Monster Integration

2979 Last Batch

‘Fucking bastard, once I deal with this bitch, I will kill you with my own hands!’ It was cursing loudly in its mind.

It had been a few minutes since the Shael disappeared, killed would be a better word since nobody who had been killed by Zaar had ever come back.


It was cursing while fighting old women when suddenly its eyes lit up as a projection of a thing shining appeared in front of it.

For the first time since Shael died, it had smiled.

It had been feeling angry at its death, feeling it might need to itself need to go to Zaar to kill it, but now, it might not need to go, as the final batch had arrived.

The final batch that came out of the thing is always the most powerful, with a few of them being the peak Grand Lords. There are some very promising had gone there, especially three from its tribe.

They had a special blessing; with it, their advancement would have skyrocketed, that one or two might even have gotten strength close to it.

p-A- n-d-A-n-0-v-e-1、(c)om

It is exciting, especially as the end of humans is just minutes away.



“Hahaha, do you see that Zaar, the final batch is coming; historically, we always have double or more people that came out in the final batch,”

“Once they join the battle, we will slaughter you all, starting with you,” said Pigeonman with a laugh, and at the same time, the harvest had stopped, and the core had released the strengthening energy into the runes.

I would have been extremely happy if not for this happening.

I am very close to killing these three bastards, but now there will be interference, and this bastard had said the interference would be seriously interfering.

Nero had gone there sneakily, and I told him to take out as many as Grimms; with his power and abilities, it won’t be much of a problem.

I watched with bated breath as the powerful, strengthening energy filled every part of me, making me stronger. I do not doubt that once I finish absorbing it, I will be strong enough to take these bastards.

If it is not enough, I will harvest enough Grimms to get the strength I need; that is the reason why I sent Ashlyn and Nero out late and why they have not started killing Grimms.

With their current strength, they could kill more than 75% of Grimms with a single attack.

Finally, the shine began to wear off, and figures began to reveal themselves; as I saw them, my eyes couldn’t help but widen in shock. The same with the Grimms; they could not believe what they were seeing.

There are twenty-one people who have appeared, all of them being humans; not a single Grimm is among them.

A second after they arrived, we received the first message from arrived humans; it was shocking but what we had already expected.

‘All the Grimms had been killed; we have left not single one alive,’ it was what the message had said, and that brough a smile to every human face.

“All the Grimms inside have died; you three wouldn’t last long either,” I said, and this time, they did not burst into a rage and instead just kept looking at me.

They did it for a moment before their expressions changed and their auras exploded; it was not just their aura that had exploded, but the aura of every Grimm on the battlefield and most powerful among all is of Rhaek.

The bastard had finally revealed its true power, and it was horrifyingly powerful, so much so that I, who was fighting on another side of the continent, could sense it clearly.please visit panda(-)

“You have made our lord angry; it was unwilling to use its full strength before, fearing it would do great damage to the world, but you have left him no choice,” said Pigeoman with a toothy smile.

I wish, I could say it is wrong, but it is not; that power is truly horrifying; in front of it, I would have no choice but summon my shields and hide.

I hope Matron is prepared.

A second after it did, Matron too released its aura; it was not the only one who was hiding its power; Matron too was hiding it, and it was great, but still slightly less than the Rhaek.

It should be enough to defend against it while the rest would be handled by us; the twenty-one that arrived had teleported toward their assigned battlefields; a second later, they would arrive on the different battlefields.

“Harder boys, harder; you won’t want to die early, right?” I asked and could feel the fury rise, especially in Pigeonman, who further harnessed the power from the above-the-limit substance.


I was fighting it when I sensed the presence from a distance, and a couple of seconds later, it came close.

“Need any help, Michael?” asked Ellen as she arrived with that confident smile on her face.

She hadn’t even summoned her bloodline armor, but looking at three Grimms like there was nothing to fear against them.

“No, I could handle these three; you go dead with others,” I said, without moving from my spot, as my hands were doing all the fighting.

“Fine, but if you need help, ask me,” she said, and holy white light covered her, and she disappeared; I watched the place from which she had disappeared, and my expression couldn’t help but turn serious.

While she had contained her power, I could sense something that made me serious. She will not be an easy enemy to defeat.

As she disappeared, others appeared across the various battle, Sarah, Jim, Elina, twins, jill, and others; most of them were young, and among them, only three were old.

There are some who did not arrived, but I decided not to think about it in this battle.

They joined the battle, most targeted powerful; Jill and Elina had gone for Rhaek, the twin, Sarah, Rachel, Elina, and a few others went for the blood videttes and peak Grand Lords.

The power they exploded with shocked all the Grimms and humans who were fighting.

Nearly ten of them had exploded with the power of peak Grand Lords.

The one that surprised me was my old friend, Kevin, from my hometown; he had also become a peak Grand Lord; it is not what shocked me about him

What shocked is the power of the monkey on his shoulder. It is giving out a powerful aura, especially those three eyes; they are the real danger.

‘I truly did not think the monkey will that bloodline,’ I thought inside me; as I watched him appearing beside Lord Hern, who was using the night blade, which gave him the power of Grand Lord while still being a High-Grandmaster.

The blade uses life force to run, and the reason he is even fighting now is because Ashlyn had inserted a see filled with life-force, as I did with Raymond Leon.

He appeared beside Lord Hern and took the night blade; the moment he took it, the change appeared in his armor, and the blade had become part of him.

‘As I expected, it is a legacy weapon,’ I said inside me, as his already peak Grand Lord power reached even higher, reaching the level of twins, who had cosmic elemental bodies.

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