Monster Integration

Chapter 2333: Ambitious Experiment

Chapter 2333: Ambitious Experiment

“Finished!” I said as I opened my eyes; every spatial speck had been extracted from my body, and that couldn’t help but relax me completely.

The spatial energy had made me its prisoner; even when it was only 1% remained in my body, it made me incapable of using even half of my strength. It is due to my special abilities that I was able to survive; if not for that, even 10% of spatial specks would have been enough to kill me.

After checking every spatial speck in my body had vanished, I went back to my room and just slept.

It might not look like it, but those damn spatial specks were quite painful; in the past month, I did not get a good sleep, which is likely why I had slept for nearly eleven hours before waking up completely relaxed.

I am completely healed; the spatial specks have done profound damage to my body and soul, but I am confident I could heal from that damage within a weak. In my current condition, I could use 60% of my strength, which is enough.

I remained in bed for a few minutes before I got up to freshen up and shower; when I went out, my father already had the breakfast ready.

Like yesterday, I played with my sister and talked with my father for some time before retreating into my practice room and beginning to make final preparations for my grand experiment. If it is successful, it will provide me a huge amount of data that will aid in perfecting my Inheritance.


I had finished with my preparations when Leonard appeared, and for the first time in quite a while, he looked nervous.

“Have you finished studying it?” I asked, “Yes,” he said. “You know, you can still say no. Even with my help, it is going to be very dangerous,” I said. I did not hide the risks associated with the experiment.

This experiment could kill him or worse turn him into a cripple.

“This is the best opportunity I have got in my life. People would die for such an opportunity, and I am no different,” He said with the fire of conviction burning in his eyes.

“Since you have decided, let’s begin,” I said and waved my hand, and next second, a huge formation has appeared. It is not something I had designed but is from an art called ‘Totem Creation Art.’ It is art I had found in the videttes storage, it is perfect for him.

I am going to make him practice an art, which sounds like a simple thing, but it is not. Leonard is not suitable to practice this or even the other arts present in archives, as arts are very peculiar about their requirements.

I do not simply want to make him practice the art; I want to something that had never been done in our world and if the experiment is successful, leonard will gain the strength beyond he had ever imagined.

His constitution is known as ‘Swallowing Mammoth.’ The constitution is not that strong but is a little unique. It could grow stronger by swallowing resources, but it has a limit, and the speed of its growth is quite slow, or it would not have taken this long to make it grow to this stage.

To be honest, with the resources I had spent, I would have been able to make even a regular constitution stronger as it or even stronger.

Its swallowing aspect is good; it is not what I had chosen Leonard, my mentee. There is another less known ability to his constitution, a very special one that instantly made me take him as my mentee.

His constitution is malleable, it could be changed, and I have been doing that since the first day Leonard has become my mentee, and my changes have become specific the moment I found the Totem Creation Art.

What I am trying to do has never been done before, at least in our world; I did not find someone who had done it; in other words, it would have been good if I had found some notes, the whole thing would have been little easy for me.

I am trying to achieve merge between his constitution and the art. It would shock the world if I became successful.

“Sorry, I am late; I had been held up by the patients.” Said Teacher as she appeared on the formation. “Its a good thing you have arrived on time; otherwise, I would have started without you,” I said.

“You wouldn’t.” She said as she appeared beside me. 

Of course, I wouldn’t; I had asked her to come here to witness something that had never been achieved in our world. I did not just call her to witness my most ambitious experiment; this experiment has as much stake for her as for me or even greater than me.

I will only get data, but if the experiment becomes successful, she will get something more, something very precious.

“Leonard, sit in the center of the formation,” I said. He nodded and flew toward the center of the formation before sitting on it.

As he did, I closed my eyes for a moment before opening my eyes and on mine. A pink violet egg is half the size of a finger and is shining like a gem; I have begun to create this since the day Leonard has become my mentee.

It could be said to be advanced version of the seeds I have used on the twins; what I have used on the twins took only a week to create, while this one had taken about a year and consumed many resources at the level of divine crystals.

This egg would be instrumental in merging the art and the constitution and would also act as a recorder. It is capable of recording in much greater detail than my seed ever could; even tiniest most invisible changes wouldn’t be able to escape it.

It flew out of my hand and seeped into Leonard’s body before spreading its power into his whole body, making him ready for the process.

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