Power and Wealth

Chapter 1118: Kill

Chapter 1118: Kill

Florida wilderness.

In front of a crashed Buicks.

Zhang Longjuan, Yao Shun, and Old Hong did not understand Dong Xuebing. What do you mean by leaving this to you? Ah? They saw him as a tourist and thought what happened scared him out of his wits. What is he talking about?

Zhang Longjuan panicked. “Xiao Dong!”

Yao Shun shouted. “Stop moving. There’s eight of them.”

From their earlier exchanges, Yao Shun and Old Hong knew these eight soldiers were elites and good in close combat and marksmanship. All of them are fully armed with automatic weapons and pistols. How is Dong Xuebing going to resist arrest?!

This is a one-sided battle.

The difference in power is too big.

How can an unarmed tourist win against those soldiers?

Dong Xuebing ignored them and looked at the soldiers with a smile.

Those who know Dong Xuebing well will know he is furious now.

Dong Xuebing threw the cigarette butt on the floor and slowly walked towards Zhang Longjuan and that injured soldier. He had one hand in his pocket.

“Xiao Dong!”

“What are you doing?”

Yao Shun and Old Hong shouted at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing waved with his back facing them.

The few soldiers exchanged looks and laughed. They looked at Dong Xuebing as if he were a joke.

That injured soldier laughed and pointed his gun at Dong Xuebing. He said something in English.

Dong Xuebing does not understand and doesn’t care.

Zhang Longjuan quickly shouted. “He asked you to put your hands behind your back and kneel. Xiao Dong! Do as he says!”

Dong Xuebing continued forward with a smile.

Zhang Longjuan, Yao Shun, and Old Hong were anxious. Is this guy crazy? He is facing eight soldiers who are ready to shoot him. What is he thinking? Does he think he can escape from them?

“We cannot escape!”

“Just get on your knees and stop moving.”

Yao Shun and the rest were afraid Dong Xuebing would do something foolish.

However, Dong Xuebing looked at them and said confidently. “Leave it to me. It’s only eight of them. We don’t need to run.”

Only eight of them?!

When they heard it, Yao Shun, Old Hong, and Zhang Longjuan almost fainted.

Suddenly, Zhang Longjuan shouted. “Behind you, Xiao Dong!”

Yao Shun and Old Hong quickly looked over. That injured soldier seemed to have lost his patience. He raised his rifle butt and was about to hit the back of Dong Xuebing’s head.

Dong Xuebing did not even turn. He looked at Yao Shun and the rest. “Don’t interfere and wait there.”

“Behind you!”

“Watch out!”

Dong Xuebing continued to look away.

That soldier sneered as his rifle butt was about to hit Dong Xuebing’s head.

At this moment, everyone, including the soldiers, froze. They could not believe their eyes.

Dong Xuebing moved his head slightly and dodged the rifle butt.

His other hand, not in his pocket, swings upwards casually.

Everyone saw Dong Xuebing move his hand, and that injured soldier froze. He looked shocked. He moved his mouth, but no sound came out.


“What are you doing, Pete?!”

The soldiers stood behind that injured soldier and did not see what had happened.

Suddenly, blood gushed out from Pete’s neck.

The soldiers realized Dong Xuebing had stabbed a steak knife into Pete’s neck.


The soldiers’ faces changed.

Zhang Longjuan, Yao Shun, and Old Hong were stunned.

Dong Xuebing still smiled as he pulled the steak knife from Pete’s neck. He swung the blood off the knife and walked towards another soldier. He pulled his hand out, and another steak knife appeared.


“Prepare to fire!”

The soldiers were furious as one of their teammates was killed.

Dong Xuebing shouted to Zhang Longjuan and the rest. “Stay down!”

Zhang Longjuan, Yao Shun, and Old Hong quickly get on the ground. They tried to keep their heads as low as possible. To their surprise, Dong Xuebing did not lie down or get behind the covers. He continued to walk towards those soldiers.

“Xiao Dong!”

“Get down!”

Dong Xuebing ignored them.

“Ta… ta… ta…. Ta….”

Shots fired.

Of course. Not all the soldiers fire at Dong Xuebing. Only two soldiers facing Dong Xuebing fired. They were confident of their marksmanship and would not miss at this distance.

To everyone’s surprise, Dong Xuebing moved.

Dong Xuebing tilted his head slightly when the soldiers opened fire, and a bullet zoomed past him. He stepped forward, and the second and third bullets brushed past his arms. The fourth round, also the last bullet, would hit his shoulder. He raised his left hand and blocked it with his steak knife.

Sparks flew as Dong Xuebing changed the bullet’s trajectory with his knife.

The steak knife had a scorched mark as the bullet brushed against it. Dong Xuebing’s arm and wrist took the impact and felt a bit numb.

All four bullets were missed.

Dong Xuebing continued forward.

The soldiers turned pale.


“Open fire!”


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