Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3869 Duality

Chapter 3869  Duality

Clara's gaze flickered, "As I said, if my brother ends up being a threat, then it is up to me to kill him, but he is not from what I have seen so far."


Empyrean Miller Skyrend closed his eyes.

As expected, she was still young, not understanding that a divergent allowed to grow is a divergent that can't be killed easily.

For what other reason were they struggling to kill the Divergents of the Heavenly Blight Hall? It was because they had become so strong and hid themselves so skillfully that it became difficult to find them.

Moreover, this Aurora Cloud Gate from the First Haven World was strange. There were reports that their higher ups were Divergents, but before they could act on them, they entirely disappeared.

This also pointed to another hidden Divergent group existing.

He couldn't understand. How are Divergents now suddenly teaming up in the past few million years when there was no such case before? It was because they were unnatural that they couldn't help but also engage in suicidal actions, which included killing fellow Divergents and strengthening themselves in the process.

It was inconceivable for them to be joining forces.

He feared something else was at play here.

Empyrean Miller Skyrend turned to look at Autarch Yulan Nazarin, sending a soul transmission.

"Autarch Yulan Nazarin, keep Clara grounded until the execution ends. We do not want problems, and we don't have enough authority to punish her. The Heavenly Guardian Consortium will give instructions on how to deal with her, but until then, protect her. If the Divine Emperor of Death is whom they say he is, then he will try to take her back. We cannot allow that to happen."

"Yes, I will not allow that to happen, even at the cost of my life. We cannot afford to lose a heavenly warrior of this caliber to an Anarchic Divergent's whims. That is too dangerous and will bring disaster upon her, but she is too young to understand. We must teach her the ways of heavenly warriors."

Autarch Yulan Nazarin was still passionate. His thoughts on devoting his life to her still hadn't changed. But he frowned, "However, if it is to protect her, wouldn't it be better to look for an Upper Realm spatial node and take her away?"

"No, that's dangerous." Empyrean Miller Skyrend shook his head, "The Heavenly Blight Hall's main force is in the Upper Realms. Most likely, all known interlayer spatial nodes are being monitored by them. Isn't that also why you waited until the node closed to enter the Lower Realms?"


Autarch Yulan Nazarin embarrassingly nodded. However, his gaze also looked solemn, as he didn't think the Heavenly Blight Hall's reach was that big. It seems like he was still ignorant about the vast world and needed to learn, just like Clara.

After all, he was also a young genius.

However, he looked at Empyrean Miller Skyrend with admiration, as he could see the difference in wisdom.

"Besides, if we take her away, then chances are that he will follow, leaving a trail of destruction in the path. We cannot allow harm to befall others, and we need to take him down here. The execution site has been vacated for the most part. Things will move as planned."

"Understood." Autarch Yulan Nazarin cupped his hands.

He was determined to protect Clara and even speak to the Heavenly Guardian Consortium in her favor, for he had seen that her charisma and courage didn't lose out to Empyrean Miller Skyrend, even at such a young age. They both also had the eye to protect common people while carrying out justice, while most Heaven's Warriors wouldn't bother as they operate under various mindsets. She was truly a remarkable leader in the making.

"The problem is…"

However, Empyrean Miller Skyrend didn't seem to be done. He turned to look at Regalanius, "… the one who brought down those Vacuous Beasts— you say it was Accursed Warlock Fraser Herrion?"


Regalanius nodded, his heart sinking.

He had learned that even saying his name was taboo, but for Empyrean Miller Skyrend to utter it without a problem, his eyes glazed with aspirations that he would've never dreamed of in the beginning because he had to take care of the Heaven Mandate Temple, but now there were enough successors and a clear path. He was still in the Immortal Stage but could see himself rising as long as he obtained enough resources, even though the path was far.

"An Empyrean huh…"

He uttered lightly, wondering when he would reach such a level or if he would die before reaching such a level.

"That man is widely known to be extremely dangerous. He's not a Divergent but an evil force. Since he's not an unnatural entity, it will be difficult for us to step in. However, we will make sure to relay this information to the realm officials in the Upper Realms, strengthen the hunt, and increase the bounty placed on him."

After pondering, Empyrean Miller Skyrend spoke. If it were fine if he was in front of them and was doing evil right in front of their eyes, they could attack, but they couldn't go out of their way to kill him and disturb the natural order.

It was up to the heroes and warriors of humanity to finish him and other villains off.

"We're grateful, elder."

Regalanius cupped his hands in gratitude. He was still seething with rage for the continent he ruled, which was brought into immense danger by this impudent villain. If he had the power, he would execute Accursed Warlock himself.

Soon, the meeting was over, and Clara was taken away.

"Clara, you were great!~"

Abruptly, Xiaolan jumped from her life ring and squawked at her cutely in her tiny form before she landed on her shoulder.

"It seems like the healing pill worked."

Clara caressed Xiaolan fondly with a light smile on her face.

The healing pill was provided to her as soon as she arrived. Autarch Yulan Nazarin was true to his words and made sure to quickly heal Xiaolan. He also disallowed Xiaolan to be interrogated on the basis of being her magical beast mount. Otherwise, Xiaolan would be soulscoured, and their secrets would be known. She felt grateful to him.

"Quick, hide. Never show your face again."

"Eh… that sounded so harsh."

Xiaolan cried out, but she still understood and headed back inside Clara's life ring. Being outside was dangerous for her, as there were still calls for her to be investigated.

If Clara can't be soulscoured, then a less important person like her could be soulscoured. It was better to hide than show her face outside.

Clara became silent as she looked around. The chamber was filled with opulent furniture and refreshments.

She was treated grandly but was still grounded. Clara didn't resist. She was glad to have protected her family's flying ship, becoming proud of the fact that she had finally done something of use to her brother.

She wasn't even arrested or insulted, allowing her to know the true power she held here.

'Even if I cannot outright protect my brother, I can protect the family from outside and make sure the Heaven's Warriors don't harm the family…'

Clara clenched her fists.

The thing her brother feared the most was the family becoming endangered. If it weren't for that, she trusted he wouldn't fall for any kind of attack, as she had the utmost faith that he would overcome anything.

However, she couldn't help but think back to the words Empyrean Miller Skyrend asked her. Would she be able to kill her brother with her own two hands if he finally became evil in the future?

She instantly denied it, as she didn't think she was as powerful as her brother to be able to kill him in the first place, but what if, on the off chance, she did surpass him in the future?

Her gaze remained on her palms, which were now shaking as a ridiculous question popped up in her head.

Where did her true loyalty lie? To the heavens? Or to her family?

If it was the former, why couldn't she outright say that she would kill her big brother?

If it was the latter, why was she still loved by the heavens?

Her gaze shook as she found it difficult to understand.

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