To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 520 - She Will Ask Him about That

Chapter 520: She Will Ask Him about That

“No.” Huo Jinyao hadn’t expected Qiao Hong to lie. He never even showed up at Blue Night last night.

He had called him, but he wouldn’t answer the calls. Ding Qing then called him on her phone. There was still no answer from him but he did send her a message.

He said he didn’t want to go to jail, and that he saw police on his way to the club.

Someone had called the police because those rich kids started a fight. Qiao Hong thought the police were there for him, so he decided not to show up.

Huo Jinyao wasn’t expecting that kind of misunderstanding to occur. He told Ding Qing to comfort Qiao Hong.

Ding Qing promised Qiao Hong repeatedly that the policemen weren’t there to catch him last night. She told him to calm down. At last, Qiao Hong decided to give Huo Jinyao and his people another chance today. However, he also said that he won’t tell Ding Qing where to meet him until tonight.

Therefore, all that Huo Jinyao, Yang Wenchang, and Ding Qing had done last night led to no result at all.

Ding Qing was almost infuriated. She was so angry at Qiao Hong for breaking his own words. She was even more anxious than Huo Jinyao, who was the one running the company.

“Is it tricky?”

Su Qingsang sounded worried. The problem must surely be so complicated that it bothered Huo Jinyao to a great extent.

“It’s okay, I’ll deal with it.”

“Good.” Su Qingsang was still thinking about the video. She couldn’t help but still ask the question. “Jinyao, yesterday was Saturday. Did you go to visit grandpa?”

“Yeah. He wants you to say hi to your grandpa for him.”

“Oh.” Su Qingsang believed him, but still asked, “did you go out last night? Did you stay in the family house?”

Before Huo Jinyao could answer the question, his mailbox received a new e-mail. He opened it and responded to Su Qingsang without thinking. “Yeah, I stayed at the family house.”

In fact, he stayed in the company last night. He spent the night talking with Yang Wenchang and the few others about what should they do if Qiao Hong insisted on selling the data to the rival companies at last.

They needed to prepare for the worst-case scenario. Huo Jinyao wished that things would go in a good way, but if Qiao Hong ate his own words, he would call the police and let them arrest him, then probably sue the rival companies.

However, those actions could cause negative consequences for Tianyu Group. Huo Jinayao had to come up with a solution for every possible scenario, no matter what he would choose to do in the end.

The best result would be finding Qiao Hong, getting the confidential data back, and minimizing the loss.

The worst-case scenario would be Qiao Hong betraying the company. In that case, both he and the rival companies would have to take the consequences, and Tianyu Group could suffer great losses as well.

Su Qingsang immediately tightened her fists. She blinked, then suddenly realized that Huo Jinyao was lying. He was lying to her.

“Are you in the company now? Have you had breakfast yet?”

“Yes,” Huo Jinyao said. He knitted his brows into a deep frown while reading the e-mail.

“Jinyao,” called Su Qingsang. She told herself not to doubt him and to believe him. “Did you really stay in the family house last night?”

“Yes.” Huo Jinyao replied. He moved the computer mouse to read the rest of the e-mail.

Su Qingsang pressed her lips together, and added with, “I haven’t been home for two weeks. Did your mom say anything?”

“What can she say?” Huo Jinyao fixed his eyes on those pictures, saying, “even if she did say something, you can just ignore it.”

“You’re right.” Su Qingsang stopped asking questions. She could tell that Huo Jinyao was distracted by something else. “Go back to your work then, I’m going out shopping together with Mengwan later.”

“Okay.” Before ending the call, Huo Jinyao thought for a moment and said, “ask for a longer leave if you want to stay in Lin City and spend more time with your mother. I’ll talk to the hospital for you.”

He was aware that Su Qingsang and Li Qianxue had become mother and daughter again only recently. He thought that Su Qingsang would want to spend more time with the Li Family members.

What he didn’t know was that Su Qingsang was thinking about something else at that moment.

“I get it.”

Su Qingsang didn’t want to think of Huo Jinyao that way, but she couldn’t help it. Did he want her to stay away from home so that he could do something wrong conveniently?

Was that what it was?

After ending the call, Su Qingsang spent some time thinking. She was willing to trust Huo Jinyao, but still, she couldn’t help but give a call to the Huo Family house.

Coincidentally, it was Old Master Huo who answered the call.



Old Master Huo recognized her voice immediately. He was happy to hear from his granddaughter-in-law but didn’t notice that Zhang Yichen, who had come to visit him in the morning, had his ear tips twitch slightly when he heard Su Qingsang’s name.

That was Zhang Yichen’s only reaction. After that, he picked up the cup of tea in front of him, and took a sip, showing no change of expression.

“Em, grandpa, I’m just calling to say hi. I’m sorry that I can’t come back to keep you company this weekend.”

“It’s okay. I heard from Jinyao that it was your grandfather’s birthday yesterday. Please say hi to my brother Yongfeng.”

“I will. My grandfather misses you too. He wants me to say hi to you too.”

“How nice of him. He must be busy these days. Tell him to come to Rong City again when he has time.”

“I’ll tell him that.”

After saying that, Su Qingsang continued in a casual tone, “Jinyao has been extra busy these days. Please tell him not to sleep in the company. He can’t sleep well there, and it’s easy to catch a cold in the current weather. He’ll listen to you.”

“He sleeps in the company? I’ll certainly talk to him about that. I told him to look after himself the last time he came here. There will always be more work to do after all.”

Old Master Huo was an experienced and smart person. How could he not know what had been happening lately?

He knew that Huo Yifan and his brother had been making some small moves recently. Those two were his grandchildren as well. He didn’t want to stir a finger in the affairs between his grandchildren.

More importantly, he believed in Huo Jinyao’s ability. He believed that Huo Jinyao would be able to solve the problems.

“Yeah, he’s been working all the time. He hasn’t come back to the family house to visit you quite a few days, right?”

“It’s okay. I know that he’s been busy. He can visit me when he has time.”

Upon hearing that, Su Qingsang’s heart sank slightly. It was already very clear. Huo Jinyao hadn’t gone to the family house last night. He had lied. He really had lied to her.

She had a short chat with Old Master Huo and then ended the call.

Sitting on the bedside, Su Qingsang watched the video of those rich kids fighting once again.

She hated to think of Huo Jinyao in a bad way, but why lie to her?

If he had honestly told her that he did go to the night club together with that woman, she wouldn’t have been angry.

She believed that he must have done that for a reason. However, no matter how much she trusted him, Su Qingsang hated when Huo Jinyao lied to her.

It would be hard to make things clear through the phone. She had to wait until she saw him in person.

No matter what, she was willing to give Huo Jinyao a chance to explain. She was willing to believe that Huo Jinyao wasn’t a man who would cheat on his wife.

She put the phone aside. The time that she and Shi Mengwan agreed to meet at was coming soon. Su Qingsang needed to stop thinking about what happened in Rong City last night for the moment.

She would find out the truth when she returned to Rong City.

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