Only Sense Online

Volume 1.5 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Lucato and Golem-sensei

"It's Myu! I'm Myu! Nice to meet you."

"I'm Lucato. Nice to meet you too."

And like that, I have managed to call out to Lucato, no, to Luka-chan.

"Your Sense build could be changed around a little, but first goes buying a weapon and potions. You start with 1000G, you need to use it on both."

Luka-chan was a beginner starting today, so I explained to her about Senses and equipment as I looked around for temporary party's members.

"A weapon? I received a weapon upon picking Senses..."

She touched the hilt of a beginner's sword she had by her waist. I already have one, why would I buy another. That's the kind of question she had on her face.

"It has its advantages and disadvantages, by buying a new weapon your attack power increases. On the other hand, if you use the initial weapon, it won't break."

"So weapons do break, after all."

"That's right. But, unless you use them recklessly, it won't be a problem."

Luka-chan put a hand on her chin. And, it seemed like she decided what to do.

"I think, I'd like to prioritize armour rather than weapon."

"Yeah. I think that's all right.'

While talking about various thing with Luka-chan, I walked through the town. About potions having the recovery amount limited by levels and the story about my fails because of it, I spoke of interesting things. Listening to it, Luka-chan seriously worried how much should she purchase.

Teaching Lucato bit by bit was so much fun I had forgot about time completely, meanwhile I found a single female player.

"Hey, hey, come join our party." "C'mon, it's more fun in a group right. Also, we're strong." "And, you can feel safer with men, too." "See, come with us."

"P-please stop..."

I frowned seeing something unpleasant.

Four men have surrounded a single girl and solicited her into their party.

The girl was older than me, but their solicitation looked like they were just hitting on her. This is a game, I wonder if they're misunderstanding something here. I got angry just by looking.

"Um, Myu-chan?"

"Luka-chan, I'll go help her out."

"Eh?!! L-Luka-chan?!"

"You're Lucato, so, Luka-chan."

When I declared that, confused, Luka-chan chased after me.

The people in surroundings were scared of the well-built men and wouldn't get involved in it. Hmm, let's do it in a classic way.

"Sorry! I'm late, did you wait?"

I barged in between the men and stood in front the girl.

Since the girl was terrified and froze stiff in surprise, I thought the situation would turn worse were she to speak so I grabbed her by hand and tried to forcibly pull her after me.

I sent Luka-chan a glance saying to go along with this act and received a nod in response.

"Indeed. It's all because Myu-chan's been shopping at the store endlessly, the time to hunt will run out. Let's go."

Luka-chan made a gentle and dignified smile, inducing the girl from among the men. The girl noticed our intention and shook her head so strongly it looked like it would come off.

"Hey, wait. What, you've got some girl as friends. How about forming a party with us then."

"Haa? Are you an idiot?"

I spoke in a voice so cold I surprised myself.

Because the men were clearly looking down on younger girls, my face cramped up and I wove words with a single breath.

"There's four of you. Three of us. How do you want to form a party like this? Party's maximum is six people."

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