Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1115A - Nightmare Beast Hunt

Chapter 1115A – Nightmare Beast Hunt

Seven Wounds Clan Elder’s complexion was pale. He slapped the back of his chair, causing it to instantly shatter. Clenching his teeth, he roared out, “Those bastards! They dare to betray my ancient King’s lineage?”

A tyrannical aura broke out, sweeping all around him. Many demons in the hall shuddered as they hurried to lower their heads.

Thousandhonor Marquis had a light expression. He said, “Seven Wounds Clan Elder, there is no need to lose your temper. You and I tried three times and failed, so it’s expected for their attitudes to change.”

“Humph!” Seven Wounds Clan Elder coldly sneered, “Those worthless piles of trash. They want to protect their own interests after my ancient King’s lineage takes possession of the throne and yet they aren’t willing to contribute what they should. Where is there such a good deed in this world?”

As he spoke, his eyes looked around the hall, “You are all trusted followers of the ancient King’s lineage so you are different from those people. But if I ever find out that any one of you plan on betraying us, you will be shown no mercy!”

“Clan Elder, please believe that we would never do that!”

“We pledge our loyalty to the ancient King’s lineage and are willing to fight to the death!”

“Anyone that dares to rebel will be torn to shreds!”

Numerous demons in the hall stood up. They all had faces full of righteous indignation, as if they were utterly loyal and devoted servants.

Thousandhonor Marquis saw all of this and smiled inside. All of this was just a superficial display that didn’t count for much at all.

Of course, it would be going too far to say that they had any thoughts of betrayal. This was because the ancient King’s lineage still possessed an overwhelming superiority.

But if the situation were reversed…hoho, the speed at which the people in this hall would change their stance would be faster and firmer than the statements they made now.

This was because the more their hearts were entangled with different interests, the more necessary it was for them to plan for self-perseveration. To clearly state where they stood was a simple truth.

“You are all the most loyal subordinates of the ancient King’s lineage. Seven Wounds Clan Elder does not suspect any of you and is simply giving you a reminder. The hunt of nightmare beasts is about to begin. Go and make preparations according to the original plan…as for the old King’s lineage, that will be put on hold for the time being. After the throne is won, it won’t be too late to settle things with them then.”

Seven Wounds Clan Elder furrowed his eyebrows but didn’t say much.

The people in the hall respectfully bowed before turning and leaving.

Once they all departed, Seven Wounds Clan Elder said in a quiet tone, “Thousandhonor Marquis, do you believe things are finished like this? We have already obtained key information. If we can confirm it, then the old King’s lineage will collapse in on itself and the new King’s throne will already be in our possession!”

Thousandhonor Marquis lightly sighed, “And you think I don’t want to do this? But at this point, any further actions from our end will only cause further dissatisfaction from the Clan Elder Assemble. Continuing along that route isn’t a good option for now.”

Seeing Seven Wounds Clan Elder’s unwilling expression, he continued to say, “Seven Wounds Clan Elder should understand the saying that going too far is just as bad as not going far enough. We will give up for now, but that doesn’t mean we won’t try again in the future…after all, in the competition process for the new King’s throne, all sorts of accidents are possible.”

Hu –

Seven Wounds Clan Elder let out a breath, “Fine, consider them as being lucky. Once the struggle for the new King’s throne begins, we will settle this then!”

That bastard Cloud Boundless had taken action and killed people. Several of his most important followers had died violent deaths. And at this time, in order to quell the dissatisfaction of the Clan Elder Assembly, he couldn’t act rashly or respond. He was already feeling rage boiling in his heart.


Once the ancient King’s lineage recaptured their rightful authority, he would teach that old thing how stupid his actions were.

Thousandhonor Marquis stood up and left. Without any visible action, by the time his feet touched the ground he had already vanished from sight.

After seeing him disappear, a dark and uncertain light flashed in Seven Wounds Clan Elder’s eyes. Thousandhonor Marquis not only had a tyrannical cultivation but he also had an incomparably formidable influence standing behind him.

Although he had always been close to the ancient King’s lineage, he always gave off an erratic and unpredictable feeling…he feared that this person’s intentions weren’t pure!

Humph, I must keep an eye on this person. Once I notice anything wrong, I will immediately report it to the Patriarch.

In Adversity Peak City, besides Bluetile Courtyard, the ancient King’s lineage also had their own temporary palace called East Willow. When Thousandhonor Marquis left East Willow Courtyard and mounted his carriage, he turned his head and looked back, a mocking light in his eyes.

Seven Wounds seemed reckless, but he was actually a little intelligent. He had actually started to suspect him.

But without evidence, what could the ancient King’s lineage do? His position of Thousandhonor Marquis came from the approval of the abyss. Not even the Nightmare King could easily move against him.

“Go.” He ordered in a quiet voice. The carriage peacefully drove forward. Sitting in the carriage, Thousandhonor Marquis closed his eyes, his aura gradually calming down.

At this time the inner walls of the carriage began to shine as gems embedded in them lit up and sprinkled down a halo of light that shrouded him.

Underneath this halo, his aura was isolated and he couldn’t be sensed from the outside.

Shua –

Thousandhonor Marquis opened his eyes. He placed a hand between his eyebrows and a phantom stepped out from his body. In the blink of an eye it disappeared.

City Lord Mansion.

Blue Sea’s eyes flashed. He waved a hand, interrupting Clear Sea as he was giving a report. He said, “I have some matters to attend to. Go watch outside the study and make sure no one disturbs me.”

Clear Sea respectfully nodded. He turned and left the study.

When the door closed behind him, the space in front of Blue Sea rippled and a phantom appeared.

“Thousandhonor Marquis?” Blue Sea furrowed his eyebrows, a cloudy look on his face. “Why did you come to the City Lord Mansion in this situation? If anyone discovers this, you and I will both be in trouble.”

Thousandhonor Marquis’ phantom faintly smiled and said, “Since I dared to come, I’m naturally not afraid that anyone would find out. Does the City Lord believe that I am someone who acts rashly?”

“Humph!” Blue Sea coldly snorted, not bothering to argue, “What are you here for?”

Thousandhonor Marquis lightly said, “I came here to inform you that the ancient King’s lineage will not attempt anything again and will devote their full effort to the nightmare beast hunt…after all, this is something very important concerning the new King’s throne.”

Blue Sea said without expression, “I’m not interested in these things.”

Thousandhonor Marquis said, “Maybe I am being meddlesome, but does the City Lord really not want to know who is following His Highness into the nightmare beast domain this time?”

He tossed out a jade slip, “This is the name list. But what a pity, the people you arranged are not included.”

As he finished speaking, Thousandhonor Marquis’ phantom lightly smiled before vanishing.

Blue Sea looked at the jade slip on his desk without expression. But the faint fluctuations of emotion on his face indicated that he didn’t truly not care.

In the struggle for the new Nightmare King, the old King’s lineage, ancient King’s lineage, and the new faction had all gathered together in Adversity Peak City. But, this didn’t mean they were the only ones interested in the throne.

In fact, there were many interested parties. They just didn’t dare to reveal themselves…or to be precise, they were still hiding below the surface, waiting for the right chance to appear.

Pa –

Blue Sea seized the jade slip!


When Cloud Mist pushed open the door and entered, Qin Yu was ready. Of course, he didn’t put on a completely recovered and energetic appearance, and his face was still a little pale.

Even so, this recovery speed left Cloud Mist surprised. She looked over him several times, as if wanting to say something but also hesitating.

From the looks of things, this woman somewhat doubted Qin Yu’s lifelike drama yesterday, and whether or not he had acted it all out in order to deceive her.

“Cough!” Without giving her time to think, he stood up and said, “In order to deal with today’s test, I have used a secret art to quickly recover from my injuries.”

As he thought, Cloud Mist’s attention was shifted.” “Secret art? Are you alright?” She naturally knew of several methods that could accelerate one’s recovery in a short period of time.

The more formidable ones could even heal a demon that was on the verge of death, restoring them to their peak state and even making them stronger than that.

But without a doubt, this condition would only last a short period of time. And, the user would have to pay a heavy price.

Qin Yu shook his head, “It’s fine, I’ll just be weak for a little bit. Let’s not delay and hurry over.”

Cloud Mist thought he was worrying that the secret art might run out of time. She nodded and said, “Come with me.”

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