Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 3450 A Spark! IV

Chapter 3450  A Spark! IV

It was a terrifying scene.

Something that was entirely out of the norm!

Within the depths of the Omniverse of the Protectors, Outerversal Authority he began to leak out in a maddening fashion as the Great Wheel appeared.

He stepped out of the oval portal as behind him, the auras of thousands upon thousands of Outerversal Morphons blazed and began to come through.

The aura of the Great Wheel stood exploded from Quasi-Ordinance Amalgamation and became fully fledged out, his tentacles radiating might of immense greed and valor as he bellowed out.

|The Instrument of the Beyonder is at this moment being besieged by the forces of Matter from all around. Let us fall in line under the grandeur of the Great Beyonder and fight against the forces of Matter ourselves, let us not sit still and do absolutely nothing!|


His bellows came alongside a burst of eldritch horror, and the tide of an expanding sea of Morphons exploded out into the Omniverse of the Protectors.

A distance away.

The Shield of the Commonwealth, Old Man Eudemus, was sitting opposite a chaotic chess board with all the pieces fallen as he thought about his conversation with a certain man.

And yet, in the middle of his musings, his eyes opened wide as his pupils constricted- his figure rising and looking out into the distance as his face became enraged and he bellowed out angrily.

"Traitorous creature!"


The weavings of Ordinance Amalgamation of Kuklos erupted out maddeningly, Old Man Eudemus rising and shooting out like a bullet towards a direction that was gushing out stellar black weavings of brilliance!

This was within the Omniverse of the Protectors.

Apart from this location, in other renowned Omniverses under the banner of the Commonwealth.

As if there were already seeds that were only now sprouting.

As if they had been prepared and were silently waiting this whole time!

Inside of an Omniverse where the main body of the Viceroy was located.

Grandiose golden towers stretched out across a stellar expanse of Cosmos, the regality and wealth being unmatched as hundreds of golden white vessels moved all around.

The Omniverse of the Commonwealth.

Omniverse X-1!

In the heart of the Commonwealth, a heavy explosion bloomed from one of the grandiose golden towers, Outerversal Authority spilling out endlessly like a sea as an entity with the tentacles of an Octopus rose from this sea with millions of Reapers of Existence.

|Bahaha! Why did they initiate this after such a long slumber? I've been itching, but this Great One was not entirely ready!|


The booming intent was vile and filled with power, standing powerfully at…Existence Severing!

Within a core location of the Commonwealth, an Existence Severing powerhouse had actually been slumbering as it now rose with the rest of its forces!


Gloriously, a unique power emerged from the center of Omniverse X-1, the Sword of the Commonwealth appeared as his lustrous gold simian fur-like hairs shone with resplendence.

His gaze was a heavy one as he bellowed out.

|To me!|


In the next instant, figures of Simians ranging from Ordinance of Existence and below appeared, their bodies turning into streaks of light that went on to fuse into his figure!

He used to radiate the aura of Ordinance Amalgamation before, but his complexity began to rise at a shocking pace.

His body enlarged as all around him, hundreds of golden wheels bloomed with fervor!

And from the depths of Omniverse X-1…


A deep, heavy roar that felt like the waking of an ancient treasure erupted.

Lustrous golden towers parted ways as from the depths, an object that was a hundredth of an Omniverse in size rose up, its brilliance dim as if it was on its last waking days.

It looked like a massive wooden structure, and yet it radiated an air of majesty as when it truly revealed itself, one could see that it was made up of…many strokes.

Strokes that formed a Rune!

|Ha! You all truly held it here! A Piece of a Phantom Trace of the Wheel of Existence!|

The booming voice of the Outerversal Morphon erupting out felt the aura of the shocking treasure that was rising, this Existence Severing entity being unable to hide his sense of trepidation as he prepared.

The treasure that made the Commonwealth what it is today.

Something close to the Wheel of Existence, with some even saying it held its musings more than many other things out there.

A Phantom Trace- a mere piece of it at that!




Intents exploded out as at this moment, from many different areas of the Megalos Ynnere- conflict exploded.

Long rooted seeds emerged as from a single spark in a corner of the Expanse, flames began to spread!

At another point in the Megalos Ynnere, multiple Omniverses were rotating around a single entity that was silent in contemplation at this moment.

The Prisoner.

This silent contemplation of his was one where he went over the meeting with a Source Complexity entity seeking Osmont, and he couldn't make any headway!

But even this contemplation was short-lived.

His eyes turned sharp as he gazed out towards a far distance, tears blooming all across as the radiance of gold spread out.

From this gold, one massive titan after another appeared as they also looked towards distant areas across Megalos Ynerre, their eyes being capable of observing too many things!

Their auras were all at Existence Severing as they chuckled while looking towards the Prisoner.

|We have been waiting all this time and have begun to feel the auras of some of our descendants fading away. You Leviathans and your Omnifather are creatures that never hold to your promises…so we shall use this chaos blooming across your domains to ask- where are our people imprisoned?!|


Terrific power bloomed as the Golden Titans began to gather and float towards the Prisoner.

They came for their people who were imprisoned for eons, remaining at bay due to the power of the Omnifather!

But very few had heard of anything regarding this man for quite some time.

And now, their imprisoned people began to die as when they felt chaos and Entropy surging, they also made their move!

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