A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 511 - Big Earnings!

:Chapter 511 Big Earnings!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

When Xie Haiyang heard those words, he fell silent for a while. After making some calculations, he looked back at Wang Baole and suddenly laughed.

“Might as well, since we’re old friends. It’s a deal?” As Xie Haiyang spoke, he extended his right hand towards Wang Baole.

“Deal!” Wang Baole laughed heartily as he too extended his right hand and shook Xie Haiyang’s hand. The two of them laughed cheerfully and chatted briefly with each other. Wang Baole didn’t ask anything about Xie Haiyang’s background, and neither did Xie Haiyang talk about it himself. The two of them seemed to have established a tacit understanding with each other.

Xie Haiyang swiped the battle credits that he invested onto Wang Baole’s sect jade slip. After that, he stood up, cupped his fists at Wang Baole, and took his leave.

Looking at Xie Haiyang’s back, especially under the glow of the light, which accentuated his shiny hair, an air of mysteriousness surrounding this person’s background could be felt.

However, I can feel that Xie Haiyang has no evil intentions. More accurately, he is neutral towards everyone. Like he tells everyone, he is a… businessman. Wang Baole narrowed his eyes, thinking inside his mind that this might actually be better. That was especially so in the Vast Expanse Dao Palace, where he had no other means and relations. As long as he could pay Xie Haiyang enough, he could obtain what he wanted. That made Wang Baole feel that the convenience was worth it.

Therefore, as he watched Xie Haiyang leave, Wang Baole returned to his cave abode and calculated the amount of battle credits he had. His eyes lit up, and he immediately began a large scale round of purchases and refinement in the days to come.

Through the discount given by Xie Haiyang’s means, Wang Baole had managed to accumulate thirty-five Spirit Boats in the short span of a few days!

The fleet of thirty-five Spirit Boats transformed Green Fire Island into a pier. There was an endless stream of Foundation Establishment realm cultivators who went to rent Spirit Boats every day. Wang Baole’s business boomed in this short time, and as the news spread throughout the entire sect, the Foundation Establishment realm cultivators came in larger numbers to rent them.

After all, the cost of renting the Spirit Boats from Wang Baole wasn’t exorbitant. Furthermore, all the gains they obtained were often tens of times the value that they paid. This pushed the thirty-five Spirit Boats into hot demand.

That was especially so when Core Formation realm cultivators tried them out and realized that the Spirit Boats were even more useful for Core Formation realm cultivators. It allowed them to enter the depths of the Sea of Fire, which was previously inaccessible to them. That threw the Spirit Boats into hot demand yet again.

With this business of Wang Baole’s booming, he managed to gain over four hundred battle credit every day. Even after giving a portion of it to Yun Piaozi, he was still left with over three hundred battle credits. That figure was extremely astonishing in the Vast Expanse Dao Palace.

To obtain three hundred battle credits, most Vast Expanse Dao Palace disciples would have to spend over half a month, and that was if they were lucky. If they were unlucky, they would spend over a month but still not obtain so much, but for Wang Baole, all these were earnings from just a day!

Therefore, even Wang Baole was surprised by his earnings. He felt that it was more like a robbery than a business…

However, I’m still poor… Despite being excited, Wang Baole looked at his own battle credits and felt emotional. On the surface, he seemed to be earning a lot, but the fundamentals of this business required continued investment. Therefore, right now, he had only managed to accumulate slightly over two thousand battle credits.

Unless he stopped putting in capital, his earnings would simply remain as a rosy illusion. Wang Baole struggled internally about this matter. When he did some calculations, he realized that if he stopped putting in capital, he could accumulate approximately ten thousand battle credits after a month.

It wouldn’t deviate much from that amount. Unless a problem occurs in the business, the business would be a steady source of income. After a brief moment of silence, Wang Baole decided to increase his investment!

Xie Haiyang mentioned that this business would last at most two or three more months. However, that is his own judgment. I shouldn’t believe too much of what he says. I’m satisfied as long as it can last for one more month. Every day after that one month is a blessing!

I also need to recover the costs put into each Spirit Boat. If I can produce more Spirit Boats during this period of time, I may not be able to accumulate high earnings. However, I wouldn’t make a significant loss in the future if I were to sell them at a discount!

This is also the only way that I can have the biggest earnings in a limited amount of time! With that thought, Wang Baole no longer hesitated as he injected more capital into the business. He used the battle credits that he had earned to buy more materials in order to refine more Spirit Boats.

According to theory, Yun Piaozi was the first investor in Wang Baole’s business, owning half of the business. Xie Haiyang was the second investor, but he wasn’t allocated the earnings from the business’ operations. Therefore, to a certain extent, Yun Piaozi’s shares in the business weren’t diluted.

However, right now, with Wang Baole deciding to invest his earnings, the entire situation had changed. Theoretically, if Yun Piaozi wanted to maintain his earnings of fifty percent, a proportional amount of capital had to be put in as well.

Despite that, after thinking about it, Wang Baole merely informed Yun Piaozi of the situation and didn’t request Yun Piaozi to put in more capital. He took on everything himself, and Yun Piaozi would obtain the same amount of returns. Even though the scale of this business was increased due to Wang Baole’s independent investment, Yun Piaozi would still receive the most gains, as it was previously.

After some brief calculations involving the capital that was invested, Yun Piaozi was shocked. Yun Piaozi personally made a trip to Green Fire Island to pay Wang Baole a visit after understanding the entire situation.

The moment they met, he bowed deeply towards Wang Baole with cupped fists. At the same time, he took out the Dharmic Armaments that Wang Baole had pawned and returned them to Wang Baole without hesitation.

“Brother Baole, you are a good friend. You’re so generous, and I cannot be petty either!” Yun Piaozi laughed. He felt even more connected to Wang Baole.

Wang Baole also revealed a passionate smile. He was somewhat surprised that Fatty Yun would take the initiative to return the Dharmic Armaments to him. He felt that this friendship was perhaps valuable. Between their hearty conversations, Yun Piaozi took out several bottles of fine wine. The duo enjoyed a few drinks before Yun Piaozi took his leave. In mid-air, Yun Piaozi lowered his head to look at Green Fire Island and thought in his mind.

This Brother Baole of mine is not a simple person… The gains are significant, yet he could use them as capital without hesitation and was willing to be on the losing end. People like him are not simple…!

Similarly, Wang Baole was also thinking about Yun Piaozi’s visit. Yun Piaozi’s method of handling things comforted him, and he couldn’t help but think about a saying in the high officials’ autobiographies.

“Having similar goals marks the beginning of friendships for adults, while gains are the catalysts in adult friendships!”

With that, after sending Yun Piaozi off, Wang Baole invested all his gains into the business. He continually bought materials and refined Spirit Boats with the earnings he obtained every day. Five days later, he managed to increase the number of Spirit Boats to fifty-six!

The earnings from a single day, after distributing it accordingly, grew to six hundred battle credits.

After that, he further made four Spirit Boats, growing his fleet to sixty before stopping. He stopped production, instead, accumulating battle credits at an astonishing rate of six hundred a day.

Time passed as Wang Baole continued accumulating battle credits. After half a month, he finally managed to accumulate over eight thousand battle credits. The boom of his business had also lasted for a month, based on his calculations.

There is no rush to send cultivation techniques. It’s meaningless to send them back individually. I will wait until I accumulate more battle credits, then send ten of them back at once and shock Little Duan Mu. Next, with every additional day that my business lasts, it would be considered a blessing! A glow flashed across Wang Baole’s eyes. He communicated with Xie Haiyang often, paying attention to the news in the sect. That was also when Federation Seedling Li Yi, after a month of silence, sent out a high profile message in the group chat.

“Fellow Daoists, I’m not sure how many battle credits all of you have accumulated. However, I have managed to accumulate two thousand battle credits. Right now, I will send a cultivation technique back, contributing in my own way to the immortal cultivation of the Federation!”

Li Yi’s words caused a commotion amongst the Federation Seedlings in the group. Instantly, numerous voice transmissions and messages appeared like a flood.

“Sending cultivation techniques back?”

“So fast! Li Yi, what method did you use to accumulate two thousand battle credits?”

“Unbelievable! I thought that Wang Baole would be the first person to send one back, but it turned out to be Li Yi instead!”

As everyone reveled in shock, pride and arrogance arose in Li Yi, who was on the main island of Vast Expanse Dao Palace. After spending a thousand battle credits, the teleportation array formation was opened, and her Vast Expanse Skill was sent back to the Federation!

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