Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 363 - Soldiers at the City Wall

Chapter 363 Soldiers at the City Wall

Becoming a demon lord not only increased your status among demons, but it also increased the hostility and vigilance from other races.

Not to mention, the T-Virus that Roy spread in the Ashan world had brought great disasters to the people of this world. In fact, even if he had not done anything, the people of Ashan would definitely want to crusade against him.

Just like in games where heroes fought against a demon king, Roy was now the demon king to be defeated…

To be honest, Roy was already long accustomed to this situation. His demon identity was a natural taunt machine that taunted others wherever he went, continuously attracting a steady stream of heroes who wanted to defeat him.

The only thing Roy had to do was to slap these heroes to death… This was the professional ethics of being a demon. With the passage of time, more detailed information came back three days later. The Haven Church of Erathia, the mages of Bracada, the elves of AvLee, the dwarfs of Grimheim, and the orcs from the various tribes of the east had almost all poured out. They mobilized most of their forces in their respective countries to participate in this crusade. The alliance army had an unprecedented number of 2.4 million!

Such a large number raised the morale of the alliance army high. They even shouted the slogan of the crusade openly-eliminate Demon Lord Osiris and raze Eeofol!

Yes, after gathering such a large army, the upper echelons of the alliance naturally did not just want to kill Roy, a single demon lord. For hundreds of years, the various races of Ashan had suffered from the demon invasions. Every lunar eclipse would bring about huge disasters because of the demon invasion. So this time, they wanted to destroy the demons’ foothold in Ashan completely, drive the demons back to Sheogh, and reinforce the seal of the Sheogh prison to obtain a longer period of peace.

After putting aside the prejudices and working together, the alliance army began operating at an unprecedented efficiency. The various races opened their respective army teleportation points in their countries and allowed large numbers of troops to rush to the battlefield through the portals. In just a short week, the alliance army had already assembled at Eeofol’s border.

More than two million troops lined the border and tightly surrounded Eeofol’s paths to other countries, making sure that no demon would be able to escape.

After the high-level combat forces of the various races took their positions, the alliance army split into five units and advanced toward Eeofol’s core from different directions.

The demons had built a few cities near the border, and they were the first to suffer. After resisting for less than a day, these cities with large numbers of demon troops were directly destroyed and flattened. Apart from a few demons who escaped, the rest were killed in the battles. Furthermore, because of the presence of angels, the souls of many demons could not even escape back to the Abyss and were directly purified.


When Roy first took over Kha-Beleth’s forces, many high-rank demon heroes had joined him. So in the process of the alliance army pushing forward, a lot of these high-rank demon heroes died. Although the number of demon troops they led was numerous, it was not enough in front of the alliance army.

Every time the alliance army captured a city, the first thing it did was to destroy the summoning formation in the city and then burn the demon city clean, completely eliminating the way for the demons to increase their troops. After the scattered defeated demons fled back to Ur-Hekal in a sorry state, they informed Roy about the war situation on the front lines and implored Lord Osiris to summon more reinforcements from the Abyss as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would be impossible to win this war. But Roy was unmoved by the demons’ request. He merely nodded to indicate that he knew, but he did not do anything else.

Seeing Roy’s indifference, even Benia was a little nervous. “Your Lordship, are we really not going to do anything?”

Roy looked at her and asked, “Then what should I do? Should I summon two million demons from the Abyss?”

Benia was instantly at a loss for words. She also understood that this was impossible. It was not possible to summon so many demons from the Abyss in such a short time.

Benia was a little anxious, but Julia did not have any reaction. Julia knew more about Roy than Benia, and she knew that he had already made up his mind to return to the Abyss after this war, so she had no thoughts about whether they could win the war or not.

From this point of view, although they were both Roy’s assistant, Julia’s status in his heart was indeed higher than Benia’s…

But Benia was still very smart. From Roy’s attitude, she could tell that he had other plans, so she did not say anything.

Those who were even more uneasy than Benia were the high-rank demons leading the army. They did not know Roy’s plan, but out of awe for the demon lord, no demons dared to ask. They could only worry in their hearts while desperately whipping the low-rank demons to continue reinforcing Ur-Hekal’s city defenses.

About thirteen days later, on the high ground of Ur-Hekal, they could finally see figures appearing on the horizon.

The alliance army advanced quickly and finally arrived at Ur-Hekal. In the eyes of the demons, scattered figures first appeared, and then more and more slowly joined them, looking densely packed and endless.

The ground was trembling from the march of the more than two million alliance troops, and the murderous atmosphere spread to Ur-Hekal a few kilometers away.

The demons in the city were very uneasy, and there was a tremendous commotion. Even the bloodthirsty demons were afraid. They could smell the aura of numerous natural enemies from the alliance army.

At this moment, Roy led Julia and Benia out of the main hall and came to the top of the city wall. Fat Tiger’s massive body followed behind them, but he seemed to have sensed something and had his tail clamped between his legs as he walked.

The first scene they saw was hundreds of behemoths. They had thick iron chains tied around their necks as the orcs controlled them to move forward. The orcs rode on rhinos and kodo beasts, beating their war drums, making thundering sounds as they moved through the gaps under the feet of the behemoths.

Behind them, there were some muscular cyclopes and titans about the same height as the behemoths. Erathia’s cavalry was donned in thick steel armor and rode on their warhorses rhythmically. The elven girls alongside them were riding unicorns, and the dwarfs had short legs, so they looked a little awkward walking. They had to work hard to keep up with the pace of the army, but without exception, they were all carrying giant hammers. These heavy weapons made it impossible for others to ignore their strength.

Farther behind were the mages, the elven rangers, and the Haven crossbowmen. These long-range troops were well-protected in the formation by the other troops. Along with them were hundreds of catapults and ballistas. Under the continuous blessings of the Haven priests, they advanced with high morale.

In the sky above the alliance army, flying creatures that covered the sky had long blocked the light of the sun. They were like dark clouds as they slowly moved along with the troops below. From afar, it was easy to identify all kinds of different species-emerald dragons, green dragons, gold dragons, red dragons, black dragons, and even some beautiful white dragons and colorful faerie dragons. It could be said that most of the dragon species could be seen here. Beside these dragons were small griffins and hippogryphs, and knights were riding on the backs of these griffins and hippogryphs. Under the control of the knights, these small flying troops were flying agilely between the gaps of the wings of the dragons. But they only dared to fly close to the dragons and did not dare to approach the fire phoenixes full of flames. Although there were not many of these fire phoenixes, they were existences that could rival the dragons. As for the natural enemies of the demons, the angels flew higher. During Roy’s lord promotion ritual, he had slaughtered many angels of Cloud City. But it was unknown what method Erathia used, but hundreds of angels appeared in the alliance army. Although they were all low-level two-winged angels, the one leading them was Seraph Isabel!

She flew to the front of the angels, and her enormous fluttering golden wings were so eye-catching. And as long as the Haven troops of the alliance army below looked up and saw her wings, they would have endless courage.

“Sure enough, she appeared. It seems like she prefers being an angel than a queen!” Roy grinned.

On the other hand, Julia and Benia looked at Isabel in surprise. They did not know that Isabel had become a seraph. After all, they did not follow Roy into Cloud City at that time, but they remembered Isabel, the queen who had given birth to the Dark Messiah. They did not understand what had happened. Why had a human become a seraph…

“What a terrifying formation…” Julia muttered as she looked at the size of the alliance army. “Even His Majesty Samael and Lilith would find such an army troublesome, right?”

“That’s not necessarily the case. If they were here, the demon forces they brought would have likely been not any fewer!” Roy replied casually and said to Benia, “Take it out!” Benia nodded and got some demons to carry a large altar over. This was the altar in the underground room. Roy got Benia to take it out entirely.

After injecting magic power, the magic formation in the altar lit up. After twenty days, Roy finally contacted Sheogh demon lords again.

“Osiris!!” As soon as the screen appeared, Dioland’s exasperated voice came. “Damn it, what the hell are you doing? You’re only contacting His Excellency Urgash. Do you need to delay for so long?!”

Behind Dioland, the figures of the other demon lords also appeared. But before they could continue asking about the contact, Roy spoke first.

“Shh!” Roy raised his index finger and said to Dioland on the screen, “Don’t talk. Look!”

He had especially moved the altar to the city wall to let the demon lords take a good look at the overwhelming alliance army.

Sure enough, after seeing the scene of the army pressing forward, the demon lords were immediately dumbfounded like ducks being strangled…

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