Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 813 - Thick Fog

Chapter 813 - Thick Fog

When Xue Qingqing woke up, three days had passed. She meandered back to her senses. After she awoke and saw the surrounding environment, it was only then that she determined she was still alive.

“Big sister, you woke up!” The still-dressed Xue Yueyue shouted out with pleasant surprise. She had been standing guard by her sister’s side.

Xue Qingqing was lifted up and fed a few sips of warm water. Her expression was tight as she said, “Where is he?”

Xue Qingqing was startled. She pointed a finger towards the cabin door and said, “Big Brother Qin went outside.”

Big Brother Qin?

Xue Qingqing’s complexion changed. She grabbed onto her little sister’s hand, “You…you…did he bully you?”

A man and a woman alone above the boundless sea…and in this sort of half-sealed environment…

Qin Yu hadn’t killed them and seemed to have saved her. It was impossible for him to do that without payment.

Xue Yueyue’s face flushed red. She quickly waved her hand, “No, no…big sister, stop letting your mind wander around like that!”

Her lips moved and she muttered, “In fact Big Brother Qin is a good person.”

Xue Qingqing’s eyes widened. “Really?”

Xue Yueyue nodded. “It’s true, it’s really true, I’m not lying to you at all.”

Qin Yu stood on the other side of the door. When the voices inside gradually quieted down, he rubbed his nose. Only then did he push open the door and walk in.

The conversation suddenly stopped.

“Big Brother Qin, my big sister has woken up!” Xue Yueyue stood up and excitedly said. But she blushed as she suddenly thought of something.

Qin Yu pretended that he hadn’t heard anything. “It’s good that she’s awake. If there’s no problem then she should rest more. She is still very weak right now.”

Xue Qingqing struggled to give a bow. “Thank you…Big Brother Qin.”

Qin Yu nodded, then he walked over to a corner and sat down. He closed his eyes and started to meditate.

The two sisters clearly didn’t want to disturb him; the atmosphere remained quiet and peaceful. Two hours later Qin Yu opened his eyes and walked out.

Right now, this large ship fragment had been forcibly pieced together by Qin Yu and assembled into an ugly drifting house on the sea. It was barely usable.

If Qin Yu had a choice, he would’ve already taken the Xue Sisters and left. But right now, as far as he could see, there was only a thick gray pall of fog all around.

When he probed it with his divine sense he was met with confusion. After considering it, he decided not to venture in.

The fear of the unknown was one reason, and the two women inside the room were another. Once Qin Yu left, their fates were more likely to be unfortunate than fortunate.

Aiya, in the end he had brought unnecessary troubles upon himself!

Qin Yu shook his head and casually looked around. When there were no harvests, he squatted down and placed a hand into the icy water.

Several breaths of time later, the calm sea water blew apart. A fierce mouth full of fangs made its way out and bit down.

Pa –

Pa –

This was the sound of breaking teeth. Qin Yu leisurely stood up. As he did, what was seen hanging from his hand was a strange-looking fish with black scales around half a meter long.

Most of its teeth had been broken and the strange fish painfully tried to struggle free. But since Qin Yu had grabbed onto its tongue, it could only writhe around helplessly.

Qin Yu used some strength and the strange fish was instantly cut down. With his hand as a saber, he neatly cut open its stomach and gutted it. After cleaning it with sea water, he turned and walked back into the cabin.

The injured Xue Qingqing wasn’t in a good condition and she needed to supplement herself with nourishment from food. While this strange fish didn’t look that great, its flavor was quite good.

Dinner was delicious fish soup with rice. Qin Yu patted his belly, finally thinking that he hadn’t lost too much. At least these two women had finally shown some use.

Thinking about it, floating above the endless sea and having a skilled chef accompanying him could be enjoyable at certain times.

Xue Yueyue took the initiative to clean up and organize the dishes. After that, she hesitated for a moment and approached Qin Yu. Seeing that her big sister had fallen asleep, she quietly said, “Big Brother Qin, my sister just woke up so her mind was still a little off. If she did anything wrong, please don’t feel offended.”

Qin Yu shook his head. “There’s no problem.” After glancing at Xue Yueyue, he walked over to the corner of the cabin and sat down in meditation.

The fog-locked sea…

In this place, anything could happen at any time. Qin Yu had to ensure that he was in his peak state at all times and he couldn’t be careless.

Looking at Qin Yu, Xue Yueyue’s heart relaxed but she also felt a trace of disappointment. She bit her lips and returned to her big sister’s side. Then, she leaned back against a wall and fell asleep.

When Xue Yueyue’s breathing became gentle and even and she had completely fallen asleep, Qin Yu opened his eyes. He looked at her curled up body and the lines that softened on her face.

These past days, she had been constantly attending to her sister, and was likely much more tired than he was. In the cold and callous world of cultivators, it was rare to meet two sisters who cared for each other so deeply.

It was because of this that he chose to save these sisters on that day…of course, the Xue Sisters being extremely beautiful was another smaller reason.

When males faced attractive females, they would instinctively act a bit more impulsively than normal. It was easier at these times for them to cross the boundaries of reasoning.

Qin Yu didn’t deny this, but this was where he stopped. He had no other thoughts towards the Xue Sisters.

After eating fish soup and rice for seven days, Xue Qingqing’s condition finally stabilized. The serious injuries within her body began to heal up.

Qin Yu looked at the rice bowl in front of him. Thinking about it, he picked it up and swallowed it down whole. It wasn’t that he was being picky, but after eating the same thing for seven days straight, no matter how delicious it was he no longer had an appetite.

“I’m going out to take a look.”

He left behind a few words as he stood up and left.

He closed the door behind him and shut his eyes. After sensing his surroundings, he revealed a helpless look. There still weren’t any harvests.

Just how much longer would he be stuck here for? If too much time passed then he wouldn’t be able to make it to the Beast Trainer Alliance’s tournament.

As he thought about this, he subconsciously furrowed his eyebrows, a contemplative look in his eyes.

After a long time, he let out a long breath and came to a decision.

Three days!

At most he would wait three more days. If he couldn’t find a way to leave this thick fog by then, he would have to make a bet and risk his life.

But changes always came faster and more suddenly than a person could plan for. The day after Qin Yu made his decision, as he was sitting in the corner of the cabin, a sudden feeling caused his eyes to open. Without hesitation, he threw himself forward.

The Xue Sisters were panic-stricken as Qin Yu grabbed onto them. A thought popped up in their minds. After enduring for so long, was he finally unable to restrain himself?

But this thought only lasted for a brief moment. With a loud rumble, the roughly stitched together house-on-the-sea was thrown into the air, where it directly disintegrated.

Bang –

Pieces constantly landed on the sea. Qin Yu stepped down and a thick wooden beam whistled out, crashing into a black shadow that sprang out from the sea’s surface.

With a pained cry, giant shattered scales showered the air. The shadow crashed back into the water, even faster than it came out.

In the next moment, water violently tumbled and boiled in the area where the shadow landed. A massive amount of blood gurgled up, turning the sea water red.

“Ahh!” The Xue Sisters cried out in alarm and covered their mouths, horror etched on their faces. They clearly saw that the true form of the shadow just now was one of the strange fish they had been eating these past days.

The difference was that the fish just then was seven or eight meters long. And what left them even more afraid was that there were many, many more of these same strange fish beneath the surface. When Qin Yu struck that strange fish back into the sea, it had been injured. As a result, it had immediately been split apart and eaten up by its companions.

Even though there was sea water blocking the view, the Xue Sisters could still sense the ice cold eyes locked onto them from below the surface. It was as if they were looking at delicious food.

These gazes made them feel as if they had fallen into an icy cave. They subconsciously approached Qin Yu, their wobbly bodies nearly glued to him.

When he felt the friction of their bodies on his back, Qin Yu couldn’t help but produce some dark thoughts. He looked at the shadows constantly swimming through the waters below and forced out a smile.

Sure enough, if he came out to mess around, he would have to pay back the price sooner or later!

After ten days of eating fish, retribution had finally arrived. If it was only him, then no matter how many strange fish there were, it wouldn’t be difficult to escape.

But now the Xue Sisters were with him…

As the school of strange fish faced off against Qin Yu, the Xue Sisters seemed to have realized something. Their bodies stiffened and a complex light, along with fear, filled their eyes.

All things considered, Qin Yu wasn’t their friend or family. When he initially saved them, that was already a deep life-saving graciousness. They had no justification nor did they have the qualifications to keep asking him to save them.

In other words, even if Qin Yu dropped them here and escaped on his own, there was no way anyone could criticize him for that.

Although this was the reality of the situation, even ants did their best to survive, much less humans.

Xue Yueyue suddenly moved near Qin Yu’s ear. Her face flushed red and she said, “Big Brother Qin, if we sisters can survive, I…I…am willing to serve you for the rest of my life…”

Xue Qingqing was stunned. As she looked at her normally proud little sister saying such things, her lips moved but no words came out. In this kind of situation, besides this they had no other chip that might move Qin Yu.

In front of death, nothing else mattered but living!

Xue Qingqing clenched her teeth. “Big Brother Qin, I am also willing to serve you in bed, but please don’t touch my sister.”

Qin Yu: …

This was making him so angry that even his teeth itched!

At this moment, he really wanted to ask them where they got this confidence from. And why did they think that even in such a situation, he would somehow be affected by the male libido!?

And most importantly, did he really seem like some sexual predator that took advantage of others when they were down? What had he ever done or said to give off such an impression? They were simply pushing things too far!

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