
Chapter 760 - Do the evolution!

Chapter 760 - Do the evolution!

The other predominant theory is that the demons' very nature, their demonic disposition, if you will, is what causes them to embrace conflict. It's true that the demons are generally untrusting, aggressive, greedy, short tempered, perpetually unsatisfied, possess an inflated opinion of themselves or all of the above, but the question I always come back to is: why?

It's not enough for a scholar to say 'they're born that way' and have done with it. When we observe creatures of nature and the traits they are born with it is possible with study and reason to determine the purpose of those traits. Why do some sorts of insects cooperate? It increases their chances of survival! Why do wolves operate in packs? Why do geese flock together? Why do lions move in prides? Why do bears hibernate in the winter? We can make educated guesses as to the purpose of all of these things. So, in my opinion, it stands to reason that we can do the same for demons.

When viewed in this way, the answer becomes apparent rather quickly, though I have failed to convince many of my contemporaries of the veracity of this hypothesis. Demon society is embroiled in a constant state of conflict, at almost every conceivable level, because it produces stronger demons that way.

There is no such thing as resting on your laurels, for a demon. No such thing as a happy retirement. If one of their kind manages to rise to the top, they need to continue to rise, lest they be overtaken and cast down by others more worthy. It's a brutal, single-minded approach to community, but one that suits them rather well. Though many have tried, there are none who have managed to subdue the monsters native to the third strata for long. They can be reasoned with, to an extent. Bargained with, to a point. But they are so, so difficult to conquer.

Excerpt from 'The Demon Below' by Axelgesis

Warm and fuzzies out of the way, it's time for the big moment! We max out their cores, but before anything else can happen, I need to make a few adjustments to Tiny's core.

[Get over here, dammit!] I yell at the ape as he attempts to run away. [It's not going to hurt! All I'm going to do is transfer some stats from might to cunning.]

He flinches as if I just told him I'm going to shift his bones around.

[Tiny…] I warn him. [Get over here right now or I swear I'll switch half your muscle mass into neurons. Maybe then you'll be smart enough to stack one block on top of another.]

He gives me a wounded look as if to say 'that was a little excessive. I'll have you know that I put two blocks on top of another, thank you very much!'

[Alright, I'm sorry. Okay? Just come over, I'll make you smart enough to use the manual evolution and that's it.]

Reluctance still evident in every part of his body, Tiny makes his way over, running his hands along his biceps and bulging shoulder muscles with a mournful look on his face. I do my best to ignore his pleading expression as I bring my antennae forward and activate core manipulation.

With the sheer mental power I bring to the table now, it's way easier than it ever was before to adjust cores and I get to work making the necessary changes. In order to keep things in balance, I do my best to ensure the loss of Might is generally applied across his whole body and not concentrated on any particular place. That way he won't become ungainly in some way that might negatively affect his evolution. When the job is done, he's become noticeably less bulky in places, but now has enough cunning to be somewhat less dense. Speaking of which.

[Just exactly how thick was your skull man?!] I demand. [There wasn't enough room up there for additional mass, half of it's sitting in your neck!]

It's true, his skull was remarkably thick, which might explain how he's managed to avoid severe brain injury from all the beatings he's taken over the weeks and months. I knew he was thick, but didn't realise it had quite gotten to this level. After making this change, it's off to see Granin for a final appointment.

[Finally got there did you?] Torrina welcomes us with a smile as we park ourselves outside the Golgari offices. No chance we all fit in there… [I'll get Granin for you.]

A few moments later and the surly old rock trundles out to greet us.

[Now it's your turn eh?] he turns to Tiny and Crinis with a broad grin. [Tier six! The big leagues! Jeez, I can't remember the last time I heard about a shaper walking about with three tier six pets. That's a literal fortune in cores being invested right there.]

[Rare cores this time around,] I boast, [only the best!]

Corun rolls his eyes.

[Obviously rare cores. You think they deserve worse than you got?]

[No!] I protest. [I'd give them better if I could!]

[Oh, Master,] Crinis wiggles about in her spherical form on my back.

Granin just grunts.

[All right then, I'll talk to these two one at a time and give them a few guidelines and try to set some expectations so they know what they're going into. Tiny should get something along the same lines you did in terms of reset, although the weird shadow mana infusion he got does complicate things a little. Crinis on the other hand… it's a little more up in the air. Do you want to sit in on the conversations?] he asks me.

[Absolutely,] I say. [They're my friends and I want to help as much as I can.]

The old golgari pauses for a moment when he hears the word 'friends' but otherwise just nods.

[All right then,] he says, rubbing his two hands together as that familiar enthusiasm takes hold of his frame. [Who's first?]

As long as I live in this world, I'm sure I'll never see another sapient as enthusiastic about evolving monsters as this guy. It can't be healthy.

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