Supremacy Games

Chapter 1228 The Hardest Replacement Process In The History Of Mankind!

Chapter 1228 The Hardest Replacement Process In The History Of Mankind!


Meanwhile, Asna's eyes widened to the limit while her heartbeats accelerated rapidly.

Fear, confusion, agitation, and all sorts of emotions were jumbled in her mind as this new development was something she never considered in her dreams.

'Asna, calm down...He is still alive and going through the integration process.' Lady Sphinx stated composedly as she eyed Felix's body which seemed to be reconstructing back at a noticeable pace.

With Kraken's insane rejuvenation and seven hearts, it was almost impossible to kill Felix without getting his brain first!

This sight caused Asna to be relieved slightly...Still, she was worried as heck as she had absolutely no clue what triggered this peculiar reaction.

'What do you think happened?' Thor asked with a solemn tone.

'We have underestimated Lord Shiva's bloodline aggression. Even with Asna's spiritual pressure applied on it to tame it, his genes are just too destructive in their process of integration.'

Lady Sphinx anwsered as she used her senses on Felix's DNA, allowing her to see exactly what was happening down there.

When they heard this, everyone did the same and was met with an extremely freakish sight of Lord Shiva's chromosomes completely blowing up the DNA strings instead of breaking pieces of it to attach themselves!

Then, the DNA strings rebuild themselves from the start while including Lord Shiva's chromosomes!

If it was any other bloodliner, the implosion was enough to finish them off.

However, Felix's situation was unique in the sense that his insane rejuvenation allowed him to match this destructive process of this integration!


As anticipated, Felix's body continued to implode with each wave and reconstructed back to shape over and over again under everyone's stunned eyes.

Just the visuals were already too hard to watch for them, they couldn't imagine what was Felix going through right now.

'Ugh...It hurts...It hurts so f*cking much...'

Asna and the tenants had a close idea as Felix's thought process was absolutely consumed with pain's related terms as his mind was focusing on nothing but to soldier through it.

Felix might not know what was going on with his body, but he understood one ironclad fact...The moment he gave in to the pain and lose consciousness, it would be a game over for him.

This was enough to make him try his very best to stay conscious through this hellish process.

"What kind of sadistic cultivation system is this?"

Meriam commentated with sweaty palms as she kept her eyes affixed on the area around Felix that was filled with limbs, blood, flesh, bones, and all sorts of bodily fluids.

"The kind I like." The Ruiner smiled widely with a proud look...His respect for Felix had grown twofold after seeing his willingness to go through this sh*t for the sake of strength. 

Although Felix's situation didn't look too good, none of them attempted to help him out as he already told them to never interfere with his integration unless his vitals went silent.

Seconds went by then minutes...Before long, only one minute was left for the process to end.

Yet, it felt like an absolute eternity for everyone involved as the past fourteen minutes were really too hard to watch for anyone.

The only saving grace was that the implosions kept reducing in power and quantity as more time passed.

Now that Felix was at the final stretch, there were barely any implosions.

However, this didn't mean that he was out of the water yet since the past fourteen minutes had taken a massive toll on his body and mind with the repetitive implosions and reconstructions.

Kraken's rejuvenation was surely insane, but it wasn't free of charge...When the body rejuvenates in such an insane quantity, the energy required to keep it up would be extracted from his lifeforce.

In other words, Felix was losing many years of his longevity each time he recovered!

Still, this was a fair trade to avoid death.

'Ten seconds remained.' Thor uttered as he eyed Felix who was lying completely flat on his stomach while twitching like he was in a seizure.

'Five...Four...Three...Please...' Asna kept counting down while her heart was beating out of her chest loudly akin to a train pounding a track.


The moment she uttered the last second, Felix stopped twitching and went radio silent.

His half-closed bloody eyes disappeared in the back of his head, losing consciousness automatically like his mind was wired to fifteen minutes sharp!

Eee Eee...

Nimo blinked next to Felix's bloody face and started licking him with a concerned expression after the process finally ended.

Felix had made sure to train Nimo well enough to never ruin his integration process as he knew that his miserable condition could make Nimo use his abilities to help him out.

So, even when he imploded for the hundredth time, Nimo didn't move a single inch from the void realm.

"Looks like it's over." The Ruiner appeared next to Felix's body, not caring about standing amidst a mountain of flesh and blood.

Then, he beamed a medical pod and placed Felix inside of it to clean him up and help him with his recovery without needing to abuse his lifeform anymore.

When a couple of minutes went by and Felix's nude body emerged to the world as clean as my bank account, Asna and his subordinates seemed to have confused looks while sizing him up.

All of them had their eyes, not on his new long wavey crimson-colored hair, his grayish skin, or even his innocent antlers that seemed to have turned into black devilish horns...But, on bizarre long random lines on his skin that resembled cracks on stones.

They were almost everywhere...On his face, on his chest, on his ass, and even on his little general!

"Is this a mutation or his body hasn't recovered properly yet?' Asna asked with a slightly worried tone.

'It's a mutation...Lord Shiva's had them too as they symbolize his only means of self-destruction.' Lady Sphinx anwsered.

'What do you mean?' Candace tilted her head in confusion as it didn't make any sense.

'With Felix unlocking destruction immunity, his body will be considered indestructible to any force. He can still feel pain and get affected by other harmful powers like freeze, mental attacks, melt, poison[1], or such...But he will be able to literally survive even a nuclear explosion without losing a hair strand.'

'Those cracks allow him to go around his body's inability to be destroyed as he could break himself apart completely and resemble himself whenever he desired.' Lady Sphinx concluded.

'Like a lego? What kind of mutation is this?' Candace asked speechlessly.

She felt that it was quite useless since no one would want to destroy their bodies willingly when they had a passive turning them into an unbreakable fortress.

'It is useless in general, but in the right hand?'

Lady Sphinx smiled bitterly as she hid her face with a book, not wanting to continue her sentence after recalling one of the most unforgivable moments in her life.

Seeing that she didn't want to go deeper into this and that even other tenants refused to speak on this matter any longer, Candace was forced to drop the subject.

'Do you think he has awakened the wisdom eye? His eyes seemed to have changed color again, but no drastic change occurred.' Thor looked at Lady Sphinx and asked, 'Can you feel any change in his eyes?'

'I don't know, it's not my body.' Lady Sphinx shook her head...She could see things in Felix's body, but she couldn't feel what he was feeling.

Thor looked at Carbuncle and he merely shrugged his shoulders in response, clearly telling him that he had no clue if his Root Gemstone was affected or not.

'I guess we have to wait until he wakes up.'

They sure were left waiting as Felix didn't open his eyes until the third day...A duration that was six times more than his longest faint after each replacement!


This was enough proof that Felix's mind had taken a much worst beating than what it was used to before.

"My head feels so heavy." Felix murmured with a muddled look the moment he woke up.

"Good morning, sunshine." Asna spoke with a soft relieved tone.

Now that Felix was up, she could finally relax as the replacement process had thoroughly ended without any bad aftermath.

"How long was I out? I feel like I slept for days." Felix said as he held his head to ease the heaviness, feeling like he was carrying a ton on top of his scalp.

"You were, it's been three days now."

"Damn...Huh? Are those my antlers?"

Soon, Felix's hands ended up touching his pitch-black devilish horns, which were massively thick on the bottom, curved in the middle, and slightly thin at the end.

Felix knew that his antlers were nothing like the ones he was touching, which freaked him out slightly as he knew that they weren't just for decoration but were considered his spell-casting wands!


Before he got his answer, Felix tested them out by teleporting outside of the medical pod straight to his bedroom.

"Thank god."

When they worked, he sighed in relief...Though, one look at his new appearance made that relief go away immediately.

"The hell are those?!"

He didn't care much about his hair or even his skin color. The cracks were the thing that intimidated him as they made his body resemble a broken vase that was glued together.

Before he could lose his cool,  Asna explained them to him.

"Allow me to destroy myself whenever I desired? How interesting..."

With this new information, his worry was turned into curiosity as he had no clue how could it be utilized properly by Lord Shiva.

​ Knowing that it wasn't the time to explore this mutation, Felix swiftly manifested a crystalized mirror in front of him and brought it closer to his face with a look of anticipation and hope.

The moment he saw his eyes' appearance, he didn't know whether to feel excited or not as there was a pretty drastic change in both of them.

However, the key here was that both of them went through this change instead of having one eye belonging to Lord Shiva and the other to Lady Sphinx.

"Black Scelara, golden iris, and black triangle-pupil for both eyes." Felix murmured with a confused tone, "Did I awaken the eye of wisdom or not?"

The only reason he was bewildered was that he saw Lord Shiva's third eye and it was completely pitch black, which resembled his sclera greatly!

However, his pupil and iris were now almost the exact copy of Lady Sphinx's eyes as well!

[1] Like is used here to give better examples of the types of harmful powers, not the ones capable of affecting Felix as he had immunity to fire and poison.

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