Monster Integration

Chapter 2092: Hell Scyth

Chapter 2092: Hell Scyth

As I entered the forest, I increased my speed again; the soul sense of Grandmasters is pretty strong, and the range is very wide; I want to get out of the range as soon as possible.

Thankfully, with my speed and abilities, I would not have any problem, not to mention I have a protection of the aura, and Grandmaster is cloaking my location; there is no way Grimm Grandmaster would be able to track me.

My own abilities are quite good; I am confident that even if I did not have so much help, I would still have been able to move undetected under the soul sense of Grimm Grandmaster. Some of the methods let me do that, as long as I am not in immediate range of the Grandmaster.

Around me, I could see the faint soul sense of the Grandmasters; they are tussling with each other for more area and a clearer picture of the area they are scanning, but their fight is not letting them have that, which is intentional too.

It is fine if they do not receive any advantages; they feel their enemy should not have any advantage as well.

As I covered more distance, the soul sense of Grandmasters became fainter and fainter till it was all was disappeared; even then, I did not take a risk and continued with the same pace without deactivating my abilities.

I continued as such for nearly half an hour, and when I became sure that there was no speck of Grandmaster’s soul sense around me. I lessened the power of my stealth abilities and increased my speed by more than ten times.

I had even let Ashlyn out; she wanted to be out since I walked into the tunnel. It is a good thing that there is my core for her to make her feel like she is outside; otherwise, she would have continuously nagged me to let her out.

With Ashlyn in the sky, I will not have to worry about anything. She will even sense the Grandmaster’s soul sense before me; I would have called her earlier, but I feared she might chirp loudly in her excitement, but it seemed like I had underestimated her; even when she was excited, she knows how to control herself.

A few minutes later, I increased my speed again and began to make my way toward my mission. 

I have been dying to get out alone since I had leveled up, but I had never got the chance since, aside from day in academy, I had spent all my days into the Pyramid before I came here. I now just hope that Grimm Monsters give me some nice surprise.

A one and a half hours passed by, and I have reached close to my destination; Ashlyn was very high in the air, looking at a large area from above. If the Grimm Monsters doing something big, Ashlyn will notify me immediately; even if they are doing something small, Ashlyn will sense it.

Chirp Chirp

A few minutes had just passed when Ashlyn chirped, informing of her sensing a group of formation before diving down, and soon, I got the visuals of Grimm Monsters with my connection with the Ashlyn.

When I saw a group of five Grimm Monsters moving sneakily, my eyes couldn’t help but widen up. There are five Grimm Monsters, two Masters, and three peak leaders, all of them are holding a compass-like artifacts and looking like they are searching for something.

They also seemed to be using a very powerful stealth artifact that was covering all of them. If not for Ashlyn’s soul sense which immediately discards the effect of such an artifact, I would have had a hard time discovering these bastards in a short time. 

I wonder how our sensors have picked up their movements, but that will be a question of later.

‘Why are these bastards from Hell Scyth legion are for?’ I asked myself. Hell Scyth legion is one of the elite legions of Grimm Monsters, and its members should not be in the area of jurisdiction of Burning Sea legion, which is the Grimm Monsters we are fighting again in fort ardon.

Like the Grimm Monsters, their legions are also very territorial, and they would not easily let other legions in their territory. If they had been informed, then at least one member of Burning Sea Legion would have been with them, but there is none.

My first instinct was to finish up these bastards and get done with it and return as General had ordered me, but I shot down that instinct. Their secretive action had made me quite curious, and now, I want to follow them to see what they are doing.

Of course, I am not going to waste too much time if I do not find anything within six hours. I am going to kill them and return back to the fort.

As I decided, five invisible seeds came out of me and seeped into a body of five Grimm Monsters without their knowledge. These seeds will help me see what they are seeing and hear what they hear, even control them when it needs to be.


A minute had passed when I had seeped my seed in them when they all stopped and started to fiddle with artifacts.

The artifact they use are Grimm ones; I could not tell what they are for, and these bastards are speaking in Grimm language too so, I am completely blank here. It did not much matter to me; whatever they will find, it would be mine.

They moved their sensors around and even took out a couple of more artifacts and fiddled around them for minutes when two masters shook their heads. Seeing that, they stored their artifacts back and again moved, following the devices in their hands.

Their strange action had made me even more curious, and now I really want to see what these bastards are searching for.

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