A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 971

Chapter 971: Chapter 971, the Starfall List!

Nine ancient stars combined into one to form a dao star that contained a total of ten laws!

Nine of them were the original laws of the nine ancient stars. Now that they had been solidified, and with the support of the grade of the Dao Star, the grade of the nine laws had reached its peak before the corresponding dao star appeared, and even if a corresponding dao star did appear, its resistance would be quite high.

The nine laws were… The Red Blood Dao, the Orange Joy Dao, the Yellow Flame Dao, the Green Plant Dao, the Green Cloud Dao, the Blue Wind Dao, and the Purple Devouring Dao!

As for black and white, Black was the Dao of death, and White was the Dao of light!

Other than that, the Dao Star had a unique law that was above all laws. This law… was the Dao of engraving!

As Wang Baole understood the meaning of engraving, he knew very clearly that this unique law could engrave all the Myriad Dao in the world and the Infinite Dao in the universe into its own.

It was as if the Dao gave birth to one, and all living things were born. As long as the Dao of laws and laws appeared in front of him, they would be engrave. However, it was not a 100% probability. Based on the level of the other party’s laws and laws, there was a possibility of failure, however, the terrifying thing was that there was no limit to it!

That means… even if I encounter a law that can not be imprinted successfully in one go, as long as I have enough time, I can imprint it again and again. That way… I can succeed in the end! Thoughts surfaced in Wang Baole’s mind, his mind was filled with excitement. There was no doubt that his gains this time were beyond his imagination.

He had made a grand vow and gained the approval of the Almighty. He had condensed nine ancient stars and attained the Dao realm under his own witness. He wasn’t the only one who had obtained the dao star among the outsiders this time. There was also the bell lady who hadn’t been on good terms with him, however, the latter’s dao star was far inferior to Wang Baole’s dao star in terms of both the grade and the laws.

The laws on the paper were also imprinted on Wang Baole’s Dao Star. More importantly… The Bell Maiden was willing to take a secondary position in order to obtain the Dao Star. She made her dao star the primary one, and her future cultivation seemed to be smooth sailing, however, in the end, she had lost the right to decide for herself.

Wang Baole was different. The fusion and advancement of the nine ancient planets had been accomplished under his Grand Dao Oath. Therefore, Wang Baole was basically the eternal lord between the two parties!

The difference between him and the bell maiden was obvious!

As these thoughts surfaced in Wang Baole’s mind, he slowly closed his eyes. Although his cultivation had broken through to the planet level, there was still one final step left, and that was to accumulate breath!

The so-called accumulation of breath meant that all the essence, Qi, and spirit in one’s body had been restrained. They had been completely absorbed into one’s body, establishing a myriad of connections with the stars in one’s body, allowing them to adapt to the process of one’s body.

During this process, even though Wang Baole was a dao star, he was no exception. As his eyes closed, his body, which was high up in the sky, became blurry. The dao stars around his body materialized and filled his body. Finally, in the eyes of everyone on the ground.., wang Baole’s figure had already disappeared. What replaced it was an extremely bright and dazzling star!

At the same time, all the cultivators on the ground who had witnessed everything fell silent. All sorts of thoughts surfaced in their hearts. There was envy, emotion, unwillingness, and desire.

Amidst all these thoughts, the Dao star that had chosen the bell lady trembled a few times within her body before it erupted with Starlight. For the first time, there was no arrogance within the Starlight. Instead, it was the same as the nine ancient stars, containing a strong unwillingness, as its light shining, the stars will be unconscious bell woman covered, roll this woman straight to the stars.

Over there, at the opposite end of Wang Baole’s sphere of influence, under the guidance of the Dao Star, a breakthrough in the cultivation of the bell maiden began. Just as the thought of the breakthrough dissipated, suddenly, the emperor of the fallen stars, who was standing outside the Grand Hall.., he spoke.

“Please remember… The agreement between you and the land of the fallen star. Back then, we acknowledged your ascension to the Dao Star and your only law. You have to fulfill the agreement. We can use your law eternally, and it can not be interfered with. We will not invade each other!”

The starlight on the bell maiden’s body shone brightly as if she was acknowledging the agreement. Then, the aura of a breakthrough spread from the Bell Maiden’s body.

Clearly, the method of a dao star breakthrough was different. At that moment, the bell lady’s body began to turn into paper within the Starlight. As for the exact process, no one could see it clearly. Everything about her.., was completely covered by the Starlight.

At the same time, the scholarly cultivator and the black-robed young man looked up silently into the starry sky. They stared at the two dao stars. After a long moment… the scholarly cultivator sighed softly. Having recovered some of his cultivation base, he stood up, in the galaxy that filled the sky, he chose a special high-grade planet and began his breakthrough.

The black-robed young man did the same. He also chose a high-grade planet as his own. Although his heart was filled with regret, he knew that he had already done his best.

At that moment, the ten of them who were qualified to strike the heavenly drum had all chosen, except for the little girl. However, after some thought, the little girl still gave up on this opportunity.

As the people from the meteorite empire looked up, nine stars in the sky were rapidly accumulating their breath. The will of the meteorite land also arrived. It seemed to have transformed into a gentle wind that blew past the nine stars, it sped up the accumulation of their breath, and at the same time, it gave blessings from the meteorite land.

It wasn’t out of goodwill toward Wang Baole. It was because every time the meteorite land opened, all those who had obtained the stars would receive a good fortune.

With this serendipity, their fusion would be even more perfect, and it would be even safer!

Amongst the nine people, the meteorite empire’s ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens was coming to an end. As the grand ceremony was about to come to an end, the meteorite emperor, who stood in front of the grand hall, sighed with emotion.

It was clear that this ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens could be said to be the largest and most tumultuous event in the entire meteorite empire in countless years. He could even imagine that something like this wouldn’t happen in the future.

On one hand, the crisis in the Starfall lands had already been resolved. There was no need for outsiders to come in and use the heaven-connecting drum to suppress the Black Qi. However, due to the agreement with the Wei Yang Dao Domain, although it would still be activated, it wouldn’t happen so frequently.

On the other hand… there was probably no one else who could make the same grand vow that Xie Dalu had made that would be acknowledged by many major powers and even paragons from the other realms.

The Falling Star Emperor was filled with emotion at the thought of this. However, there was one more thing that had to be done after the fortunes in the land of the fallen star had ended. This was also part of the agreement between the Weiyang Dao Domain and the land of the fallen star, this time was no exception.

That Was… to announce the list of fortunes to all the powers in the entire Weiyang Dao domain who were qualified to obtain them!

If Wang Baole had any consciousness at that moment, he would have definitely chosen to stop or request to hide himself. However, he was still in the midst of his cultivation, so he didn’t know that, after the time it takes for an incense stick to burn.., a real list containing the fate of the Starfall Empire and the will of the Starfall lands was transmitted from the Starfall lands. It spread out like ripples in an instant, covering an endless area, causing the entire Weiyang DAO domain.., all the powers that were paying attention to this place instantly obtained it!

On this list, Wang Baole’s name was listed at the Top!

The name that appeared was not Xie Dalu, but his real name. This was because under the rules of the Starfall, nothing could be hidden. When every living being was promoted to a planet, their real name would be similar to the real name of the Universe True Spirit, it would be imprinted in the laws of the universe.

Therefore, the appearance of Wang Baole’s name immediately attracted the attention of the powerful cultivators from the various powerful factions in the Weiyang Dao Domain. After his name was written the words Dao star. This caused a storm, it immediately caused a huge commotion.

There was also a dao star after the bell lady’s name. The intensity of the storm was even greater. After the nine of them had their own stars, they also marked the place of origin. For example, after Wang Baole’s Dao Star.., they marked the God’s eye civilization!

This meant that he had obtained the right to enter this place with the quota for the God’s eye civilization!

In the blink of an eye, as the various political forces and mighty figures were shaken, the God’s eye civilization was also given intense attention.

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