To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 359 - Are You Settling The Score For Your Daughter?

Chapter 359: Are You Settling The Score For Your Daughter?

The faint smell of the hotpot still lingered in the air, but the joyous and harmonious atmosphere that had enveloped the apartment until a few minutes ago had disappeared without a trace.

Xiang Caiping intended to return to her room, but for reasons unknown, she got up from her seat and went to sit in the living room.

She switched her phone on and continued to work on the sweater she was knitting before. Previously, Su Chenghui did not move from his seat at the head of the dining table, but after his daughter and son-in-law had left, he stood up and stood quietly beside Xiang Caiping.

Xiang Caiping ignored him and he took the initiative to sit beside her.


Xiang Caiping did not pause in her knitting. She did not even attempt to look at him.

Her attitude caused Su Chenghui to feel a little stifled. He gazed at Xiang Caiping’s face, which had lost all traces of youth and was lined with wrinkles, and a subtle feeling rose within him.

Was it love? He did not know if it was. However, he definitely felt sympathy and heartache.

Since Xiang Caiping’s appearance, it was much easier to look into her past.

Su Chenghui had gotten someone to do some checking and had looked at those reports. Reading them caused him to feel guilty.

In truth, he had grown up with Xiang Caiping and spent his childhood with her. They had been an inseparable and compatible pair and their relationship could be described as precious and genuine.

He understood Xiang Caiping and knew that she had a gentle and vulnerable nature. However, tender-hearted as she was, she had put herself out there in the business world and worked hard in her career like a man. This made his heart ache.

Letting out a soft sigh, he thought of the matter he had been struggling with. “Caiping, did you go to Japan with Qingsang a few days ago?”

Xiang Caiping did not respond to his question and held up the sweater to examine it. The knitting for the bottom part of it had been completed. She was thinking about how she could add a pattern to it.

“Caiping?” Su Chenghui knew that she was angry with him, but he had thought that it would not last.

Xiang Caiping put the sweater down and looked at him coldly. “Since you already know the answer, why bother asking me?”

Su Chenghui was a little stumped by her response. Xiang Caiping’s grudging attitude towards him caused him to feel a little exasperated. “Yes, I knew about that. Su Peizhen had also gone to Japan and encountered you two there.”

Upon hearing his words, Xiang Caiping thought she knew what he was driving at. She gave a soft laugh and a rare tinge of mockery filled her eyes.

“Su Chenghui, you came here because you planned to settle the score for your daughter, didn’t you?”

“Caiping, what are you talking about?”

“Did I misinterpret your intention?” Xiang Caiping gave a cold laugh. “Qingsang could not have been the one to tell you about my trip to Japan with her, so it must have been that other daughter of yours. She didn’t just tell you that I was in Japan with Qingsang, right? She must also have told you that I gave her a slap, didn’t she?”

Su Chenghui gazed at Xiang Caiping. There was a sense of sharpness in her that he had never seen before. “Caiping.”

“I was thinking about why you’re here today. So, have you come to settle the score for your daughter?”

At this moment, Xiang Caiping could only feel a sense of rage rising in her. If Li Qianxue’s daughter was that important, did it mean that her own daughter was not?

“Caiping, why would you think of me in this way?”

Su Chenghui stared at Xiang Caiping with widened eyes. He really could not stomach the sharpness in her attitude. “I just wanted to speak with you about Peizhen’s issue, but I definitely don’t have the intention of settling any scores for her.”

“Then what is it?” Xiang Caiping could not bear the sight of Su Chenghui. It fired up her hatred for him. She hated his cruelty, callousness, and selfishness. She also hated him for being unconcerned about Su Qingsang.

“Since you have no intention of settling the score for her, are you here to apologize for her rudeness?”

“Rudeness? Apologize?” Su Chenghui was momentarily stunned.

“Your daughter kept calling Su Qingsang an illegitimate daughter and me a mistress. Don’t you think that your daughter had some problems with her upbringing? Don’t you feel that she is extremely rude?”

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