A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1013

Chapter 1013: Chapter 1013, Star Sealing Art!

Wang Baole was a little dumbfounded. However, no matter how hard he tried to recall the previous events, he could not find any flaws. be it his master or his other senior brothers and senior sisters, their words and actions were natural, making it difficult for him to differentiate between what was true and what was false.

Even now, he felt that this seemed to be in line with what little Missy had said about being narrow-minded. Due to his previous words, she had given him corporal punishment. At the same time, he felt that perhaps this was really a custom..

In any case, his heart was in a mess. It would have been fine if it hadn’t been for Little Missy’s words, but with those words, he was still unable to differentiate between them. This made Wang Baole sigh inwardly.

Forget it, forget it. If I continue to hesitate, I’m afraid that there will be more trouble in the future. I might as well… treat all my senior brothers and Senior Sisters as masters. The fire ladybug is, and so is this old cow before me, wang baole gritted his teeth. After confirming his thoughts, he looked at the old cow, whose body had become extremely large, and had a different opinion.

I’ll treat this old cow before me as master. After master heard my words, he came to punish me for giving him a bath! Wang Baole took a deep breath, put on an attentive smile, and flew toward the old cow’s large body, he started to clean his hooves.

“Not bad, not bad. Little Sixteen, dig into the old bull’s fingernails.”

“You’re a little weak. Little Sixteen, work harder!”

“That’s right, that’s how I feel comfortable!”

As Wang Baole worked hard to clean, the old bull’s voice carried a sense of comfort as it reverberated continuously. While Wang Baole was busy with his work, he did not idle his mouth as he said flatteringly.

As Wang Baole continued to flatter him, time passed slowly. Soon, half a month passed. During this half a month, Wang Baole worked extremely hard. He didn’t have much time to rest every day, and most of his energy was spent on the old bull, this made the old bull feel extremely comfortable physically and mentally.

As for the blazing flame ancestor, he came once during this period of time. Then, in front of Wang Baole and the old bull, he turned into a long rainbow and left the blazing flame galaxy. He said that he was going out to reminisce with his old friends.

After the blazing flame ancestor left, the old bull would occasionally ask some questions as if he was probing.

“Little Sixteen, your master may have asked you to bathe me, but you just need to give me some thought. I actually don’t need you to completely cleanse me.”

“Senior Bull, you’re wrong. In My Heart, master is like a father. I will obey his words without hesitation. If he asks me to cleanse your entire body, I will not let go of a single corner!”Wang Baole said sternly.

“Don’t talk about such lies. If your master is not in the raging flame galaxy, he won’t be able to hear you.”Old Niu laughed, as if he knew Wang Baole very well.

Wang baole blinked when he heard that, and his expression instantly turned solemn.

“Senior Niu, you are wrong again. Master’s orders and the customs of the raging flame galaxy are only one reason. There is another reason. I am grateful to senior NIU for his dedication and loyalty as Master’s mount over the years. It is fine that I did not come before, but now that I am in the raging flame galaxy, I must show my respect to you!”

“Come, senior Niu, don’t move for now. There’s a louse here. I’ll deal with it for you. This darn louse dares to bite me, senior NIU. I’m your sworn enemy!”

“Senior Niu, come and lift your feet… I’ll clean the soles of your feet.”

Seeing Wang Baole like this, Old Niu was clearly even happier. Laughter rang out many times during this period of time. At the same time, he used different methods to probe Wang baole. However, with Wang Baole’s intention.., every time, he would reply with straightforward words. Almost every sentence expressed his respect for his master.

Other than the old bull, fifteen, and the other senior brothers and senior sisters would also come here occasionally to take a look. Every time they came, regardless of how they spoke, Wang Baole’s reply would be filled with respect and passion for his master, even though fifteen had put on a look of wanting to Puke a few times, Wang Baole still continued to suck up to him.

Time passed again. Soon, a month had passed. During this month, Wang Baole had practically lived on the old ox’s body. While he was cleaning him up.., he had also spent a portion of his energy on researching the star sealing art given to him by the blazing flame ancestor.

The star sealing art was very strange. As Wang Baole gained a deeper understanding of it and received guidance from the old ox from time to time, his initial ignorance gradually became deeper and deeper. Eventually, after he had studied and comprehended the entire star sealing art.., his heart was already in turmoil because of the cultivation technique.

In fact, it was not an exaggeration to describe the star sealing art as unfathomable.

In simple terms, it was a seal!

The cultivation technique was divided into four levels. They corresponded to the four levels of the planet’s junior high school and the perfected stage. The first level of the planet’s early stage was known as the meteorite sealing art. In general, it could seal meteorites, and eventually, large amounts of meteorites could be used to seal them, it could be arranged to form an image that could be imagined at will.

The image could be anything, and once it was fixed, it could not be changed. The more realistic it was, the greater its power. The more meteorites that formed the image, the greater its power.

As a result, there were two problems involved. One was the need to seal a large number of meteorites, and the other was… the need to choose the image that was to be arranged, and to choose one that he knew very well, therefore, during the process of cleansing the old cow’s entire body, Wang Baole naturally… chose the old cow’s figure as the shadow formed by his meteorite sealing spell.

After all, as he washed every inch of the old cow’s body, his level of understanding continued to increase. As a result, the degree of realism of the Phantom image that was formed was basically at its peak.

That became Wang Baole’s motivation. How could he not put in more effort in cleaning and bathing the old cow… The star sealing art corresponded to the second level of the mid-stage planet, and its power was even greater.

It was no longer used to seal meteorites. Instead, it could be used to seal the ordinary planets on the planet. Using the ordinary planets to form the illusory image of the divine cow. Based on Wang Baole’s judgment, its power was terrifying!

As for the third level, it appeared to be similar. It was a sealed spirit and immortal planet, which formed the image of a divine ox. However, the difference in power was extremely great. According to the description in the cultivation technique.., if it could attract enough spirit and immortal planets, it would be able to fight and suppress even high-level planet cultivators who were facing a special planet!

However, before that, the limit of the cultivation technique was to seal the immortal planet. The special planet couldn’t be sealed. Old Niu had once told Wang Baole that, based on his calculations, if Wang Baole, who had mastered the dao planet, cultivated this technique, he might be able to break through the limit and reach an unprecedented level.

After all, Wang Baole had fused with the Dao Planet. Therefore, he was different from ordinary cultivators in terms of status.

That wasn’t the end of it. The fourth level of the star sealing art was a cultivation technique that pointed directly to the path of breaking through the stars. If he continued to cultivate the star sealing art step by step, it would be easier for him to break through planets and step into the stars!

What shocked Wang Baole the most was that this cultivation technique seemed to only have these techniques and abilities that belonged to the level of planets. However, based on his judgment, the stars that formed the divine ox could be replaced by the stars..

When he thought about the divine ox phantom that was formed by a large number of stars and how terrifying it was, even if there was a difference between it and a real old ox, as long as there were enough stars, there wouldn’t be too much of a difference. Wang Baole was flabbergasted.

After understanding all of this, Wang Baole had a deep understanding of the intention of his master, the blazing flame ancestor, for him to bathe the Divine Ox.

Regardless of whether the divine bull before him was his master’s clone or not, his master’s intention was clear. He wanted him to understand the divine bull to a microscopic level that he was extremely familiar with while bathing the divine bull, this kind of meticulous control would undoubtedly allow him to cultivate the star sealing art more smoothly and with greater power!

After all, Old Niu himself was a mighty figure in the galaxy!

A mighty figure in the galaxy would open up his mind and body to let him understand. Such opportunities and opportunities were rarely seen. Even the great sects and clans found it difficult to do so for a disciple or clansman, they had to do it to such an extent.

Therefore, even though Wang Baole’s cultivation hadn’t improved in the past month, his progress in the star sealing art had improved by leaps and bounds. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that he had improved by leaps and bounds!

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