Monster Integration

Chapter 1995 - Covered In True Essences

Chapter 1995 - Covered In True Essences

"True essence!" Councilmen Finn said as crystalline liquid appeared, from about five liters of herbal essence, I was able to derive a tiny amount of true essence, which was enough to fill a bottle cap, not even a mouthful. While it may not look much but it is enough for my purpose.

As the true essence created, a group of hundred-some runes moved toward it, and as each rune moved through the true essence, it would take its dark green crystalline color; by the time the last rune had passed through it, all the true essence has disappeared.

These runes with true essences moved toward the formation on the right, and as they reached it, they began to latch on the formation like a perfect little piece.

At least four crystalline runes have been attached to each of twenty-two herbs and ores, while fifty-one dark green crystalline runes filled with true essence attached to the formation where gold-silver stardust of rendom is.


The right formation buzzed, and white runes of purification fire and crystalline green runes of true essence shone brightly before their power had covered all the resources, including stardust of rendom; their shine was so bright, especially at the center where stardust of rendom is that I could not see anything.

When the whole shine died down, I saw twenty-two crystalline true essences are circling the golden-silver drop, which is the essence of the stardust.

The true essence in the ruin has got absorbed by these true essences, and now, these essences are moving toward the golden drop before they started merging with it, but as they did, there was no chance in the shape, size, and color of drop.

The drop remained unchanged till it had absorbed every last bit of essence, seeing that smile couldn't help but appear on my face.

The formation and the essence of the stardust have worked as I had hoped it would be. The stardust of remdon is the perfect building block I could hope to gain; it is a much better choice than the divine crystal I had been searching the runes for.

Buzz Buzz!

A second after the drop merged with all the essences, it began to move toward the central formation. At the same time, two small formations in the main formation activated. They are formation holding space and time element resources, and unlike other resources, the formations have not extracted their essence but the traces of law, which is most important.

The faint traces of space and times laws extracted and spread into the whole central formation; it only took a few seconds, and by that time, by that time, golden and silver drops arrived at the central formation and started filling the runes.

At one glance, it looked like this tiny drop of golden and silver liquid was not enough to fill a single ruin, but it kept filling one ruin after another of the central formation.

In just a minute, it had filled nearly 15% of the runes, and it kept filling. There is no surprise on my face; every aspect of my breakthrough had been calculated extensively by me, I have spent weeks for it. I had to; I could not allow any mistakes.

Six minutes passed by, and the golden drop had covered all the runes of central formation, turning it into the golden silver from white.


A second after all the runes had turned Golden-Silver, the formation buzzed, and runes began to dissolve, and a minute later, I found myself in a shallow pool of thick golden-silver liquid.

As the runes dissolved, the golden-silver liquid began to move toward me. Seeing that, I turned off my armor which had made me completely naked; I had not worn a single article of clothing beneath my armor. It was the first time I had done something like that.

I would not remain naked for long.

A few seconds later, the golden-silver liquid touched my feet before I started climbing on my body. It is quite warm, warmer than I had expected, but nothing that I could not bear.

It began to climb over my body; it only took a few seconds for it to cover my thighs before it began to flow up toward my waist.


While the golden liquid began to cover me, the last formation in front of me activated. The nine points of stars lit up, and their purification fire runes started to extract the true essence from the main materials and supporting materials on the starts.

The only thing that remained unaffected was a speck at the center of the star; the formation it had been placed on remained inactive.

A minute had passed by, and the silver and golden-silver liquid had covered my whole body, leaving not an inch; I could not even see with my eyes and had to use my senses to see.

Twelve more minutes passed, and true essence had been extracted from all the main and supplementary resources. They have all occupied the runes except for the speck of creation material in the center, and now, all of them are moving toward me, including the spec in the center.

Within minutes, runes representing nine elements climbed over me; each element was giving off familiar and unfamiliar feelings. These elements represent the elements in me, but they are not, but soon they will be.

The only thing that is not giving off any feeling is a speck of creation material, it had taken place directly above my heard and runes of nine elements forming a complex but beautiful formation around it; it is clear that speck in the center of everything, the most important material of all.

It took three minutes for all runes to appear on my body; they have covered every part of my body with their center is my heart, on which a speck of creating material is standing, changing states, and showing a color that seemed to contain, all the colors in the world.

The easy part is over, and now it is time to start the most difficult one.. If I survive from it, I will be Tyrant with great power and potential, or I will face death; it will be extremely difficult to move out in the middle with the scythe of curse watching over me.

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