Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 472

Chapter 472

Chapter 472A – My Meaning is No

Yao Bin had returned!

The Chief Elder smiled, his tense heart finally relaxing . Although the Sect Master hadn’t made a great fuss about this, he knew just how much the Sect Master valued Yao Bin . This involved curing the hidden wounds in his body, so how could he not care? If Yao Bin left and didn’t return, no one knew how many people would die beneath the Sect Master’s anger . Even though he was the Chief Elder, even he wouldn’t be able to escape punishment .

Luckily, none of that would happen .

Xu Song hesitated for a moment and said, “Chief, Yao Bin’s sect residence has been occupied by one of the chosen sect disciples, Feng Changjing . Should I inform him to prevent any conflict from occurring?”

The Chief Elder shook his head . “There is no need . Don’t interfere in this matter . Simply pretend as if you don’t know Yao Bin has returned . ”

The Sect Master had detained the two barbarians and punished Xu Sheng who was close to Yao Bin . Wasn’t this all for the sake of finding whether Yao Bin had violated the sect rules? Now, a rare opportunity had appeared in front of them . If Yao Bin came into conflict with others, they would have a reason to suppress him . This was something that the Sect Master would be happy to see .

“Xu Song, has the name list with Feng Changjing participating in the Demon Ascension Gate been reported yet?”

Xu Song’s heart skipped a beat . “Because there are still ten days until we reach the deadline, I haven’t reported it yet . ”

The Chief Elder nodded . He lightly said, “Go and send it . ”

Grandmaster Yao’s dwelling . Even in the Black Demon Sect it could be called top quality . The palace was constructed atop a mountain and clear springs flowed down all around, eventually irrigating vast fields of verdant green . A path built from white jade winded atop the water towards the palace . After careful repair, the grassy fields and several giant mulberry trees seemed particularly gorgeous .

At this moment, several dozen long tables were scattered around beneath the shade of the mulberry trees . Various types of delicacies, sweets, pastries, and fruits were piled up atop the white tabletops . With a single glance, one could see that the materials used were all exquisite . The crystal cups were placed into a wine tower and were overflowing with fragrant red wine . Just taking a sniff of this wonderful scent lifted one’s spirits .

Over 30 young cultivators had been invited to attend this banquet . Besides a few people that kept themselves restrained, most others had looks of acclaim and envy .

“I hear that this used to be the dwelling of an alchemy grandmaster; the specifications of this palace are even higher than that of a common Elder . Even so, fellow daoist Feng managed to move in here . His methods must be superb . ” A purple-haired cultivator said in a hushed whisper, his voice filled with jealousy .

Another female cultivator covered her mouth and chuckled . “Who doesn’t know that Feng Changjing has an older brother who participated in the last Demon Ascension Gate and managed to smoothly enter the Demonic Path? I heard his martial talent is incredibly high and he was accepted as a disciple by a Demonic Path Elder . Now, he has even reached the Revered Blue Sea realm and his future is limitless . With such a big brother, it’s no wonder Feng Changjing is held in such high esteem . ”

A scholarly-looking youth in white clothes and with an elegant bearing lightly said, “I heard that the alchemy grandmaster who used to live here was extremely fierce . But because he left the sect he was punished, thus this place became fellow daoist Feng’s dwelling . Some people even say that this alchemy grandmaster originally wanted to join the Demon Ascension Gate . If he comes back and discovers this happened, there will likely be trouble . ”

“Humph! What the Demon Ascension Gate tests is true strength! Who cares about an alchemy grandmaster? It has to be known that when you are over a hundred years of age, the standards for being recruited into the Demonic Path are far, far more stringent!”

“Even if that person comes back, with the current situation I don’t think he can even save himself, much less make things awkward for fellow daoist Feng . Hehe, you should remember that fellow daoist Feng is someone who has awakened a demonic bloodline . Not only is his strength tyrannical, but his future achievements might be higher than his brother’s!”

“If this grandmaster really returns, pretending he doesn’t see all of this is his chest choice . If he were to go looking for trouble on his own initiative, things won’t end well for him . ”

A group of people nodded deeply to each other . They looked over to a young and handsome youth who was happily smiling beneath a mulberry tree . He wore tightly fitted blue clothes that served to accentuate his ethereal temperament . His long black hair casually fluttered around him and confidence exuded from him like a steady stream of water .

This was a truly extraordinary character!

Qin Yu took a moment to give praise inwardly . He arrived in front of a white table and picked up a crystal cup from the wine tower . Then, he lifted up a hand and took a sip, nodding his head in satisfaction .

Several maids and servants hesitated as they saw Qin Yu . This person didn’t seem like a guest invited by the master, but since Qin Yu was so calm, they didn’t dare to offend him . Perhaps this person was the master’s friend .

They believed that their eyesight wasn’t bad . A person with such a temperament definitely wouldn’t come here for free drinks and food . Moreover, who would dare cause trouble at the young master’s banquet?

As the workers were wondering about what to do, they saw Qin Yu turn around and head towards a group of guests . This act caused them to relax a little . Indeed, this person wasn’t normal at all, otherwise he wouldn’t have taken the initiative to go and talk to others . Fortunately, they hadn’t been impulsive just now or they would have caused the young master to lose face at his own banquet . If that were to happen, none of them would have had a good ending .

This black-robed youth couldn’t be considered pretty or delicate . He even seemed a bit inexperienced, not yet ripe enough . But, his eyes were deep and bright and there was an unspeakable atmosphere around him . Several maids couldn’t help but glance his way, blinking their eyes . They wondered: would they have a chance to serve this guest tonight? As they thought this their pale faces immediately blushed red .

They watched as Qin Yu walked near a group of guests . He smiled and spoke some words . When he received a response he nodded and glanced towards the young master beneath the mulberry tree . Then, he finished his cup of wine, smiled in thanks, and walked towards the tree .

When Feng Changjing was young, he had already awakened his demonic bloodline . After being tested, it was found his bloodline power was shadow – a peak ability necessary for assassination . Those with the power to walk through darkness often had extremely sharp senses . When Qin Yu walked near, Feng Changjing subconsciously frowned and said some words of apology before turning around .

Then, he saw Qin Yu walking over, a glass of wine in his hands and a calm look on his face . His frown tightened . Those invited to today’s banquet were all talented cultivators who had the qualifications to contend for the spots to enter the Demon Ascension Gate . In order to prevent any embarrassing mishaps he had remembered information about every single person invited . Thus, he knew that this person wasn’t a guest at all .

It was just that Qin Yu’s current actions caused him not to easily judge who he was . So, he decided to take a look first . Steadying his thoughts, Feng Changjing smiled and said, “Fellow daoist looks so familiar . Are you a senior-apprentice brother within the Black Demon Sect? For you to attend my banquet today, I am truly honored . ”

His words immediately attracted attention . The two men and two women standing near him turned around . These people had two characteristics in common: first, they were young, and second, they were arrogant . These two traits were clearly visible .

Their eyes fell on Qin Yu . After a moment of thought, they looked away . They were curious, just why was Feng Changjing so polite to this common-looking boy?

Who cared if he was a Black Demon Sect cultivator? They had obtained a chance to participate in the Demon Ascension Gate, and if they were chosen they might be able to enter the Demonic Path . Even if they weren’t chosen in the end, any one of the 12 branch sects would happily be willing to admit them .

Qin Yu smiled and lifted his glass in tribute . He looked around, “The scenery here is quite good . Unfortunately, I never made use of it in the past . Now it seems that it is quite appropriate to be used to hold banquets . ”

Feng Changjing’s smile dimmed by several degrees . “Is fellow daoist familiar with this place?”

Qin Yu nodded . “I lived here for a period of time before . What a pity, I was busy cultivating all day so I neglected this beautiful area . I must thank fellow daoist Feng for reminding me about it . ”

Feng Changjing lightly said, “Why is fellow daoist thanking me?”

There was a cold intent in his voice .

The two male and two female cultivators revealed looks of surprise . They never imagined that this cultivator would be so disrespectful .

If it were any other day, they wouldn’t mind watching Feng Changjing lose face . But right now in the Black Demon Sect, they were all outsiders .

Moreover, as guests of the banquet, if someone were to mess things up, they would also be shamed .

The four people simultaneously looked over, a faint chill percolating in their eyes . Unfortunately, this type of threatening gaze had absolutely no effect on Qin Yu . After experiencing the glory of those apex powerhouses that hovered in the highest heavens like divine dragons, he naturally wouldn’t care about these bugs that lived in the muddy sand .

Qin Yu smiled . “I certainly have to thank you – this place is my dwelling after all . ” He paused and then continued to say, “Oh, I forgot to introduce myself . I am Yao Bin, an alchemist of the Black Demon Sect . ”

At this moment, the entire field fell silent .

When Feng Changjing and the others expressed ill intent, everyone’s attention had been drawn to the scene . Although Qin Yu’s voice wasn’t too loud, everyone who was paying attention could clearly hear what he said .

The eyes of many people widened . This was…the original master had returned!

Those who knew the inside story were suddenly excited . It was clear that a good play was about to occur .

Chapter 472B – My Meaning is No

There was a limited number of people that could enter the Demon Ascension Gate . Feng Changjing was publicly acknowledged as a popular pick for entering . If an ‘accident’ could occur ahead of time and eliminate him, then it was naturally good for all involved .

But looking at things, this was only an unreachable dream . The chances of it happening were far too small .

Feng Changjing frowned and immediately composed himself . “It’s embarrassing to say, but I don’t recognize you at all . So, I ask that you not affect my banquet . If there is nothing, please leave immediately . ”

A cultivator suddenly shouted out, “Didn’t you hear him? My cousin told you to leave! If you plan on staying then don’t blame me for being impolite!” A tall and burly man spoke up, his muscles as thick as barrels . His voice was loud and filled with a shocking anger .

Where he stood, the grass field caved inwards, forming a distinctly deep pit . Countless blades of grass were twisted and shredded up by his sudden surge in strength .

Qin Yu didn’t even glance at him . “I indeed don’t recognize fellow daoist Feng, so there is nothing to say . I ask that you take your people and leave my dwelling . And, before you leave, restore everything to how it was in the beginning . I have experienced a considerable amount of trouble recently and I don’t want to create any more unnecessary problems . ”

Feng Changjing’s eyes were cold, as if he were looking at a dead man walking .

“You are courting death!” With a loud shout, the tall and burly cultivator rushed over . He thrust out a palm . Wind whistled and his five fingers twisted space where they passed .

Bang –

With a low and deep bang, it was like a little mountain crashing into the ground . And, there really was a tall and burly figure that crashed into the ground like a little mountain .

The sounds of breaking bones weren’t loud . But when these sounds entered the ears of the guests, they all felt a cold chill rise from their hearts .

Qin Yu stood still where he was, no change in his aura . But at this time, every eye that looked at him was filled with shock and disbelief . He simply hadn’t done anything at all . It was like the tall and burly cultivator had rammed into a mountain and was sent shaken and flying back .

They glanced over at the incomparably strong-looking figure of the person lying unconscious on the ground, twitching . A look of shock filled their eyes as they felt their hairs rise up on their backs .

“I don’t wish to repeat my words twice . Fellow daoist Feng, you can bring your people away now . ” Qin Yu’s voice was extremely calm . “I have other matters to deal with . ”

When compared to the spirit plant materials he had saved and the medicine gardens apportioned to him by the sect, the value of this dwelling was indeed the lowest . Moreover, there was still Tuba and Tutou to consider . They were being detained in the dungeon still, and while their lives weren’t in danger, he wanted to rescue them as soon as possible .

Feng Changjing’s eyes suddenly turned pure black . The breezy and carefree atmosphere around him turned endlessly cold and cruel . “Yao Bin, congratulations, you have succeeded in angering me . ”

Shua –

His figure instantly vanished; no one was able to clearly see his movements . In the next moment he appeared behind Qin Yu, a finger lifted to strike his head . The fingertip was the same color as his eyes: pure black . In this state, his finger actually became as smooth and clear as jade, emitting a faint halo of light .

Demonic Bloodline – Shadow . This was not just a stealth ability, the killing strength behind it was even more terrifying . It was just that in these years he had kept his powers tightly hidden and never displayed them in front of anyone . But now, Qin Yu’s performance had left him feeling restless . This was the reason why he had used his strongest strength without any hesitation at all .

Qin Yu’s heartbeat quickened and a flow of heat surged within him . On the skin of his back, the image of a demon’s head appeared . Its closed eyes suddenly popped open .

Feng Changjing’s cold and cruel face suddenly revealed a startled look . At this moment, he felt fear as if he had been locked onto by a peak predator . Fluctuations suddenly appeared in the power of shadow and his body became rigid and even his speed drastically fell .

Qin Yu had a surprised expression . He never imagined that this sort of state would occur . His body’s demonic bloodline had awoken on its own initiative and even suppressed Feng Changjing’s bloodline power . Although he didn’t fear Feng Changjing’s demonic bloodline to begin with, with this state he would be able to win with much greater ease .

Without turning his head, Qin Yu stamped a foot . The ground trembled and a visible circular shockwave erupted and spread out in all directions! Feng Changjing was struck by the brunt of the attack and didn’t have any time to respond . He was sent soaring away where he smashed into a table set on the grass field .

“Hurry and dodge it!”

“Don’t touch it!”

There were chaotic sounds all around as guests ran about in a distressed state . The entire banquet had been thoroughly ruined .

Puff –

Feng Changjing spat out a mouthful of blood, his face as pale as paper . He stumbled about and stared at Qin Yu . There was hate in his eyes, but even more than that there was fear . This was because from Qin Yu’s body he felt a demonic bloodline that absolutely overwhelmed his own . This person was actually also someone born to be a Demonic Path disciple!

Qin Yu was expressionless . “Feng Changjing, I don’t understand nor do I care . You might have been tricked by someone or you might have taken the initiative to occupy my dwelling, but none of that changes the end result . So, I am still not happy . Today I will only give you a small punishment . If you aren’t willing, I am free to accompany you at any time . However, next time you won't be as lucky as you were today .

“There are other matters I need to handle right now . Before I return, make sure everything here is restored to how it was before . Otherwise, believe me, you will come to regret your decision . ”

Under the complex eyes of these talented cultivators who had been chosen to participate in the Demon Ascension Gate, Qin Yu turned and walked away, allowing them to gaze at his back, a back that none of them would ever be able to reach .

The two male and two female seeded candidates had indecisive expressions . They looked at Feng Changjing with hate in their eyes . If it weren’t for him, how could they have provoked such a terrifying character? And according to what they heard before, this person planned on joining the Demon Ascension Gate . If so, didn’t this mean there was a high chance they would meet on the field later?

As they thought about this possibility, the four people revealed fear in their eyes . They clenched their teeth and walked away .

The banquet began perfectly and ended miserably .

Feng Changjing wasn’t an idiot . On the contrary, he was a rare individual who could lift up praise and also set it back down . Before the banquet guests left, he had already started ordering his subordinates to clean up the mess on the field .

This was because he knew that he wasn’t Qin Yu’s opponent . At least there was no chance for him to take revenge in a short period of time . And if that was the case, he might as well decisively admit defeat and not give that person any more chances to make things difficult for him…as for everything that happened today, there would be endless chances in the future .

In the Black Demon Sect, every alchemy grandmaster had exclusive medicine gardens apportioned to them by the sect . Of course, the so-called medicine gardens didn’t cultivate spirit plants, but grew various monster beasts . Thus these medicine gardens, within the demonic path, were more often called monster beast hunting grounds .

The Black Demon Sect had 13 monster beast hunting grounds of different qualities and sizes . The monster beast hunting grounds were increasingly worse the higher number they were . Yao Bin’s original monster beast hunting grounds were the 12th and 13th .

It was just that when Qin Yu took over Yao Bin’s identity and killed Jiang Taishou in the poison dispelling competition, he had leapt into position of first place alchemist in the Black Demon Sect . Without the need for him to do anything, the Black Demon Sect had automatically made a replacement and gave him the fourth and fifth monster beast hunting grounds .

As for the even better first and second monster beast hunting grounds, they had always been the private property of the Sect Master . The third monster beast hunting grounds belonged to the Chief Elder . Thus, what Qin Yu had was already the best possible .

When news first spread out that ‘Yao Bin’ had arbitrarily left the sect without permission, although many people had thoughts on his monster beast hunting grounds, no one dared to recklessly do anything . However, as time passed and there was no news of ‘Yao Bin’ and the date of the Demon Ascension Gate approached, many parties within the sect began to eye his property with covetous gazes . An inner court Elder had joined forces with two alchemy grandmasters to take away the fourth monster beast hunting grounds . The fifth monster beast hunting grounds was taken away by another joint force of two alchemy grandmasters .

They had paid a considerable price and caused discontent among various factions, and finally managed to obtain the rights to the two monster beast hunting grounds . They never imagined that not too soon after that, Yao Bin would actually return!

Feng Changjing had recently been in the limelight . All owners of demonic bloodlines were popular choices for the Demon Ascension Gate and their futures were limitless . Because of this, his every action and movement was tightly kept track of by others . When Yao Bin crashed his banquet and easily defeated him, news of it spread through the entire Black Demon Sect in a short period of time .

So when Qin Yu arrived at the fourth monster beast hunting ground, there were already people waiting for him at the entrance .

If there was something interesting to say, it was that this was Qin Yu’s first time ever visiting his monster beast hunting ground . The entrance was in a mountain wall, in an ordinary crack . Deep within this crack was a tunnel that connected to a small world . This was the true monster beast hunting ground . Inside it, there were many monster beast communities that bred and survived .

“Grandmaster Yao Bin has smoothly returned alive! That is a joyous occasion worth celebrating!” The one speaking was a thin and tall old man . He wore sophisticated robes with dark gold patterns adorning the cuffs of his sleeves . This indicated his status as an inner court Elder . At this time, he revealed a bright smile . However, there was a trace of amazed surprise in his eyes . Yao Bin had always been a mysterious figure within the Black Demon Sect, and he never thought he would be so young .

Qin Yu cupped his hands together . “Greetings, Elder . ” He looked up and continued to say, “I must thank you for helping me look after my monster beast hunting ground while I was gone . Now that I have returned, I won’t bother you any longer . ”

This was a polite way of saying – hey, I’m back so screw off!

The thin and tall old man’s smile didn’t change . “I am Tian Zhen . I have been in seclusion these past years, so it’s not surprising that Grandmaster Yao doesn’t know of me . But, grandmaster’s name actually resounds in my ears like thunder . Now that I see you today, you truly live up to your reputation . I have ordered people to prepare some wine; I wonder if grandmaster can accept my invitation?”

Qin Yu shook his head . “I’m sorry, but I have many more people left to visit . I don’t have any free time for that . ”

In the back, several young cultivators had ill expressions . They clearly didn’t appreciate Qin Yu’s attitude .

Although Elder Tian didn’t have a high position in the sect, he still had a distinguished status . Even the Sect Master had to call him martial uncle when they met .

This surname Yao was far too rampant!

Tian Zhen smiled . He said, “Since Grandmaster Yao is in such a hurry, we will delay the banquet for another day . Recently I have wanted to refine a batch of pills, and in order to do so I need to seize some monster beasts from the hunting grounds . I wonder if Grandmaster Yao can give me a few days, half a month at most . After that, I will have my servants send the entrance key to your dwelling . ”

Qin Yu faintly smiled . “Elder Tian, do you think I am an idiot?”

Tian Zhen’s smile faded . “Grandmaster Yao, what do you mean by that?”

Qin Yu lightly said, “My meaning is…no . ”

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