A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1065

Chapter 1065: Chapter 1065

How could I be so unlucky! Chen Han was driven mad as he fled at top speed. Even though he was fast, Wang Baole, who was behind him, was even faster. As he chased after Wang Baole, the surrounding fog churned violently as his killing intent locked onto Wang Baole, chen Han felt as if his body was about to explode under the lock of the Qi dynamic.

This fellow… is too sick! Chen Han’s scalp tingled, he felt his body tingle, and even his soul was slightly affected. He even had the feeling that the person chasing after him wasn’t a person. It was more like endless light, endless blood, and endless devouring.

If not, why did his body feel as if it was being melted by the light amidst the piercing pain? Why did the blood in his body seem to lose control, as if it was being pulled by the aura behind him, as if the blood was one with him, however, it was clear that… He and Wang Baole were not related.

Otherwise, other than the feeling of blood and light, there was also a devouring power that was constantly being released. No matter how fast he was, he could not completely pull away from Wang Baole.

“Ahhhh!”Seeing that the killing intent behind him was getting closer and closer, Chen Han felt extremely aggrieved.

“Xu Yinling is the mastermind. Why Don’t you chase after her? That Kid from the Nine Prefectures Dao is the main force. Why Don’t you chase after him? And that bastard, the nine disciples of the foundation establishment realm. That kid is arrogant and despotic. Go beat him up!”

“Why are you chasing me? Why are you chasing me? You’re bullying an honest person!”

“Shut up!”Wang Baole’s cold voice and an even sharper aura erupted in response. With a loud boom, the two of them appeared in the white fog, one at the front and the other at the back. They moved at their maximum speed, and the sound of wind whistled through the air, not only did it spread far, but it also caused the fog to spread wildly in all directions.

It was as if even the fog could not stop the two of them. As for the remaining cultivators who were near the places they had passed by, they were all shocked and retreated.

The ripples that came from within the fog were too terrifying to them!

Amidst the booming sounds, Chen Han’s scream came from within the fog. It was extremely miserable, causing those who heard it to speed up to avoid it. At that moment, one of Chen Han’s hands had been crippled..

At that moment just now, Wang Baole’s speed had suddenly increased drastically. In an instant, he had reached out and grabbed at Chen Han. Chen Han was unable to dodge in time. Seeing that he was in danger, he had no choice but to self-detonate his right hand. After turning into a blood fog to block the attack, he had to increase his speed.

Although the self-detonation of his limbs could be exchanged for a moment of strength, the feeling of weakness that followed was intense. Most importantly, it was the extreme pain that caused Chen Han to scream in pain.

At that moment, after losing an arm, Chen Han had finally managed to widen the distance between him and Wang Baole. He really wanted to cry. He felt that his good luck seemed to have reversed after meeting Wang Baole.

How can this be… everyone is trying to understand what happened in their previous lives. Why is this freak so strong? What was he in his previous life? Chen Han even had doubts about the current situation. He felt that something must have gone wrong, otherwise, why would he, who had always been so lucky, be suppressed like this. Especially when he thought about his previous lives, he wanted to cry even more.

“In my previous life, I was a martial artist who was trampled to death by the Celestials. In my previous two lives, I was a mortal who was bitten to death by zombies. In my previous three lives, I was no longer a human but a flower… the most miserable one was my previous four lives. I was actually a f * cking fungus in someone else’s intestines! ! !”

“I, Chen Han, was enlightened by the ancestor when I was seven years old. I was a proud son of Heaven in my first life. I cultivated to become a mighty figure in the star field. In order to break through to the universe-grade, I was reborn once. Then, when I was fourteen years old, I encountered a Heavenly Dao fragment and fused it into my body… After that, I was reborn for the third time. When I was twenty-one years old, I picked up the thread of rules to make myself stronger…”

Not long after, a loud boom sounded again!

This time, Chen Han used his other arm..

The pursuit continued… after the time it takes for half an incense stick to burn, the loud boom reverberated once again. Chen Han’s screams became even more shrill, because this time… he had self-detonated his right leg.

Then, it was his left leg, then his waist, then his upper body..

Two hours later, Chen Han, who had only one head left, had a look of grievance in his eyes. He had no choice but to stop and look at Wang Baole, who had appeared in front of him in a flash.

“Senior brother Baole…”Chen Han, who was left with only one head, said pitifully.

“Self-destruct. Aren’t you good at running? Come, come, come. I’ll wait for you.”Wang Baole stared straight at Chen Han’s head. Even he was in a state of confusion with his cultivation. It was because Chen Han was fleeing too quickly, he was constantly self-destructing to block. It was a waste of his time, and it also made him extremely tired from chasing him.

Therefore, after catching up, Wang Baole was no longer anxious. Instead, he stared at Chen Han and said coldly.

“Senior brother… I can’t explode anymore…”Chen Han’s tears fell.

“Why?”Wang Baole asked despite knowing the answer.

“Senior brother, I… I only have one head left…”

“I saw it. Come, either say something that I like to hear, or continue to explode.”

“Senior brother, senior uncle, master… Grandmaster, Grandpa, master, I was wrong, okay!”Chen Han howled, he wanted to rely on admitting defeat in exchange for his life, but Wang Baole didn’t even look at his expression of admitting defeat. He glared at him.

“You’re not saying it nicely, yet you’re not going to self-destruct? Then, let me help you!”As he said that.., wang Baole’s body flashed, and he approached abruptly. As he raised his right hand, the rules of the Blood Dao in his palm instantly materialized. When it reflected in Chen Han’s eyes, it seemed to have turned into a sea of blood. It contained endless resentment, and it looked like it was about to drown Chen Han.

“Brother, uncle, father…”in a life-and-death crisis, Chen Han could no longer care about his dignity. He immediately wailed, and despair appeared in his eyes. He had seen those people commit suicide before, and he clearly realized that.., once he was engulfed by the Sea of blood, he would probably become the next person to commit suicide.

If he died here, would it be the same as in the outside world? He didn’t know if he would be able to live again after so many years, but his instincts told him… if he committed suicide here, he might never have the chance to live again, this made him extremely anxious. However, just as he was wailing and thinking that he was going to die, Wang Baole’s hand stopped in front of his forehead.

“What did you call me just now?”

Chen Han, who had already lost all hope, was stunned for a moment. It was as if he had grabbed hold of his life as he spoke quickly.

“Brother? Uncle? Dad? ! Dad, Dad, Dad!”Chen Han reacted extremely quickly. He quickly eliminated the first two forms of address and called out, “Dad!”.

This long-awaited form of address made Wang Baole look nostalgic and emotional. After experiencing so many lifetimes, he had almost forgotten that he had the joy of being someone else’s dad.

“Dad, I was wrong. Little Han, you were really wrong!”After noticing the emotional look in Wang Baole’s eyes, he exclaimed, chen Han immediately became excited and spoke quickly. His voice was extremely sincere, and in the end, he took the initiative to hand over his essence. He even took the initiative to accept Wang Baole’s imprint on his mind.

After doing all of this, he had completely entrusted his life to Wang Baole. Only then did he heave a sigh of relief. However, sadness and grievance still surfaced in his heart.

Wang Baole ignored him. He sat cross-legged in meditation, waiting for the fifth day to arrive. Chen Han, who was floating in midair alone, felt that he couldn’t hold back his tears.

I Miss Chen Han. I’m a mighty figure from the galaxy. I, I… Why Can’t I accept this? Why must I have to go through this heavy life again and again..

“I can’t! I Can’t just let it Go! Damn it! How can that Kid from the Dao of the nine prefectures escape? How can the Jijia Disciples Live in peace? I have to think of a way to make them have a father! !”Chen Han’s eyes shone with madness! He felt that if he did that, then no one else could do anything about it!

As he gritted his teeth, time passed. Soon… The archaic voice once again echoed out in the minds of all the trial by fire cultivators.

“Fifth day, fifth life!”

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