Monster Integration

Chapter 2175: Growth Energy

Chapter 2175: Growth Energy

It took more than two minutes before the runes have able to suck away all the bloodline essence from the four Grimm Monsters. It was in huge amount, and four sources took it all without stopping.

I couldn’t help but feel jealous of them as this huge amount of essence would have increased my power tremendously.

These thoughts have lasted in my mind for a few minutes, and they vanished when the mysterious tree finally released its growth energy and the plants around began to grow at a visible speed.

The changes begin to occur in all the plants, from the essence tree to the mysterious tree, which is also growing with the other trees.

More and resources are maturing, and their levels are growing at a visible speed. In the first ten seconds, I got the second resource at Master level, and twenty seconds after that third, one by one, many resources began to reach the Master class and classes below it.


Nearly two minutes passed, and growth energy was still making the plants grow when I suddenly noticed the changes it was bringing in my core.

Each plant is creating its own pressure, and first, it was nothing to be worried about, but as the plants began to mature, I noticed how big this thing is, and my hope for planting more seeds into my core was dashed immediately.

Each plant is creating pressure as they mature, and this pressure would increse with their level.

For one or two plants, it is not a big thing, but there are over twenty different species of plants with some species with multiple plants, and it is creating pressure on my core. 

Currently, this pressure is nothing to be worried about, but as these plants mature further and grow in level with more resources growing on them with the help of growth energy of their pressure would go further.

My plan to make greater use of this growth energy by planting lot more plants had gone down to drain.

It is a good thing that since the beginning, I was very selective about the seeds, each seed I had planted is extremely rare, and they provide the best benefits. So, even if I cannot plant any more plants till I level up, I am still more than happy.

The growth energy spread throughout the plant for a little more than three minutes before it had finally stopped, bringing an astonishing change to my core.

The mysterious tree had now become thicker with the height of one and a half meters, and it had already grown twelve branches. I could tell this is going to be a shade tree; the signs of it are visible, the signs are visible both up and below the tree.

The essence tree also got a big change, now there are signs of seven buds forming. If it continues to get the growth energy, it won’t be long before the buds of all essences appear on the tree.

The essence tree had also grown a little taller; the height is not noticeable unless one looks at it carefully.

Aside from both mysterious tree and essence tree, other trees have also have grown tremendously. Now, six trees have Master class resources on them, and many other trees have grown elite and leader class resources.

Any powerhouses, including Grandmaster’s eyes, would go red with envy if they saw these plants.

Forget mysterious tree and essence tree; these twenty-some trees are precious enough to invoke the envy of the Grandmasters; even if they had not reached their level, they are still very useful to a grandmaster.

It is one of the reasons why these plants are so hard to grow; some might even say near impossible. These plants are not precious because of their rarity, but they are precious because of their powerful properties that could be very useful for Grandmaster, despite being lower level.

I would have loved to stare at my treasures and study them; unfortunately, I could not. Something is going on here, and I have to find out and stop it before its too late.

So, I quickly collected the stuff of Grimm Monster and burned the proof of the harvesting before I walked deeper into the tower. Fortunately, I know where I have to go; I am sensing a faint but very strange fluctuation. It is likely where I might the answers I am looking for.

I walk steadily but carefully, though there is not much danger, I could see some broken formations which could turn dangerous if I stepped on them accidentally.


Nearly ten minutes had passed when I came across the thing which is sending a strange fiction, and it couldn’t help but make me shocked; I had expected many scenarios but not this one.

In front of me are black steles with Grimm runes carved on them floating in the air, and they each leasing energy and form a grey color huge energy dome.

Inside the dome is a Golden Flame Werewolf sitting crossed-legged with a dense Grimm Rune shining on its body with a phantom of bloodline behind. The phantom is so clear; I had never seen any Grimm Monster have such clarity.

Only in one human, I had seen the bloodline phantom this clear, and this is Elina after she had formed her bloodline core, and I fear this Golden Flame Werewolf had also formed a bloodline core; the clarity of bloodline phantom proves it.

It is sitting in front of what seemed a human palm side yellow rock through which wipes could be seen coming out, and these wisps would go into a bloodline phantom behind it, where they would change into dark energy and merge into the Werewolf’s body.

I fear the Werewolf is strengthening his core and bloodline through that yellow rock, whatever it is.

It is bad; this Golden Flame Werewolf is one of the best of Grimm Monsters; it is from the top royal tribe and formed a Bloodline Core. No, wonder the Grimms have sent such force to protect it.

Such people would become the core of their force; breaking into Grandmaster is an easy thing for them, and there is a high chance they would reach the peak of that level and might even go and become a Grand Lord; that is a real danger they represent.

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