Monster Integration

3040 Final Preparations

“I reached it,” I said as I stopped and looked at the ruins of a once sprawling city; everything had turned to dust except a large disc in front of me, in a dusty state.

Looks can be decisive, as this dick is completely fine, even if everything in this ruin turned to dust. It is even older than this ruin, considering this ruin is part of the world, which is at Primary III.

This disc could even be used in breaking through Primary III into a higher stage if the information about it in the library is to be believed.

I am extremely happy seeing the disc; it is the best thing I could hope for my breakthrough. As it will not only aid me in the breakthrough but will also provide protection during it.

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When I found it, I stimulated the conditions of the breakthrough.

The moment I had started the breakthrough, it had formed an energy dome around it, strong enough that no monster of this ruin would be able to break it, which is not even the best thing about it.

The best thing about it is that it will not interfere with energies; they will be easily able to pass through it. Only living things and attacks of them wouldn’t be able to pass through it.

I looked at the beautiful disc before resuming my journey toward the safe-spot not far from this place.

That is where I will stay till I am finished with my inheritance, which will take some time, but I will try to be quick as possible.

I am feeling hurry in my heart; I know I should quickly make a breakthrough and go back, as once the Grimm arrived. It wouldn’t take long for it to destroy our world if it is hell-bent on doing that.

There were several monsters on the way; I had to fight one, while Ashlyn and Nero finished three before I reached the hiding spot.

It is one of the best hiding spots; it is inside one of the most intact rooms in the palace. I don’t know how it survived for long, but it did; all I had to do was break the formation that never changed and walk inside.


The formation broke, and I went inside; while its protection is not great as the disk, it keeps me hidden and masks my aura fully, no matter what I do here.

Once, I had stayed here for thirteen days straight, and not a single monster came close to this room, much less attack it.

As I entered inside, I took out my abode and walked inside; I did not immediately start working. Instead, I freshened up, and at the food my clone had cooked in the core before laying on the couch.

A second later, I was in the core at the door of the library; I walked inside as I usually did and began working on an inheritance without wasting any time.

I am very close; in a week or less, I will be finished with it, and there is nothing that will stop me. As the things that remained were difficult, just time-consuming, which is why I had left them for the last.

Time passed, and soon eighteen days had passed inside my core, and I had finally finished with the inheritance.

Seeing that, a smile couldn’t help but appear on my face. It was truly hard, and the only reason I was even able to accomplish it was because of the inexhaustible knowledge I had gotten from the library.

Without it, it would have taken years for me to create an inheritance, and it wouldn’t have been as good as I had made it.

Still, the work is not finished; I need to revise it, refine some resources and create the breakthrough formation that will connect with the disk.

The disc is more than capable of helping me break through, but it is not a normal fraction breakthrough; fractious levels are formed at the limit stage of the work, while the disk is for the big breakthroughs.please visit panda(-)

Not to mention, I am taking some risks for greater strength, which needs a different formation.

So, my breakthrough formation above the disk could help me a lot and minimize the risk I would face.

I left the revision to my clone and began to work on refining materials and changing my old breakthrough formation.

These tasks are not big but a little lengthy, especially refining the resources. I do not need the skills akin to Jim to do that; the skills I have is more than enough to do it.

Still, if I survived, I would study alchemy.

With the resources I could plant in my core, it would be very beneficial to me if I learned alchemy. This way, I wouldn’t be dependent on someone for alchemical products like potions and ink.

I entered the hall of alchemy and brought out the resources, and began.

What I am doing is basic refining; if I had a greater skill, I would have gone above that. Even this is at the limit of my skill, considering the resources I am dealing with my normal resources.

They are delicate, and the slightest mishandling could spoil the whole process. Through, I would have not let it happen.

Days passed as I refined one resource after another; that by the time a month and a half had passed inside the core, I had finished refining all the resources.

The sheer amount of them is huge, but I will need it all, considering it is no simple breakthrough for me, but one that will take me to a Grand Lord class, directly bypassing the High-Grandmaster class.

I would need an immense amount of resources, and I had processed extra, so even if I had calculated wrong, I would have the resources to make up for it.

I had brought a lot of resources thanks to the eight Grimms and Grimms Grand Lords, but I have also collected a colossal number of resources in these runes, including the resources of Primary-II.

More than 50% resources I am using in the breakthrough are at the Primary-II stage.

I had already designed the breakthrough formation in the past two years; all I had to do was incorporate it in my old breakthrough formation, which had been completely crystallized during my breakthrough to Grandmaster class.

I could have made it new, but I had spent quite a lot of resources in creating this, and a huge change occurred in it in my last breakthrough.

Using it will be more beneficial to me than using the new one, so despite it taking more time, I began to change it, and two days and lots of resources later, I had finished with it.

As I did, I immediately joined my clones with inheritance; they were not finished with the work, and time was approaching.

We will need to finish it before the timeline I had decided; I had already cut one revision, and I decided to revise it only two times before starting the breakthrough.

I do not like it, but I do not have any choice; if possible, I like to return back to the world before the deadline, at least a day before.

This is quite a task considering one day there equals over twenty days here.

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