Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard

Chapter 69.5 - Mid Autumn Talent Performance (5)

Chapter 69.5 – Mid Autumn Talent Performance (5)

T/N: Chapter sponsored by Mochakat9! Thank you for sponsoring!

“You don’t recognize me anymore? I’m that little girl from Zhou County. That year I had you forge a

set of silver needles and a dagger for me, and afterwards, also ordered two pots.” Du Xiao Li never

thought the blacksmith Han Ming Xiang mentioned would actually be an old acquaintance.

“Ah! You’re that little girl!” Blacksmith Wang hear Du Xiao Li’s words and instantly recalled. Truly

because the things Du Xiao Li ordered at that time were all too strange, so he had a rather deep

impression of her. “How come you’ve also come to the capital?”

“I followed my family here.” Du Xiao Li said, “Afterwards, I went to go nd you, but instead saw the

shop’s doors closed. I’d wondered where you’d gone, but never thought that you’d come to the

capital. This time, with you here, the things I want won’t be a problem!”

“What, Xiao Li, you two know each other?” Han Ming Xiang asked, seeing Du Xiao Li and Blacksmith

Wang politely greeting each other.

“En, uncle came from the same place as me. In the past, I even looked for him to make some things

for me.” Du Xiao Li said

“Hehe, little girl, this time you want to forge something strange again?” Blacksmith Wang asked with

a smile.

“Yes.” Du Xiao Li had the previously drawn out designs taken out and handed to Blacksmith Wang,

letting him have a look.

Blacksmith Wang took the drawing from Du Xiao Li and looked it over, saying with an ‘as expected’

look, “I just knew the things you want made aren’t ordinary. This is?”

“This is a prop.” Du Xiao Li said. Afterwards, she had this prop’s overall shape described, and then

had the design plans explained to him. Blacksmith Wang nodded along as he listened. It was very

obvious that he understood Du Xiao Li’s meaning.

“En, if it’s like that, then it’s not a problem.” Blacksmith Wang said, “However, I need some time.”

“How long?” Du Xiao Li asked. If it can’t be completed before mid-autumn, then there wouldn’t be

any point to it.

Blacksmith Wang looked to the drawings and pondered for a while, “At the earliest, on the ninth,

and latest probably around eleventh or twelfth.”

(T/N: Mid-autumn is on the fteenth.)

“Then no problem.” Du Xiao Li nodded. As long as it was nished before mid-autumn festival.

After paying the deposit, Du Xiao Li and Han Ming Xiang left. Soon after, she returned to her own

courtyard, ate lunch, and stayed upstairs pondering how to coordinate the performance for that

day. Since she has agreed to help them, then she’ll denitely do her best. Just like this, she

contemplated all the way until evening when Xia Yuan came up to remind her that they can start

preparing for dinner.

The reason why she didn’t have them go to the estate today was because this morning she’d

promised to invite a certain old fox over for dinner. Thinking of her old man, Du Xiao Li suddenly

had a feeling like she couldn’t see through him.

She made a table full of dishes, and then let someone go have Du Xiu Heng invited over too.

Although the girl’s school had stopped class, Du Xiu Heng’s side held class per usual. Then, before

Du Yun Han arrived, Du Xiao Li had those past events told to Du Xiu Heng.

Du Xiu Heng although didn’t say he would forgive Du Yun Han, he didn’t reject him like before

either. At least, they were able to peacefully and calmly sit together for a meal.

While eating, Du Xiao Li told Du Yun Han about going to live at the estate for a few days. Du Yun Han

seemed to have already known that estate was her property, so he easily agreed, but asked Du Xiao

Li to remember to have someone send fresh grapes over every day, causing Du Xiao Li to want to

directly snatch over his bowl and chopsticks and have him pushed out.

Early next morning, Du Xiao Li waited at the city gates for Han Ming Xiang and them. By mao-hour

(5am-7am), everyone all successively turned up.

“Xiao Li, how come you brought along Silver and Gold too?” Ji Liu Xia looked to Silver and Gold, who

were in another horse carriage, and curiously asked.

“That place has something they like.” Du Xiao Li said, “Alright, let’s go.”

In order to maintain secrecy, Du Xiao Li this time let everyone all get on her horse carriage and then

made their servants all return, not bringing along even the close serving maids.

“The things this time absolutely need to be kept secret. During this period of time, the people at the

estate will take care of you all.” Du Xiao Li said.

“I never use personal maids. You all should also be ne without them during these days, right?” Ji Liu

Xia looked to them and asked.

“Eh, should be ne.” Meng Jiang Zhuo said.

Aside from at school, they all have never experienced not having their personal maids take care of

them before.

“Sometimes, when you do things yourself, you’ll discover a dierent kind of self. Alright, let’s go

then.” Du Xiao Li said to Xia Yuan outside. Xia Yuan waved the whip, and the horse carriage began


Because the time was still early right now, there were practically no one coming and going outside

the city.

“Ah, never thought that summer mornings were actually this cool and refreshing.” Meng Jiang Zhuo

pulled open the curtains, letting the morning cool breeze brush across her own face. Seeing the

already gradually rising sun, she felt exceptionally happy.

“Xiao Li, where are we going this time?” Fu Ya Lan asked.

“To an estate, and stay there for a few days. That place is a very good place to practice!” Du Xiao Li


“Is it that estate with grapes?” Ji Liu Xia’s two eyes lit up as she asked.

“Yes.” Du Xiao Li nodded.

“Ha, we’re actually going to stay at the estate where grapes are produced, feel excited just thinking

about it!” Ji Liu Xia said.

Du Xiao Li laughed and didn’t say anything, watching them getting excited over this trip.

When the horse carriage reached within the estate’s vicinity, Ji Liu Xia screamed out, loudly calling

for the carriage to stop. Before Xia Yuan could stop the carriage completely, she’d already jumped

down from the horse carriage.

“Goodness, princess, Ya Lan, Jiang Zhuo, you all quickly come down!” Ji Liu Xia saw the grapes on the

two sides of the road and excitedly called out the other three’s name.

“Wow, there’s actually this many grapes!” Everyone all came down from the horse carriage and

gasped at the strings of grapes.

“No wonder Xiao Li have that many grapes to eat everyday!” Ji Liu Xia said.

“These grapes are only available this month. After a while, they’ll be gone. However, there’s a

persimmon orchard in the back. Once autumn and winter comes, we’ll be able to eat it.” Du Xiao Li

said, “Additionally, there’s also some other fruits. If you all are interested, while the sun still isn’t

very hot right now, we can go for a stroll.”

“Aright, let’s go for a stroll!” While talking just now, Ji Liu Xia had already went in and picked a string

of grapes, holding it in her hands.

“Eh, you can go back and wash it before eating.” Du Xiao Li looked to her impatient appearance and

felt a sweat drop coming down.

“This looks pretty clean to me! At worst, I’ll just peel the skin and eat it.” Ji Liu Xia said as she studied

the grape.

Du Xiao Li was speechless. However, the grapes now were indeed much cleaner than modern

grapes. If it were modern grapes, then it denitely needed to be washed before it can be eaten.

“Xia Yuan, you all drive the horse carriages over rst, and then tell them that we’ve come.” Du Xiao Li


“Alright miss.” Xia Yuan nodded and drove the horse carriage ahead.

Silver and Gold had already jumped down from the horse carriage as soon as they’d arrived. Ying Ge

and Qiao Zhu went back in the horse carriage behind them.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you all for a stroll.” Du Xiao Li said.


Starting from this moment, they’ll be spending the next several days together here…..

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