A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 498 - Apologize to Me!

Chapter 498: Apologize to Me!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“My mother is the Governor of the Martian Colony!” Zhao Yameng looked at Wang Baole and replied calmly.

If he weren’t in the Vast Expanse Dao Palace right now, perhaps Wang Baole would have already jumped up in shock. However, he couldn’t react this way in this situation. Therefore, after trying hard to control himself, he turned around and took a deep breath before speaking loudly again.

“I am Junior Wang Baole. It has been less than ten years since I began my journey as a cultivator. As of now, my cultivation level stands at the peak of early-stage Core Formation realm, and I am the lead disciple of the four great Dao Colleges of the Federation. I am the leader of the tens of thousands of Dao College disciples and the leader of the Martian special regional city. There are millions of cultivators working under me, with many of them being in the True Breath realm or Foundation Establishment realm. I only need to send an order, and they would all obey!

“Senior Qiuran, most of us have been cultivating for less than ten years, having reached our levels in the settings of the Federation, where Spirit Qi is weak. At the same time, all of us have prominent statuses in the Federation. Amongst us, there is the son of the Federation President, the daughter of the Martian Colony Governor, as well as the disciples from the various factions. Right now, under the order of the Federation, all of us have come to carry out our duty. All this represents the Federation’s sincerity, and the right for the Federation to form a union with the Vast Expanse Dao Palace!”

“However, we have been insulted today. For this matter, I would like Senior Qiuran to be the judge!” As Wang Baole spoke, he bowed deeply towards Feng Qiuran with cupped fists.

Despite feeling agitated, the Federation Seedlings behind him were still a little uneasy. They cursed under their breaths, but since Wang Baole had already made his statement, people like Li Yi still cupped their fists, no matter how unwilling they are.

“Please be our judge, Senior Qiuran!”

As the voices of the Federation Seedlings reverberated in the hall, everyone from the Vast Expanse Dao Palace fell silent. Even the red-haired Nascent Soul realm quickened his breathing. He still looked down on the Federation Seedlings, but it was undeniable that he felt the Federation’s sincerity to collaborate. Despite being unhappy with Feng Qiuran’s arrangement, he understood that he had no right to speak right now.

The other people, who were displeased as well, also chose to stay silent. It was clear that Wang Baole’s words were incisive and impactful. It was also reasonable, neither haughty nor submissive. It made everyone speechless, and also cast a lasting impression of Wang Baole in their minds.

Mie Liezi didn’t react or speak, while Daoist You Ran kept his eyes shut. However, a smile appeared on Feng Qiuran’s face as her eyes lit up. A look of admiration towards Wang Baole was clear from her eyes. Tens of years ago, she still had the ability to suppress the rebellious voices from the sect in situations like these. Right now, however, even her subordinates were beginning to sense that the power of the entire sect was beginning to fall towards Mie Liezi.

That was why she was so laid back. However, Wang Baole’s words rekindled hope in her, and at the same time, she could sense the Federation’s sincerity. After all, it was impossible to lie about the background of these people. It was easy to know whether whatever they said was true simply by paying a small price and enlisting Mo Gaozi’s help.

Furthermore, she believed that Wang Baole wouldn’t lie about this matter. Even if he was lying, she would find a way to turn the lies into truths. On the other hand, if everything was true, it would boost her confidence.

“Chi Lin and Liang Long, the two of you… Apologize!” With that thought, Feng Qiuran suddenly spoke. Despite being a woman, her voice carried a decisive tone. The red-haired cultivator on the lower seat remained silent for a while. Suppressing his unhappiness, he had wanted to perfunctorily apologize, but before he could do that, Wang Baole took a step forward and took the initiative to greet the red-haired cultivator with cupped fists.

“There is no need for Senior to go through all that effort. Junior here was too sensitive just now, and I hope Senior won’t take offense at that.” Wang Baole’s words caused Feng Qiuran’s eyes to light up once again. This time, a flash could be seen even in Mie Liezi’s eyes, and his gaze fell on Wang Baole for the first time since his arrival.

A complicated look appeared in the eyes of the other Nascent Soul realm cultivators. The red-haired cultivator looked at Wang Baole intently and suddenly laughed.

“What a capable young man. I hereby hope all of you meet with opportunities in the Vast Expanse Dao Palace and reap great returns!”

“Thank you, Senior!” Wang Baole courteously greeted the red-haired cultivator again. This action of his significantly relieved the tension in the great hall. His tactful manner, and the fact that he knew when to give and take, changed the incisive impression that he had cast in other people’s minds previously.

This change left a deep impression of Wang Baole in the minds of the people. However, Wang Baole didn’t go easy on Liang Long. In reality, if his level of cultivation were high enough, he wouldn’t go easy even on the red-haired Nascent Soul realm. Therefore, after adjusting his posture, a provocative look appeared in Wang Baole’s eyes as he looked towards Liang Long, who was beside Mie Liezi.

Liang Long looked solemn as he couldn’t accept having to apologize to the Federation cultivators. He turned to look at Mie Liezi, his Master, who spoke after a brief moment of silence.


That word caused Liang Long to rage as he looked at Wang Baole. There was an extreme look of unhappiness in his eyes, but he could only bear with it. He took a deep breath and spoke unwillingly.

“Wrong!” With that, he turned his head. His heart was filled with hostility, and he felt that this was a great insult to him.

However, Wang Baole was determined to get back at him. Furthermore, he was unwilling to let go of the advantage that he now had. He raised his eyebrows upon hearing those words.

“Who’s wrong? Me?”

“You!” Liang Long abruptly turned his head upon hearing those words, and he looked at Wang Baole with intense hostility.

“What? If you’re unhappy, let’s engage in battle. I’ll show you what I’m capable of!” Wang Baole stared hard at Liang Long and snorted.

Liang Long gritted his teeth, the intention to kill in his eyes intensifying. He was about to speak again when Mie Liezi snorted, standing up and stepping out of the great hall. Liang Long felt a chill in his heart as he realized that his Master was unhappy at him. Therefore, he bitterly greeted Wang Baole with cupped fists.

“I… I’m wrong!” With that, he lowered his head and swiftly left with his Master. His desire to kill Wang Baole was intensified to the maximum at that moment.

Wang Baole narrowed his eyes as he looked at Liang Long leave. A similar intention to kill flashed in the depths of his eyes.

I must find a chance to kill this fella. If not, trouble would occur sooner or later!

Two others at the Nascent Soul realm left together with Mie Liezi. Daoist You Ran also opened his eyes and nodded his head at Feng Qiuran, taking his leave together with his disciples and two Nascent Soul realm cultivators. Soon, only Feng Qiuran and her subordinates remained in the great hall.

There were a total of four Nascent Souls, with the red-haired Chi Lin being one of them!

Wang Baole constricted his pupils. He exchanged gazes with Zhuo Yifan, Zhao Yameng, and Kong Dao, but didn’t speak.

With the other people gone, the smile on Feng Qiuran’s face became even more welcoming as she looked at the Federation Seedlings and Wang Baole.

“Wang Baole, please don’t mind what happened. Not everyone in the Vast Expanse Dao Palace acknowledges the Federation. Perhaps this is a situation that we need to change together.

“All of you can stay in the Vast Expanse Dao Palace in peace. I have already made the necessary arrangements. From now on, all of you are disciples of the Vast Expanse Dao Palace as well. However, there are three matters that you must understand clearly.

“First, there are similarities between the Vast Expanse Dao Palace and the Federation. However, there are also different rules and regulations. Everything here is to be exchanged using battle credits. In principle, as long as you have sufficient battle credits, you can exchange them for any Vast Expanse Dao Palace item to increase your cultivation!

“Second, according to the original agreement with the Federation, all of you can send the cultivation techniques that you have obtained here back to the Federation. We do not forbid that, but… Right now, the situation is slightly different in the Vast Expanse Dao Palace. Therefore, it is impossible to allow you to send it back without compensation. As such, for every cultivation technique you send back, one thousand battle credits would be involved!

“At the same time, obtaining cultivation techniques also requires battle credits. There are many cultivation techniques in the Vast Expanse Dao Palace which can be exchanged using a thousand to millions of battle credits.”

“Therefore, your focus here should be on the battle credits… In order to obtain the battle credits, you must complete the various missions released by the sect or make some unique contributions.” With that, Feng Qiuran paused, her gaze sweeping past Wang Baole and the other people.

“All of you have just arrived and are foundational disciples. Everyone will obtain a cultivation technique known as the Vast Expanse Skill. This is the basic cultivation technique of the Foundation Establishment realm in the Vast Expanse Dao Palace, and it is suitable for all of you to cultivate.

“Arrangements have also been made for all of you. You will be spread out across the various islands outside Vast Expanse Dao Palace. I hope that all of you will work hard to improve your cultivation and integrate into the Vast Expanse Dao Palace!”

With that, Feng Qiuran looked at Wang Baole with a look of admiration that she didn’t bother to hide.

“As for Wang Baole, as the only Core Formation realm cultivator amongst the Federation’s cultivators, I won’t give you the Vast Expanse Skill. Instead, you will be given a thousand battle credits that you can use to exchange for anything of your choice in the Vast Expanse Techniques Chamber!”

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