Monster Integration

3342 The Wall I

I walked out of the thick grey mist and saw the light again.

I had spent only two days in the grey mist, but it felt like I had spent months in it. The suppressive atmosphere, with isolation qualities, was a little too much.

Even those with strong willpower don’t want to live there.

I looked around while changes appear in my stealth method. It only took a few seconds, and I resumed my journey. My destination is the wall.

I could see that giant brown thing piercing through the sky. It is only a few hours away and I plan to reach there before the evening.

I really don’t want to go there, seeing what I experienced there last time, but there isn’t any choice. It is the only way through which I could get out of this place.

Thankfully, I have Nero who could sense the storm quite early, and now that he leveled up, his sensory powers would be even stronger.


‘Father hide,’ Nero said, and I did it.

It is an Earth Sovereign that is coming. Nero didn’t say it, but I could feel the urgency in his voice, which is only there when there is an Earth Sovereign.

Forty-seven seconds later; a Grimm Earth Sovereign flew toward the mist. 

It was alone and didn’t seem as powerful as the Earth Sovereigns I had seen in the mist, but I could be wrong. It might be hiding its power. Not all Grimms liked to show their power. 

There are some sneaky bastards there who hide it very well.

Thankfully, it didn’t discover me, but I didn’t move to my spot for more than a minute after it disappeared.

I have to be careful more than before. I do not have Magnus with me, who will cover me with his mist. 

I resumed my journey and for an entire hour; I didn’t come across any Grimm or natives, before coming across a group of Peak Sovereign natives.

Like me, they also seemed to be moving toward the wall.

I didn’t see them in the mist, which is not surprising. That place is big and has sensory abilities limited. There are many people there, that I didn’t see.

They sensed me as I passed by them, but did nothing other than look.

If it had been a few days ago, I would have hidden from them, but now, I do not need to. I have become powerful enough that I could survive against them, even if I couldn’t defeat them.

Though it is not for all the Peak Sovereigns or rather the Sovereigns. 

I am no match for someone like Leila or Lizardman that Magnus was fighting. They are a level above me. I will need to get a lot stronger if I want to fight against them.

Especially Leila and the Grimms she was fighting.

Time passed, and I have come closer to the wall. I was only an hour away and slowed down; there are quite a lot of monsters close to the wall.

I didn’t forget them. I know how strong they are and going to face even stronger ones in the tunnel.


Nero said and showed me a group of three Grimms; they are coming from the wall, looking all haggard. I could even see the little unstable aura. 

If I am not wrong, these Grimms had fought a battle, not long ago, and it is against the natives. If it had been against the monsters, they wouldn’t have been alive; not only tunnel but also outside of it.

Here, there are a lot of monsters that even stealth artifacts would be useless.

‘Deal with them,’ I said to him. There is a little regret, seeing there is one with the bloodline, but I couldn’t take a risk to fight here.

Nero, on the other hand, could do it. He is faster, not to mention, his stealth abilities have also gotten better. He won’t have a problem hiding, even if the monster has sensed his fight.

Seven minutes later, Nero had killed the last of Grimms and not a single monster was alerted, despite one being very close.

I pushed away the feeling of regret and walked resumed my journey toward the wall and soon; I reached the tunnel from where I had come out.

Nero was already inside, and I took a jump inside after a deep breath.

A small amount of fear is healthy, but too much is paralyzing. I will not let it come between me and my journey. 


Nero is ahead of me, guiding me; his senses spread through the tunnels and inside. Be it monsters or the storm, he will detect them before they detect us.

My speed is not slow, with Nero guiding ahead. I am moving as fast as I could and this time; I am moving much faster than last time. I am using the full power of breakthrough; I had made it here.

An hour passed and I have across a huge distance; more than I would have across in three hours last time.

Though, the good things didn’t last long.

A few minutes later, Nero gave me the news. I have been dreading the moment. I stepped into the wall.

‘Father, the storm is coming,’ he informed. ‘How much time do we have?’ I asked. ‘A little more than an hour,’ he replied, and I felt like a huge load lifted from my shoulder.

An hour of time and my increased speed might be enough for me to get out of these tunnels.

Hearing the news, I pushed myself even harder. 

Thankfully, the tunnels here are massive and long. If it had been anything like the normal tunnels, I wouldn’t have been able to move so fast in them.


A few minutes passed, and I saw the monster; an Earth Sovereign monster. It is moving fast, but I could see it turning its eyes on me and I felt a coldness at my back.

Thank God, the storm is coming, or I would have been fighting for my life right now.

The monsters, as always, thinking about surviving rather than fighting. It wouldn’t even take even a minute for it to finish.

In a couple of seconds, it had disappeared, and while I kept moving.

Half an hour passed, and we still hadn’t left the storm behind. It is chasing us, getting powerful by second; I could tell, as I could sense it.

I had to use a little bit of forbidden power, but it is not a problem since I am alone. 


A few minutes passed, and I saw a pair of Grimms; running toward me. One of them had a bloodline, while the other have an inheritance; they didn’t have an art.

Since I had left the mist, I have only come across one Grimm with the art.

Nero appeared in front of the Grimm and his mouth expanded rapidly, till it become even bigger than the Grimms. 

He closed it on the Werewolf. It tried to retreat and even attack. Nothing worked as Nero swallowed it, before moving ahead, leaving the Red Horn Antman for me.

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