Monster Integration

Chapter 2307 - [Bonus Chapter] Wine Making II

Chapter 2307 – [Bonus Chapter] Wine Making II

I walked into the huge building, and everything I needed was present there. Every tool and instrument needed to craft the Arsgasif Spirit.

The first stage to creating Arsgasif Spirit is the same as regular wine, crushing and pressing the grapes, with essencing of other ingredients. 

I moved toward the large wooden grape crushing Barral, which was big enough that ten people could stand on it easily. I adjusted its size and made it half as huge as before, and clusters of aralas grapes began to fall inside it.

This artifact is in my core, and I could call anything that is present in my core these aralas grape clusters. I have filled the tub with 60% of my Master’s class and Grandmaster class Aralas Grapes.

Common sense told me I should not use such a huge supply in the first attempt seeing how precious these grapes are, but my heart did not want to listen to my mind.

I added the grapes before I moved toward the metallic tanks that are engraved with dense runic formation. I will have to fill these tanks before I move back to the grapes, which are the most important ingredient.

Clup Clup Clup!

There are twenty-six tanks, and as I moved my hand, all of their lids were opened one after another.

As they did, streams of clear crystalline water began to fill these tanks. The water is from Hargrave Spring, a very precious spring in one of the most dangerous Grandmaster Class ruins; the Pyramid gave it to me free when I had asked for it.

A few seconds later, the water disappeared before other streams of water appeared and began to fill the tanks.

This water is from my own lake in the core; I am using 70% water from Hargrave springs and 30% from my own lake. 

Dhub Dhub Dhub

Soon, the streams stopped, and I waved my hand. As I did, a large number of resources appeared. If anybody sees these resources, their eyes will go wide; they are of either Master grade or Grandmaster grade, many of them are from my own core. 

The flowers went to their own tanks, while roots and herbs went to their own. Some mixed plants with specialized elements went to a different tank before the lids are closed.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

I walked toward the first tank and adjusted the parameters before activating the formation and moved toward another tank where I did the same.

What I am doing may seem simple enough, but its not something even a regular Grandmaster would do. One needs to have detailed knowledge of each of these plants and know how they will react against each other when they boil in this water.

The slightest mistake and everything will be lost; the only use they will have to use in a furnace of mountain forge where I mostly use the failed herbal products I buy from the alchemy labs.

Soon I activated all the formations on the take and walked to the huge barrel where I deposited the precious Aralas grapes.

I pushed the bottom of my pants up and flew into the tank. Now, I am going to crush these grapes with my feet; it is the most important and complicated part as I would need to do it in a certain way and would have to use my pure internal energy.

Internal energy needs to be used in a certain way to crush these grapes, and the recipe said the pure unflavoured energy is most preferable; thankfully, I have it.

Pachac Pachac Pachac

Bands of coppery-colored energy appeared on my legs, and as I pushed them, they would move down and crush the grapes. 

The thing is, I have to seal all my physical strength and would use a strength a what a common person of my age would use, which is not enough to crush these grapes and even waves of internal energy are not strong.

It is going to be a long process.

If I wanted to, I could crush these grapes into a fine paste in an instant, but unfortunately, I could not do; it would spoil the whole process. 

I have to follow the recipe written down in the book, which means it is not going to be a thing of minute but of hours, even I don’t know how long I would need to crush these grapes to the required state.

I used the internal energy to crush the grapes and would add some tiny amount of rule-bending power at each wave

Time passed as I began to crush the grapes. At first, this monotonous activity bored me, but as the hour passed, I started to enjoy it; it began to give a sense of calm and peace.

Before I knew it, thirteen hours passed by before I had finally stopped as the grapes had been crushed the required state.

I came out of the barrel and activated the formation on it, and wooden pressed began to move down from above. I have crushed the vines, and the pressure will press it, and the product came out it will be stored in the huge steel tank in the center of the building.


The presser begins to do its job, and in seconds, the purple-blue liquid begins to fill the huge steel tank. 

About fifteen minutes later, all the grape juice had entered the large steel tank, but it had not filled even 10%, which is not surprising; there are other things that will fill it.

I appeared beside tanks and opened their valves; as I did, the liquid in them began to transfer into the huge tank where the grape juice and soon, the green liquid from all the twenty-six tanks filled the huge steel tank to the near brim.


Seeing that, I flew over the huge tank and opened a small latch, and took out the shining silver yeast. 

Gadra yeast, I had to pay a huge price to get it; I hope it will be worth it. With that thought, I threw it all in the tank and closed the latch. With the yeast added, the fermentation process will begin.

It will take nine to fifteen days, around three to five days of outside time; till then, I am free to do other things unless Lord Whitmore send me to the mission in the evening.

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