Monster Integration

Chapter 2472 Eating The Fruit

Chapter 2472 Eating The Fruit  ”With it, you are ready,” I said as I pressed a thumb-size pink-purple blob inside her. I could have done it without her knowing, but I let her see it so she would have confidence.

”Thank you, director,” She said, and the nervousness she had on her face had eased a little. “You will be successful, so don’t stress too much,” I said to her and walked out of the hall into the viewing room.

There are already quite many people sitting in the room; aside from Marina and me, there is Grandmaster Charline, Grandmaster Salvador, Jim, and their assistants. 


I had just taken a seat and was about to ask Sethi to begin when a projection appeared and seeing her, I couldn’t help but stand up.

”Director, you don’t have to stand up every time you see me,” Lady May said as she appeared beside me. “Etiquette requires it, lady May,” I said to which she rolled her eyes and took a seat beside me.

”Grandmaster Sethi, you can begin,” I said.

She nodded and brought the silvery-white miracle fruit that looked like mango to her mouth before taking a bite off it. Her bite was quite big; I did not think her dainty little mouth would take a quarter of the fruit at once.

She seemed to have become conscious of the big bite she had taken in her nervousness as little shy expressions appeared on her face, and the next few bites were small till the fruit disappeared.

As the fruit had disappeared, the silent Bloodline activated and rumbled through her body; within a second, the color of her meta-scan had turned to silvery-white as the Bloodline began to merge with the deepest part of her.

For a couple of seconds, nothing had happened; the bloodline fruit had worked as described in the book. It begins to merge with the very core of one, from the body to soul to energy, and while doing that, it also starts to destroy the Inheritance.

It is a good thing the grade of Inheritance is not that high. If it had been apex-type Inheritance, it would have not gone down such easily. There are many cases where the apex Inheritance is even able to beat the Bloodline.

This is why it is forbidden for those with apex Inheritance to eat the bloodline fruit. Not only because it could be wasteful but also because powerful clashes between them had killed the hosts.


For nine seconds, nothing had happened before the tide came; it was dark grey in color, and it appeared everywhere. This dark grey tide is her strange constitution which activates when she consumes any type of resources or energy, and it takes it all.

The moment the tide appeared, it had gone for the Bloodline, but unlike the other energy which it tore and swallowed, the Bloodline began to fight back.

A bloodline is not something one could swallow easily; it is a power that left a mark on the world’s quintessence. If a constitution wants to swallow such power, then it would have to be extremly powerful, and I don’t know whether Grandmaster Sethi’s strange constitution is that powerful. 

It is trying, and its power is increasing every second, but the Bloodline is not waiting for it; it is seeping deeper and deeper into Grandmaster Sethi, bringing greater and greater change. 

Minutes passed, and the change could be seen outside; vine-like silvery-white glyphs began to cover the body of the Grandmaster Sethi, and the aura of Bloodline emitted out of her. 

Though the process is far from over, it has taken its first step. It had destroyed the Inheritance inside her completely, and I recorded the whole process completely. This process is already enough for me and would help me tremendously.

Even if I did not get anything else, I would still be happy with it.


I was revealing my joy of getting such an amazing thing when suddenly her constitution stopped trying to eat the Bloodline and turned to do something horrible.


Grandmaster Sethi screamed loudly as her constitution turned on her. It went for her body, soul, and energy. It is like what the body does when its hungry, but it is doing worse than that, and it couldn’t help but shock me.

While most constitutions are good and do not harm the host, there is a minority of them that does. They are extremly rare as the constitution is part of the body, and the body does not harm itself in most cases.

”Director Micheal; what is happening?” Lady May asked, seeing the changes in Grandmaster Sethi’s is withering and her life aura is also declining rapidly, not to mention the screaming.

”Her constitution had turned on its host,” I said and got up from my spot and walked out of the viewing room. I have to do something; otherwise, it would be too late.

The Bloodline is not doing anything, as what is happening body and soul is favorable to it; a weaker body will quickly merge with the Bloodline. The Bloodline will take action, but by the time it does, it might be too late.

I will not wait for the Bloodline to take action.

I appeared in the hall, and the formation disc flew out of me and landed in front of Grandmaster Sethi before it melted and spread around. A couple of seconds later, a formation appeared with her as the center.

The formation is nothing special; its only function is transporting the resources to the body without losing any of the effects.

As the formation appeared, I waved my hand, and the resources appeared on the formation, which I activated without wasting a second.


The formation activated, and just as it did, the essences of resources turned to mist and began to drill into the body of the Grandmaster Sethi. Since her constitution needs energy, I will provide it; I want to see how much it can eat.

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