A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 886 - Earth Spirit Civilization!

Chapter 886: Earth Spirit Civilization!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Wang Baole had already guessed about the Heavenly Spirit Sect’s right-hand elder’s trump card for a very long time. In fact, he prepared many plans in his heart because of this. However, he was very clear that it was extremely difficult to guess one’s intentions. So, to trick his opponent step by step and achieve his goal, it mostly… depended on luck.

What he could do was ensure as much as possible that every step reached a level that he was satisfied with. As for whether things would really end the way he wanted them to, Wang Baole wasn’t sure.

According to his original plan, he wanted to make use of the curse’s suppression to steal his opponent’s exit method and exit alone, making his opponent die a horrible death there. But now… it was obviously impossible.

But no matter what, even though some hiccups happened, at that moment… the right-hand elder still unleashed the teleportation technique. It was just that Wang Baole’s actions needed to change.

The explosion of the solar flare left him with no other choice. So, as the right-hand elder’s body blurred and he was about to teleport away, Wang Baole didn’t hesitate, decisiveness appearing in his eyes. Instantly, he controlled the Emperor Armor on his body and unleashed it until it almost hit its point of collapse!

He unleashed 99% of its power at that moment!

The Emperor Armor itself was extraordinary. Not only did it have astonishing power, but it was fused with the Divine Eye royalty’s armor. To a certain extent, it was like the energy-storing equipment the Federation produced. It unleashed 99% of the spirit energy stored within it at that moment and immediately formed a heaven-shaking power. It was like a storm, and when it spread, Wang Baole controlled it with all his might and directed all the power it unleashed behind him!

Behind him, as the Demonic Eye Art was activated, a giant black eye appeared. At that moment, Wang Baole had displayed the ultimate form of his cultivation as Dark Fire also spread, causing the black eye to instantly become clear. There was also the unleashing of almost all of the Emperor Armor’s power. As all the power gushed in, it caused the black eye… to instantly expand in a wide area. In fact, threads of blood appeared on it. It looked extremely horrifying, and it exploded forth violently towards the right-hand elder!

An unprecedented restrictive power rose. Even though the right-hand elder’s silhouette became a blur and the teleportation couldn’t be reversed after being activated, under the curse, his cultivation dropped to the Spirit Immortal realm. Moreover, the activation of Wang Baole’s Demonic Eye Art used the Emperor Armor, which had unleashed 99% of its power, as its nutrients and made it so that the Emperor Armor couldn’t be used before it fully recovered. So his blurry body couldn’t help but stop the moment he was about to be teleported away.

It was just that, as the two clashed previously and time passed, the power of the curse slowly approached its time limit. So, although the right-hand elder was restricted by the Demonic Eye Art, it was only for a very short while. In the blink of an eye, he was back to normal.

But even then, it was enough!

The moment the right-hand elder’s body paused and recovered, with a bang, Wang Baole’s body turned into mist and neared where the right-hand elder’s body disappeared from with astonishing speed. Wang Baole entered the teleportation array formation at the same time as the right-hand elder!

Like how he had no time to chase away the right-hand elder and prevent him from teleporting, the right-hand elder knew that Wang Baole was coming but had no time to block him. The solar flare was already nearing, and no matter how unwilling he felt, he couldn’t do anything but watch as Wang Baole teleported away with him!

And the moment they teleported out, the extreme light of the solar flare engulfed the area and completely covered where they were. It didn’t stop as it swept towards an even further area, and the area it affected got bigger and bigger. After expanding past a certain point horizontally, it started… shooting upwards!

At that moment, although the Sovereign Patriarch, the Heavenly Spirit Sect’s sect lord, and cultivators from both sides were locked in an intense battle, the extreme light from the Eternal Star and deep-seated sense of fear from their souls made everyone look towards the Eternal Star together, and all their expressions changed immensely!

Without hesitation, after the Sovereign Patriarch and New Dao Patriarch exchanged glances, they retreated and spread their Divine Wills to tell the disciples under them to retreat immediately!

If it was any other time, the Heavenly Spirit Sect’s sect lord would definitely have obstructed them, but his face was also pale as shock appeared in his eyes. He was clear about what the left-hand and right-hand elders were doing on the Eternal Star. Seeing how such a change in events occurred, it was hard for him to remain calm. He didn’t believe that a mere Spirit Immortal could still survive after all that setup. Even if the Spirit Immortal was extraordinary, he didn’t believe that he could escape from such a situation… But, when he saw the solar flare, he suddenly lost his confidence and felt a faint sense of unease.

So, without hesitation, he immediately sent a voice transmission to the Divine Eye royalty’s He Yunzi. When he learned that He Yunzi’s mandate still hadn’t recovered, the sense of unease in his heart grew even more intense.

But regardless of how things on the Eternal Star progressed, under the unleashing of the solar flare, he had no choice but to suppress his thoughts. He immediately retreated and used all of his strength to defend. If not… if there was any delay and the solar flare exploded, a huge catastrophe would befall them.

“D*mn it!” The Heavenly Spirit Sect’s sect lord gritted his teeth and allowed the Divine Sovereign Justice Sect and Violet Gold New Dao Sect to leave. As he spread his Divine Will, he also retreated and headed straight for their temporary base while activating the defenses with all his might. He planned to wait until the effects of the solar flare were over before thinking about the battle.

At the same time, as both sides were in a ceasefire within the Divine Eye civilization, extremely far away from the Divine Eye civilization—even further than the area of the Xie family’s market that Wang Baole visited previously—there existed a civilization called the Earth Spirit civilization.

Because that civilization produced supreme-grade Spirit Stones, it was conquered by the Violet Gold civilization many years ago. All of their mighty figures either died or became slaves. While they were completely oppressed, their civilization’s Eternal Star… was also taken away by the Violet Gold civilization and infused into the Violet Gold civilization’s Eternal Star. What they left behind for the Earth Spirit civilization was a man-made Eternal Star created by the Violet Gold civilization.

It was an Eternal Star on the surface, but in reality, it was a giant congregation of array formations. While it could control the entire civilization, it also turned the place into a teleportation point of the Violet Gold civilization. As for the cultivators of that civilization, naturally, their fates were changed. They became miners, and from birth until death, every generation had to give their all for the Violet Gold civilization.

Such civilizations were commonplace in the area of the Violet Gold civilization. Although the Earth Spirit civilization was still within the Left Dao Holy Domain’s nineteenth domain, even Planet realm cultivators had to fly for more than 1000 years if they wanted to reach the Divine Eye civilization from there unless they unleashed a Holy Domain-level teleportation. But even the Violet Gold civilization didn’t have Holy Domain-level teleportation. Only those who held power over the entire Never-Ending Dao Domain could have it. If outsiders wanted to borrow it, the price they had to pay was enough to make even the Violet Gold civilization shudder.

After all, a so-called Holy Domain-level teleportation was essentially building one’s own base in multiple areas like the internet. The larger the area covered, the greater the number of locations one could teleport to.

The theory behind the Violet Gold civilization’s Eternal Star teleportation was the same. But although they were the nineteenth domain’s dominant force, that was only in terms of power. As for their sphere of influence, with the Violet Gold civilization’s current level, it wasn’t enough to spread throughout the entire domain.

And at that moment, within the dull cosmos of the Earth Spirit civilization, an intense light suddenly appeared in one area. The light was resplendent one moment, spreading outwards in an extremely large area, then it disappeared in the next moment.

It ended before the Earth Spirit civilization could notice. The moment the light shone and disappeared, a patch of mist transmogrified from within the light. Without any hesitation, the moment it appeared, it picked up speed and moved towards the cosmos in the distance.

As it moved, the patch of mist rapidly gathered and turned into Wang Baole’s silhouette. His face was pale as he accelerated. That was because he was very clear that… the time limit of the curse might have already passed or was about to be reached. So, he had to run now…

And as he moved, another silhouette stumbled as it transmogrified from the void. After rapidly gathering, it exposed the right-hand elder’s silhouette, which was in a sorry state. He immediately picked up Wang Baole’s trail but hesitated for a moment.

Although he also sensed that the curse on his body was dissipating quickly, the sense of fear he felt towards Wang Baole was already extremely intense even when he fought him on the Eternal Star previously. Even though his killing intent got even stronger, he still decided to play it safe.

This is the territory of the Violet Gold civilization and has the man-made Eternal Star array formation. Long Nanzi, there’s nowhere for you to escape to! The right-hand elder narrowed his eyes and didn’t give chase. Instead, he headed towards the man-made Eternal Star, which the Earth Spirit civilization cultivators saw as a deity-like presence and dared not go near.

With the mandate he had as a Violet Gold civilization Planet realm cultivator, it wasn’t an exaggeration to call him a deity in this subordinate civilization. As he charged into the Earth Spirit civilization’s man-made Eternal Star, an array formation that sealed the entire Earth Spirit civilization and prevented entry and exit rose from the boundaries of the Earth Spirit civilization!

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