Monster Integration

2894 Silence II


The formation covering the Supreme Commander activated, and the process of healing began.

It had taken me more than one hour and twelve minutes inside my core to make the changes in the formation. If I had time, I could have been able to make it even safer and more efficient, but I did not; even that hour and twenty minutes had been more than I would like.

I have not only made the changes to the formation but also changed some of the resources I am using. I did not change the core ingredients, like violet crystal and petals of a stainless rose, but changed some supplementary resources.

It was not only to increase the safety and efficiency of the formation but also became the Grand Commander.

I could not use the same formation and ingredient for each person; what I am doing is very complex, and will have to make the changes according to each person, which will not take much time as long as the process is safe.

A few minutes passed when the black spots began to appear; they were much less than when they had appeared on Rai, but the damage they had behind, was greater than what they had Rai. Still, her elemental body had saved her most gruesome damage.

‘Chew Chew’

A few minutes passed when Ashlyn informed me of something which changed my expression drastically; a group of three Grimms appeared, again bringing Grand Lord with them; it was old guard, but they will not handle it.

Lady Angela, Elder Lord, and Ashlyn are swamped with handling the five Grimms; they cannot handle another one, and if we do not, send someone to handle it soon.

The Grimms that had retreated earlier will attack, without wasting a second, so we really need to do something right now, in a few seconds.

“Lord Zaar, my apologies, but I have to ask you to join the battle,” said Lord Whitmore. If a novice can understand things, then a seasoned person like Lord Whitmore could understand even better, which is why he did not hesitate to order me to battle, despite knowing how important are the things I am doing.

“I am busy,” I replied, and Lord Whitmore opened his mouth but closed it, seeing a smile on my face. “But Rai had recovered enough to join the battle,” I said and turned to Rai, who was unconscious till a second ago.

“Are you ready for battle Rai?” I asked, “More than ready,” he replied with a grin as he gently got up. Lord Whitmore looked at me in question.

“He is ready, the curse is under control, and with his injuries mostly healed, he will be able to use around 90% of the power in the battle without any fear,” I replied, and that brought a smile to his face, and a moment later, a teleportation formation appeared behind the Rai’s feet, and he disappeared.

A few seconds later, he appeared on the battlefield, immediately reducing the strain on three, which had reached the breaking point.

As I had said, he had nearly recovered; if he had rested for another hour, he would have recovered from all his injuries and been able to project around 93% of the power, which is more than enough to deal against the new Grandmaster that had come.

I only looked at the battle for a few seconds, and seeing everything under control, I focused back on healing.

Now, seeing the Grand Lord appearing, I became even more determined to heal them as soon as possible because if the Grimms who had retreated joined the battle, then we would have to meet them in the battle; it would not matter whether the curse inside us is silenced or not.

So, before that happens, I need to silence the curse of everyone, so they are ready to face the Grimms when the time comes.

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Soon, half an hour passed, and I had finished healing the Supreme Commander; the curse inside had been silenced. She had suffered injuries that would take her more than an hour to heal from.

This time, I have used more resources for healing; they are precious, but their value is nothing in front of our survival.

I did not immediately begin healing the next patient; no, I closed my eyes again and began to perfect the formation. I have got data from the Supreme Commander and have especially investigated the faults, which I do not understand when I read the data from Rai.

It took me one hour and twenty minutes to fix the flaw further before I released it, and to the surprise of those watching, this time, not a single formation came out of my hands, but three, each one going at the Patriarch Bradford, Lord Singh, and Silas Bishop.

It is a huge risk I am taking; when I was healing Rai, I had to focus on two of my clones to handle the formation, and I am, and I am dealing with it alone while my clone handles their own patient.

I have no other choice; I need them ready as soon as possible, and for it, I am willing to take the risk.

Nobody questioned my decision, not even Grandmistress Charline, who usually stops me when I take too big of risks, but this time she did not.

She also understands the need for me taking a risk; it is the only way.


I am not only healing because I need them ready, but also because; I need them to relieve Elder Lord. Who is in a very dangerous state; the curse inside him spreads a lot, and I need him out of the battlefield as soon as possible.

I could send the Supreme Commander right now, she had healed enough to join the battle, but it came with a huge risk. The Grimms will likely understand what I am doing and will send all their people, and that would be bad; it is a thing that shouldn’t happen.

So, I need these people to be healed, so even if the Grimms sent all their forces, we would be able to deal with them when rescuing the elder lord.

With the data I have gotten here, I have been constantly making changes to the seed inside him, which has slowed down the progress of the curse. If it not for that, the curse would have already would have covered over 90% of him, and he would have been in no condition to fight.

As I had said, he was still in a precarious condition, and it was getting worse in minutes; he needed rescue as soon as possible.

My clone and I focus on healing, but within minutes the pressure has become so hard for me that I begin to feel a blinding headache, and I wish that I could just stop, but I continue, as stopping is not an option.

“Is there something I could do, Grandmaster?” Grandmistress Charline asked, sensing my condition. To that, I shook my head and continued.

I wish she could help me, but she could not; it is something that only I could do it.


Twenty minutes passed, and I was more than halfway done with healing Patriarch when suddenly, a vision appeared from Ashlyn.

The thing glowed again; it does it when people are about to come, and I desperately began to hope that it was not another Grand Lord, as that would make things very dangerous for us.

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