Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1753 - The Death Spicy Strip!

Chapter 1753: The Death Spicy Strip!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Two counts, a marquis, and a strange little girl. The appearance of this combination shocked many people. Were even these big shots attracted to this restaurant?

They would not be too surprised if that was the case. After all, counts and marquises also needed to cultivate. Like everyone else, they probably could not produce a wisp of Chaotic Energy after cultivating for countless years. That was why they usually purchased a lot of pills from the pill-making workshop to aid their cultivation and strengthen their cultivation base.

And now, when they learned that Chaotic Energy could be obtained through food, surely they would be as shocked as those who had discovered a new continent.

Bu Fang glanced at the four people, and his eyes stopped for a brief moment on the little girl. He found her very interesting. Even though she was standing with three other big shots of Void City, she did not look timid at all. Instead, she was very calm and composed. She had an air that did not belong to her age. Perhaps she only looked young on the outside, but her age was at the same level as some ancient monsters.

“Well, since you are here for the challenge, go and sit down at the table. There are a total of one hundred places for today’s challenge,” said Bu Fang. “Only by completing the challenge will you be permanently qualified to taste my restaurant’s cuisine.” When he had finished, he combed his hair with his fingers and yawned.

Countess Aitang snorted. She remembered well that it was Bu Fang who had stolen her phoenix egg. Even though it was an unfertilized egg, she felt that he had embarrassed her.

With the counts and marquis joining in, many people became very nervous. They were a little excited, too. After all, it was very exciting to be able to sit and compete with such big shots at the same table.

“Today’s dark cuisine is Death Spicy Strip.” Bu Fang walked to the other end of the table—the White Tiger Heaven Stove was already set up there.

Master Zhen Yong clenched his fists. He was cheering himself on, determined to succeed in this challenge. This time, he would not give up easily even when there were counts and marquis among his opponents!

“The challenge is very simple. You just have to finish the spicy strip I’ll place in front of each of you later,” Bu Fang said, stroking his chin.

“Owner Bu, is this dark cuisine as spicy as yesterday’s curry rice?” a participant asked with a serious face.

Bu Fang nodded and did not say anything else.

Although yesterday’s Eighteen Hell Curry and today’s Death Spicy Strip were both spicy, there was a fundamental difference between them. The spiciness of the former worked on the surface, or rather, affected the flesh, while the latter worked on the soul.

“Good luck.”

The process of making the Death Spicy Strip was not complicated. In fact, it was just about the same as an ordinary spicy strip. Bu Fang made a total of one hundred and one, and the extra one was for Marquis Lang Gu. The guy was looking at him and drooling on the side. However, he felt that even Marquis Lang Gu could not withstand the power of this spicy strip.

In the wok, the one hundred and one spicy strips began to tumble, emitting a plume of black smoke that was accompanied by a strong spicy smell. It was extremely pungent, and those who smelled it felt their souls tremble.

Many people’s faces had become very serious. As first-hand witnesses of the power of Eighteen Hell Curry, they knew very well the horror of this spiciness.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and moments later, a rap on the huge bronze door. With a creak, the door opened slightly. Pi Dong and Pi Xi looked at each other, then pushed the door open at the same time and stepped inside.

In the very center of the chamber, a bright red robe was spread all over the floor. It looked like a puddle of blood.

“Your Excellency Soul…”

After entering the chamber, the twin brothers took a deep breath and spoke at the same time.

“What’s the matter?”

Soul’s eyes were closed, and her aura was fluctuating. A black orb was rotating in front of her chest, absorbing and spitting terrifying energy.

Pi Dong and Pi Xi exchanged a glance and said, “Your Excellency, that restaurant… has now attracted the attention of everyone in Void City. Several big shots, including Countess Aitang and Marchioness Ruoshui, are also taking part in that strange dark cuisine challenge…

“We’re worried that… they’ll abandon us for Her Excellency Nethery.”

As Soul’s Cavalry of Death, their concern could be understood.

Soul slowly opened her eyes, and her gaze fell upon the twin brothers. Her emotionless gaze made them shudder. They were not weak, and when they joined forces, they were even able to take on a count. But at this moment, they felt chills run down their backs.

“Don’t worry. A mere restaurant can’t threaten me,” Soul said indifferently.

She really did not view the restaurant as a threat. Like the Soul Demon Universe, Void City had a strong aversion and prejudice against chefs. There was no way those people would betray her, who was most likely to rise to the top, for that weak Nethery. Unless they were stupid.

“But… the food in that restaurant can enhance the curse power. We are worried that… our allies would be bought off. That would wipe out our advantage in Void City,” the brothers said in unison.

“Haha… Food is taboo in Void City, something the Queen of Curses detests. Would they dare disobey her?”

Soul stood up. Her blood-colored robe fluttered with every movement she made.

“But… The Queen hasn’t said anything yet…”

That’s what worried the brothers most. Under normal circumstances, if a restaurant opened in District A, it would be shut down immediately. This time, however, something seemed amiss. The Queen remained silent even though the restaurant had caused such a major disturbance.

That gave Soul pause. She put her hands behind her back and frowned. The question was indeed worth thinking about. The so-called alliance was always fragile. When there was enough interest, betrayal was no big deal at all. This was more likely to happen in Void City. After all, the people living here were not some kind-hearted saints.

“Why don’t… Why don’t Your Excellency go to the Queen and find out her thoughts on this?” the brothers said. “That way, we can also prepare earlier. If the situation is not in our favor, then we will immediately destroy the restaurant!”

After pondering for a long time, Soul said, “Be patient. I have a feeling that I’m about to break through. When that happens, I will go to the Queen, and that’s when our plan begins.” Her gaze became much deeper.

Pi Dong and Pi Xi’s faces flushed with joy.

“Your Excellency Soul is the Chosen One and will certainly ascend to the throne of Void City! We look forward to that day!”

“That’s all for now. Leave me…” Soul said expressionlessly. “I will not mistreat you, for you have served me well.”

The twin brothers quickly left the chamber.

In the chamber, countless flower petals emerged out of thin air and kept blooming. At some point, Duchess Tianlian appeared in a corner of the chamber.

“What do you think, Aunt Lian?” Soul asked.

“Pi Dong and Pi Xi’s concerns are genuine. In fact, I have the same concern… The Queen’s attitude is… abnormal.”

Duchess Tianlian sighed.

Soul nodded. ‘I didn’t expect that even Aunt Lian is afraid of that restaurant,’ she thought to herself. ‘In that case, something must be done quickly…’

From Soul’s gloomy look, Duchess Tianlian could guess what she was thinking. “Soul, to work with the Soul Demons is to work with a tiger. You’re a Cursed Goddess, so don’t let Void City fall into ruin,” she said meaningfully.

Soul narrowed her eyes and nodded slowly.

“Aunt Lian, I’m about to make a breakthrough. Please guard the surroundings for me.”

“Very well.”

A long table was set up outside Cooking God Little Kitchen, flanked by a hundred chairs in two orderly rows.

Countess Aitang and the few big shots sat in the front seats. Their faces were somewhat gloomy. Just by sniffing the spicy smell in the air, they already felt their souls quiver slightly. They could not imagine how terrifying this dish would be.

“The dark cuisine really lives up to its name. The difference between what you see through the projection array and what you feel in reality is so huge.”

Many people were swallowing, and some even had beads of sweat rolling down their foreheads.

Viscount Ash watched closely as Bu Fang cooked. Suddenly, she saw Nethery.

“Greetings, Your Excellency.”

Nethery nodded with a smile on her face.

In fact, Viscount Ash was quite curious about Nethery, for she did not have the arrogance and aura of a Cursed Goddess. She also admired her easygoing manner. She had not chosen a side yet, but there was no rush for such things.

Bu Fang picked up a spicy strip with his chopsticks and took it out of the oil. Its surface was covered with a layer of oil, and its skin was dark red, which made it look quite frightening. Even Bu Fang could not help frowning.

As the name suggested, Death Spicy Strips were made for Death. The chili sauce used to make it was the nightmare version of Abyssal Chili Sauce, which was even spicier than all of yesterday’s chilies combined.

The chili sauce was made by fermenting the most terrifying Nightmare Chili that grew in the Chaotic Universe. Using the Law of Time, Bu Fang controlled the rate at which the chili fermented, then placed the jar deep into the core of a star and let it soak with the power of the star. This gave it a deeper and more condensed spiciness.

Even he was afraid to taste it. As he took a deep breath, his nasal passages were slightly choked by the spicy smell. This kind of spiciness might be really life-threatening!

The next moment, Bu Fang focused his eyes and jerked up his hand. One by one, the spicy strips flew out of the wok. He picked them up with his chopsticks and placed one in the bowl in front of each participant. Every spicy strip was half a meter long.

“This is the dark cuisine you will challenge, the Death Spicy Strip. There will be a winner today. I’ll decide who the winner is based on the length of the spicy strip that’s left over. The shorter the length of your leftover spicy strip, the better your chances of winning.”

After hearing Bu Fang’s explanation, the expressions of all the participants changed.

Was this chef looking down on them? Was he not going to let them finish the spicy strips? Did he think they could not finish it?

In the eyes of the participants, the Death Spicy Strips did not look strange. The spicy smell in the air was indeed very strong, but it made them relax a lot instead. After all, the more superficial something was, the less scary it was.

Yesterday’s Eighteen Curry Hell did not smell spicy at all, and it even smelled a little fragrant, but as soon as the participants ate it, they were choked to the point where they could not stop the tears from flowing down their faces.

“Acting all mysterious…”

Countess Aitang snorted with disdain. Marchioness Ruoshui, on the other hand, smiled faintly. The little girl sat on the chair swinging her legs, seemingly unconcerned about the so-called Death Spicy Strip. Master Zhen Yong clenched his fists as sweat trickled down his forehead.

Bu Fang glanced at the crowd. With a thought in his mind, the power of life emerged, condensing into an orb of life over each participant’s head. The orbs rotated slowly, with a powerful life force flowing in them as if they were ready to heal these participants at any time.

Such a preparation caused many people to draw in cold air.

“Does he need to go to such an exaggerated extent? Does that mean eating these spicy strips will really kill them?!”

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