Chapter 3442 The Fragility of Existence! VI
Plot deemed it so.
Thereafter, a heavy glow of gold erupted out as an intricate golden wheel moved from the body of Ozymandias and descended unto Pioneer Heracles as if it were a cutting disk.
It was far too quick.
In the span of an instant, the golden wheel passed from the head of a pioneer and cleaved all the way through.
The eyes of Pioneer Heracles irradiated a tremendous blue light as he could only watch without understanding exactly what was unfolding.
Thereafter, his body was cleaved in half as gushes of blood erupted out!
|You should not have done what you did, O Pioneer Heracles.|
The only thing he heard was the voice of a calamity that he only heard about, but he could swear that it held the musings of a calamity that he had previously met!
The scene was a terrifying one as right after, the geysers of erupting crimson gold blood of Pioneer Heracles were pulled up by a terrific suction force from the visage of the Instrument of the Beyonder. Without the protection of his path, Pioneer Heracles still observed everything occurring in a daze!
The calamities that he ran away from in a long distant past and future. The Calamities that he told Palace Masters Antiope and Nisa to never underestimate.
He told them again and again that these entities defied existence itself to the point that when you thought they were dead, they somehow weren't, and even if they were actually dead, somehow- there was another part of them that came to haunt them!
This was exactly what they were.
And if the words of the Immovable Sacred Guard were to be believed, everything was playing out exactly as it should have.
Was it truly so? Was he and Palace Masters Antiope and Nisa just pawns to initiate everything?
Was he…supposed to have the complexity that he had worked hard to raise up again collapse right here?
Who got to decide this? What should happen and should not happen? Even though he had Severed himself from Existence itself and Pioneered his own Path of Time, he still couldn't carve out his own future?!
He wanted to say that he did not accept this.
He wanted to do many things.
But all he saw was the dominating visage of the Instrument of the Beyonder as only regrets remained.
'Maybe…we should have left the calamities alone…'
This thought passed through his mind as he wondered how things would have played out differently.
As he saw his blood being gathered by the Instrument of the Beyonder, he couldn't help but utter out his intent.
|You…are just a pawn in all this as well, you know?|
A pawn.
If things were playing out as they should have always played out, then weren't even the Calamities mere pawns of something larger? The Wheel? Or something else entirely?
Yet towards his words, Ozymandias only smiled and shook his head.
Between them, a bamboo hat appeared that obscured the gaze of Pioneer Heracles, a multicolored brilliance flashing between him and the Instrument of the Beyonder as they were pulled apart.
The Immovable Sacred Guard floated there, gazing straight towards Ozymandias calmly as he watched the dazzling globules of blood disappearing into his body.
|You seem to really like devouring the Blood of others. Of course, I can't allow you to freely do so.|
The blood of others. The globules of the blood of Pioneers of Existence!
Ozymandias was about to decimate the core Entity responsible for sending his other half into Hell Terra Firma as the major thing he did was collect his blood and weavings!
And oh, did he gain a lot!
|18 Globules of the Blood of the Pioneer of Time, Heracles, have been obtained.|
The prompt flashed in his mind as right away…
'11 to continue Severing Cheats. One to Quintessence, one to Ingeniare, one to Plot, one to Loot, one to Infinity, one to Mana, one to Runes.'
His surroundings trembled tumultuously.
His already radiant figure began to emanate an astounding allure of magnificence.
His complexity began to shoot up exponentially!
As if multiple different things were being cut within the depths of his existence, as if multiple sources were being severed.
He extended this severing from just Cheats alone as he also elevated and granted a huge jump onto a few key concepts. Since he had many, let him use many!
Since Mana made it possible to transform and change every single ordinance into one and allowed the declaration of his many ordinances, let it also be raised ever higher!
|The Weavings of Quintessence have undergone their first Severing of Existence!|
|The Weavings of Mana have undergone their first Severing of Existence!|
|The Weavings of Infinity have undergone their first Severing of Existence!|
|The Weavings of Runes have undergone their first Severing of Existence…!|
One by one, seven more Ordinances were severed.
His own body erupted with multicolored radiance as he stared at the man in the bamboo hat down below.
He stared at the bisected body of Pioneer Heracles as he was caught by the Pioneers of CHI and QI, their faces livid while gazing in his direction.
As the very density and complexity of his existence surged up, Ozymandias looked at the many changes blooming within this isolated Dimensionality as his intent weaved out.
|Look at how fragile existence is. At the nullification of a single Path of a Pioneer, and that was it. His whole complexity, all of his weavings…reduced to absolutely nothing- a mere fraction of what it was before.|
The figure of Pioneer Heracles was nearly decimated, but his weavings were still there.
|If a Pioneer of Existence can be this fragile, what about mere Existence Severing entities? What about these oh-so-prideful Palace Masters of the Immovable Sacred Palace of the Expanse?|
He looked around at the distant figures of Palace Masters- especially Palace Master Antiope and Nisa, who trembled with visible fear while gazing at the nearly decimated visage of Heracles!
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