Cultivation Online

Chapter 1497 Chu Wuyang

Chapter 1497 Chu Wuyang

1497 Chu Wuyang

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Why is this happening?! What went wrong?! I did everything perfectly!' Chu Wuyang cried inwardly after realizing that his plan to assassinate Chu Shijian had failed.

He shifted his gaze from Chu Shijian to Chu Liuxiang before stopping at Yuan.

'It must be this bastard's doing! This is the second time you've hindered my plans, you fucking bastard!'

Yuan noticed Chu Wuyang staring at him, so he made eye contact with him and showed a mocking grin.

'This fucker!!!' Chu Wuyang's body trembled from anger.

"Do you know who poisoned you?" Chu Shufen suddenly asked.

Chu Shijian didn't immediately respond, so the entire room fell silent.

"I do."

"?!?!" Chu Wuyang tried to hide the fear on his face but failed to do so.

"Who?! Which brave bastard dared to assassinate you?!"

Chu Shijian sighed and said, "That person is currently in this room with us."


The wives immediately started exchanging looks, their faces filled with disbelief and doubt.

Chu Shufeng shook her head and spoke a moment later, "Dear… there must have been some sort of mistake. How did you learn that someone here poisoned you?"

"I rarely left this place after my Dantian was crippled and I returned to being a mere mortal. I was completely healthy, albiet weak, until the system update for Cultivation Online happened. I began growing sick shortly after the system update, and I hadn't left our home for an entire month before the system update, so only someone from our family could've poisoned me."

"The poison, Basilisk's Tear, is administered through consumption, whether it be through liquid or food. Additionally, its intensely bitter taste can only be masked effectively with sweetness."

"Sebastian is responsible for all of my food, but there's no way he'd poison me. He has been with our family since birth, not to mention his ancestors. I trust him enough to entrust my life to him. Moreover, since I have a strict diet, he'd never go out of his way to cook anything sweet without receiving my request first."

"From the moment the system update occurred to now, only one individual in this room has fed me something sweet—

overwhelmingly so, at that."

Chu Shijian's gaze fell upon Chu Wuyang, who was visibly shaking by now and looked as though he was about to freeze to death.

The others followed his gaze to Chu Wuyang, their eyes wide with shock.

"N-no! There must've been a misunderstanding! My son would never do such a thing!" His mother quickly stepped forward, shielding Chu Wuyang with her body.

"T-that's right!" Chu Wuyang shouted.

"It's true that I had fed you a slice of cake, but I also ate from that very slice right after you, so why did I not get sick?!" Chu Wuyang cried out loud, desperately defending himself.

"Don't tell me you're going to say that I had prepared the antidote for myself beforehand because that is mere speculation and not solid proof!"

Chu Shijian nodded, "You're right, and I am not foolish enough to accuse you without solid proof. Therefore, I had Sebastian dig through all of your stuff."

"Sebastian!" he called out loud.

Sebastian entered the room the very next second with a folder in his grasp.

"Young Master Wuyang, you're not very good at hiding your secrets. It only took me several hours of investigation to learn so much about you. Not only are you in constant contact with the Qin Family's eldest son, Qin Bojing, but you've also been paid tremendously by them for the past four years."

"What?! You've been scheming behind our backs with the Qin Family?!"

The others exclaimed in shock upon hearing this revelation.

"That's bullshit!" Chu Wuyang cried out loud.

Yuan's laughter suddenly erupted, followed by his words, "Chu Wuyang, you must be immensely cherished by your family to achieve Spirit Lord at your age. I can only imagine the wealth and resources they've lavished upon you."

"What? Spirit Lord?" Chu Shijian and the rest of the Chu Family were baffled to learn this, as they weren't aware of his cultivation this entire time due to their inferior cultivations.

The strongest Cultivator in their family was a mere Spirit Master, and due to the Qin Family's hindrance, they didn't have the luxury of drowning themselves in resources after the system update.

"Is this why you betrayed your own family, Chu Wuyang?! For some cultivation resources?! You are a disgrace!" Chu Shijian roared, his face bulging with veins.

"I cannot even begin to imagine attempting to assassinate my own father just to reach Spirit Lord. I knew you were always pathetic, but I could've never imagined it was to this extent." Chu Liuxiang spoke in a cold voice as she looked at Chu Wuyang as if he were a mere bug.

But she was not finished and continued, "Or what? Did Yuan beat you so hard that you'd gone insane? Actually, that happened long after you started scheming with the Qin Family, so that cannot be the case."

"P-please tell me this is all a lie. Wuyang… tell them that it's all just a misunderstanding!" His mother grabbed his sleeves and muttered while crying.

Chu Wuyang suddenly stopped trembling and stood there like a stone statue. After a moment of silence, he snapped, "DID YOU THINK I WANTED TO DO THIS?!"

Lifting his head, his face contorted with anger, he pointed at Chu Liuxiang and shouted, "This is all because of you! You don't even share our bloodline! You were merely adopted! Yet, you receive better treatment and more privilege than me, who was actually born into this family!"

"From the day you came to our household, everything went to you! Resources! Oppurinities! My father's love! Everything!"

Chu Wuyang turned to look at the eldest son and continued, "If anyone can understand me, it's you, Elder Brother Yuanjun! In fact, being the eldest in our family, you must hate her more than I do!"

Chu Yuanjun, who was suddenly dragged into this mess, merely lowered his head in silence.

"That's your reason for poisoning your own father? As expected of someone as weak and fragile as you. It's very befitting, flawlessly so."

A cold voice suddenly sneered.

Chu Wuyang snapped his head to glare at Yuan, who had just spoken, his gaze brimming with intense killing intent and profound hatred.

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