doesn’t affect Yuria,” Kong Xinxue said sincerely.

“I couldn’t see through Garen all this while. I sensed a hazy fog around his body before this, but it feels like the fog has thickened now,” Nine-tailed Fox said softly.

“Then what are you planning to do?” Kong Xinxue looked at her helplessly. “I think that you might be worrying too much?”

“Everyone has their own plans and so do we, right?”

“Of course, I know that. It just seems like he’s broken away from everyone and is acting independently now.”

“He was never close to us, no?” Kong Xinxue was unconcerned.

“I’m afraid that the exact details regarding him are too terrifyingly powerful. He’s clearly gathering the Forged Sacred Sigil. If he manages to snatch it first, our chances will decrease significantly. Aren’t you worried that we won’t be able to obtain the Sacred Sigil in the end?” Nine-tailed Fox was somewhat angry.

“What is there to be worried about? After being rescued by him recently, it seems that I owe him a favor now. Helping you gather this information is somewhat disloyal.” Kong Xinxue was somewhat dull towards this matter.

“You!” Nine-tailed was helpless. “Whatever, I’ll do it myself if you’re not going to take this seriously!” She got up and rushed off to find someone else to contact.

Kong Xinxue was not as inclined as her. She merely wanted to live through this world leisurely and did not want to destroy her own life for things that solely resembled power.


Forest Capital

Yuria rode a motorcycle alone and sped through a vast forest of trees. He traveled along a little winding road and diverged off the path occasionally before riding toward another area.

He simply decided to set off on the journey alone because of the issue with the spy. Nonetheless, it would be fine as long as he maintained contact with Vulture at all times.

He met the Mind Reader again after being saved by Garen in the nick of time previously. As the second of the Four Great Cornerstones, that mature man who resembled an older uncle had even brought his own young son along. This man had formed a connection between them by contacting Yuria in the first instance. The Mind Reader’s ability allowed him to read the surface memories of anyone within a hundred meter range from himself. Thus, he was thoroughly familiar with the information which stated that Yuria was the Savior. Moreover, he also possessed a certain amount of understanding of Yuria’s personality and his past achievements.

Yuria was rushing off in the direction of the Ocean Capital this time. It was also a large-scale port in Slann.

Over there, the Mind Reader told him that he had information regarding Yurijie and Light Path. He would give him this information on the condition that he protected him this one time.

Yuria agreed resolutely and made a beeline for the Ocean Capital on his motorcycle.


The motorcycle’s thick tires rubbed against the ground at full speed while releasing thunderous throttling noises.

Both sides of the forest sped behind his head when he passed them speedily. Everything was going extremely smoothly for Yuria this time because there was no any sort of ambush at all. He left the Forest Capital area without a hitch before gradually entering another province.

His motorcycle braked abruptly before Yuria turned the vehicle around, stopping sideways on the road. His gaze shifted towards a little box on the ground.

“It’s mother’s box!” He sounded slightly emotional. He got off the motorcycle quickly and picked up the box before opening it.

The box was a standard wooden box that was made of mahogany wood. There were numerous delicate patterns on the surface. The box sprung open after making a brief clapping noise.

A rectangular slip of solid white paper lay flat inside the box.

A row of words was written there.

‘Ocean Capital, Sky Cinema, 1500 hours ‘ Yakuza Race 1 ‘. Child, be careful of the people around you…”

It was written in his mother’s handwriting!

Yuria’s heart was filled with joy before he suppressed the expression on his face and kept the piece of paper carefully.

“What are you looking at?” An unexpected voice echoed behind him suddenly. It was a female voice.

“It’s you!” Yuria turned around suddenly and saw that a girl in a white dress was actually standing behind him. It was the nameless girl who had saved him earlier.

The memories of that night flashed across his mind suddenly before he unconsciously grabbed the other party’s arm immediately.

“I won’t let you escape again this time!” he said firmly.

“Don’t believe what is on that piece of paper.” The girl looked vaguely haggard while her eyes were swollen, puffy, and lightly rimmed with red circles.

“Why?” Yuria was faintly shocked. “This is my mother’s handwriting. There’s definitely no mistake!”

“Don’t believe what is on that piece of paper,” repeated the girl.

“Why?!” Yuria furrowed his eyebrows. “What happened to your eyes?” He reached his hand out and tried to touch the girl’s eyes.


When Yuria opened his eyes suddenly, he realized that he was still riding his motorcycle.

He had unconsciously fallen asleep earlier. The strong wind blew over from the front and pulled the skin of his face back until it hurt slightly. His motorcycle sped forward quickly and traveled straight through the road before him. Apparently, he had fallen asleep during such a short amount of time.

Yuria decreased his speed before stopping the vehicle beside the road slowly. He did not turn the engine off, instead, he merely sat on the motorcycle and recalled his previous dream carefully.

“That’s strange!”

He reached his hand out and touched his pocket before realizing that the piece of white paper was actually inside. His heart trembled slightly before he took it out and looked at it.

The words that were exactly like the ones he had seen in his dream were actually written there. He got down from the motorcycle quickly before hurriedly searching the trunk of his bike to find the wooden makeup box that his mother had always used.

“It looks like I actually found the box, but the part where I saw her was a dream.” Yuria exhaled softly.

“Don’t believe what is on that piece of paper.” A voice rang out beside his ear suddenly.

Yuria felt as if that was merely an illusion. He immediately scanned his surroundings briefly but did not see the girl’s figure at all.

“Did I actually hallucinate and hear that?” He shook his head. He felt that the long period of traveling without rest had probably caused him to hallucinate.

He got on the motorcycle quickly and started the engine. A thunderous noise could be heard as he sped off into the distance suddenly before disappearing at the end of the road quickly.

A few moments after he left, a little girl in a white dress walked out from behind a tree slowly; she stared blankly in the direction toward which Yuria had gone.

“Are you trying to hinder our Lord’s plans?” A lofty, Triangular-Headed Robot walked out of the forest on the other side slowly while its light green electronic eyes glared at the girl coldly.

“I wasn’t…” Bang!

The robot appeared in front of the girl instantly. It punched her abdomen violently and hit her until she bent forward at the waist, spitting out a mouthful of blood out of her mouth vigorously.

Suddenly, both of the girl’s hands disappeared in succession as if she was a phantom before she tapped the front of robot’s chest more than ten consecutive times.

Shh shh shh! A series of noises that sounded like balloons that were continuously leaking air could be heard before a large amount of blue electric arcs crackled out throughout the robot’s entire body.

“You couldn’t even retaliate the previous sudden attack despite its speed,” said the robot indifferently. It seemed completely unconcerned although it was about to be destroyed. “How long can you persevere?”

“That doesn’t concern you!” The girl ripped it apart with both hands.


She actually tore the entire robot into two halves and sent both parts flying in different directions before they crashed into the soil heavily.


The girl held her stomach. Blood flowed out of the corners of her mouth continuously when she was unable to suppress it.

“The Special Motorized Squad really thinks highly of me.” The girl’s gaze sharpened when she looked around her surroundings and discovered that three more similar Triangular-Headed Robots were walking out of the forest slowly.

“Resistance is meaningless,” the three robots said at the same time as if they were a single person.

The sound of a helicopter’s propellers echoed in the sky slowly while the noise of a large crowd moving nearby could be heard as well. It was clear that the nearby areas were surrounded by her opponent.

“You insisted on trying to betray us in vain, instead of just behaving yourself and becoming a tool for His Highness the Slayer to vent his frustrations,” said one of the robots coldly.

“It looks like we have great gains to reap.” No one had expected that Nine-tailed Fox and Li Hua would lead ten people out of the forest to surround the three robots on all sides.

“One robot for each person. No problem, right?” Nine-tailed Fox glanced at the girl. She had followed Yuria for a lengthy period of time to track down this unexpectedly mysterious girl. It was likely that she would gain a great deal of information if she could seize her now.

The girl nodded.

Other than the Special Operation Forces which comprised more than ten members, the other two helicopters had also appeared above their heads slowly while the nozzles of their machine guns were aimed directly at the robots.

“Members of the White Crab Army, I’m giving you one final chance to leave immediately.” Nine-tailed Fox sneered while looking on at the three robots. Although she was indebted to the White Crab Army for their protection, she would not be so kind this time after being heavily injured by the overpowered robots previously.

Once the robots had retreated, she would release an order to fire and take the opportunity to inflict heavy damage on these three robots. As these Triangular-Headed Robots were exorbitantly priced, it was unlikely that the White Crab Army would have a large quantity of them.


Inside a narrow office.

The five people here that consisted of Vulture No. 1, No. 2, Garen, No. 4, and No. 5 were all seated around the meeting table. They were looking at the three robots on the monitor screen at the side quietly.

The incident that Yuria encountered was also being monitored by them.

“This woman is Nine-tailed Fox?” Vulture No. 1 asked while knitting his eyebrows together. The eyebrows of this imposing man who was dressed in a white military uniform were slightly furrowed when he looked at Nine-tailed Fox’s self-confident and calm expression.

“Yes,” replied Garen, “Chief, do you have any suggestions?”

“My suggestions aren’t worth mentioning. Nonetheless, it’s quite shocking to see her taking advantage of us openly like this,” said No. 1 Chief flatly.

“This figure is an important individual. As long as we grasp her in our hands, we might be able to gain more insight into the White Crab Army,” said the old woman called No. 2 in a muffled voice. “In order to counter the White Crab Army’s intentions toward the Savior and the appearance of the Forged Sacred Sigil, I suggest that we move the specialized forces to focus on eliminating the White Crab Army.”

“We can invite the other two nations to undergo a war exercise with us to solve the issue simultaneously,” said the man called No. 4 in a lazy tone.

“Release a command to order the arrest of the terrorist organizations. The White Crab Army’s official confrontation towards the National Organizations can be used to determine the Inhuman Organizations,” said the newly-appointed female No.5 quietly.

“Since Nine-tailed Fox has hindered public affairs and obstructed governmental work, we might as well put her in the same boat as the terrorists and get rid of them all in one ago,” No. 4 continued.

“I think that’s inappropriate,” Garen opened his mouth and glanced at No. 4. “Although Nine-Tailed Fox is considered as the leader of an underground sect who cannot appear publicly, she’s still somewhat useful towards the safety and stability of Slann. I suggest that we just keep our guards up without having to waste too much effort.”

“I’ve heard that you and Nine-tailed Fox have some kind of relationship, No. 3. Is that correct?” No. 4 sounded as if he was targeting Garen slightly.

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