Supremacy Games

Chapter 1556: The Most Insane Theory They Had Ever Heard!

Chapter 1556: The Most Insane Theory They Had Ever Heard!

1556 The Most Insane Theory They Had Ever Heard!

Most of the tenants were also taken aback as they had never heard about this before.

"I was planning on telling you about this after you start getting a little better at crossbreeding and biochemistry in general, but you might as well know now." Lady Sphinx expressed, "The dark reaction also occurs when crossbreeding any plant-based natural treasure above SS grade. However, the reaction itself is slightly different than the one appearing in potion-concotion."

This news made Felix feel his heart skip a beat.

He knew that crossbreeding high-graded natural treasures was already going to be an insanely difficult task to pull. Now, he even had to deal with another type of dark reaction.

"Different, different how?" Felix asked with a deep frown.

"It's best to see it."

Lady Sphinx manifested two natural treasures: the Luminous Moonbloom and the Infernal Rose...Both plants were SS-graded and considered highly sought-after marvelous treasures.

As she meticulously cultivated the hybrid seeds and asked Felix to speed up their growth, everyone noticed something unusual.


"Is this normal?"

"Most likely not."

The plant exhibited an erratic and unpredictable growth pattern, its petals sometimes emitting dazzling bioluminescent hues and, at other times, erupting into uncontrolled flames!

It was as if the fundamental laws of botany were being rewritten before their eyes.

While Felix hadn't studied much about crossbreeding, he understood that a combination of those two plants should turn into an SS+ graded natural treasure called Luminous Infernal Rose.

Lady Sphinx would never fail to provide the right conditions for this plant to be born successfully.

Yet, here it was, seemingly collapsing on itself. In a few moments, which were translated into many years within the time bubble, the rose turned into a withering dead plant, not an ounce of life was seen in it.

"As you have seen, the dark reaction in crossbreeding takes a long while to ruin the plant's life." Lady Sphinx said.

"Why is that?"

Felix inquired while crouching next to the rose, picking up whatever was left of it...With a mere soft touch, the stem turned into gray dust.

"Unlike in potion concoction, the dark reaction here attacks the DNA of the plant periodically. It happens in random waves until the plant either fully grows or it dies in the process." Lady Sphinx explained while manifesting a recording of what happened to the plant on DNA level.

Felix and the others focused on a dark, amorphous substance, infiltrating into the DNA of those two plants intertwined.

It wormed its way into the delicate dance of genetic material, attempting to disrupt the growth and fusion of these botanical treasures.

"It's breaking the DNA apart and infusing itself with it!" Candace exclaimed at the sight of the dark substance, shattering the DNA and forcefully getting itself entangled with it.

"This...Why do I feel like the dark substance isn't trying to destroy the plant but merge with it?" Felix had a deep frown while watching the same scene.

In his eyes, if the dark substance was purely destructive, it wouldn't force itself to merge with the plant's DNA and remain attached to it.

Instead, it would devour the entire DNA structure and keep expanding its presence until the plant dies in less than a minute.

This was happening in the potion concoction.

"Good catch, I also share the same sentiment as you." Lady Sphinx remarked with a serious tone. "I have dealt with the dark reaction my entire life and my experiences with it on a genetics level were the reason I reached the theory that the dark substance's origin was the quantum realm."

"How so?" Jörmungandr asked.

Lady Sphinx remained silent for a moment before shaking her head, "It's way too crazy of a theory even for my standards...There is no need to fill your mind with rubbish."


This was the first time Felix heard his master call her theory rubbish. No matter how insane her theories sounded before, she always believed in some truth in them.

Some proved to be right and some turned to be false. Yet, she always had a bit of conviction in them.

Even the tenants felt that it was a weird reaction from her and this made them even more curious about it.

"Sphinx, just let us know and we will judge for ourselves." Elder Kraken requested. As a researcher, he could never laugh at a theory no matter how ridiculous it sounded.

The others jumped in and pressed Lady Sphinx to bring them up to date, knowing that if they didn't pressure her, she would keep it hidden forever.

When Lady Sphinx saw everyone's dying interest to know, she caved in.

"Fine." Lady Sphinx shared, "The reason I have been visiting the quantum realm isn't just because I believed those microorganisms originated from there, but also that someone or something was sending them."


"Come again?"

"You serious?"


Whether it was Felix or Lord Shiva, all the tenants were taken aback by her ludicrous theory.

For someone or something from the quantum realm to be responsible for the dark reaction?

It was crazy just to think about it!

"What made you reach such a conclusion?" Elder Kraken took it seriously, "I believe the dark reaction occurs on a universal scale. So, how could 'someone' smaller than even an atom be responsible for such a large-scale operation?"

"That's why I told you all that it's a rubbish theory filled with holes." Lady Sphinx remarked calmly, "I understand how insane it sounds even for me, but, I merely thought of it because of the little evidence it supports it. Most importantly, there isn't any other reasonable explanation for the dark reaction."

"Let's say there is some right into the theory, what do you think is the purpose of that 'person' or 'thing' for doing this?" Thor asked.

"Can't you figure it out by now?" Jörmungandr anwsered it calmly, "She must believe that someone is using the dark reaction to manifest himself in the universe."

"The f*ck? Is that why the dark reaction isn't seeking to kill the plants and keeps merging with its DNA?" Thor raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"That's what I believe at least." Lady Sphinx nodded.

In a sense, Lady Sphinx's theory while it sounded too crazy to be true, does have some merit to it.

"The dark reaction has always been a mystery and you said that the universe can't be responsible for this. Its ways of action are direct and brutal." Felix spoke with a careful tone, "So, it's not farfetched to believe that someone else must have a hand in it. Especially, when the quantum realm is one massive mystery box that has never been opened yet."

Felix truly believed that the universe could not have a hand in the dark reaction since it wasn't its motto at all.

If it wanted to stop anyone from crossbreeding higher-rank plants or concocting potions, it would have done so by making it impossible from the start...Instead of introducing an unfamiliar dark substance that could be overpowered.

"Just because it can't be the universe, it doesn't mean that someone or something has a hand in it," Fenrir said expressionlessly.

"True." Lord Loki joined while chewing on gum, "While it sounds fun that someone might be pulling the strings from the quantum realm, it doesn't explain how both dark reactions are different from one another."

"But, are they different?" Felix narrowed his eyes, "Think deeply about it, are they really different?"

Felix wasn't planning to let this go for a simple reason...He could never forget those red eyes he saw when he zoomed inside the dark microorganisms many years ago.

They scared the sh*t out of him and they seemed alive, sinister, and just not from this universe...

Meanwhile,Lady Sphinx smiled with a hint of pride as she looked at Felix, knowing that he had truly come a long way to pick on the similarities almost immediately with just one example.

As for the others? Even with all of the wisdom under them, it still took them some careful thinking to spot the similarities.

Elder Kraken was the first to speak with a look of utter astonishment.

"The dark microorganism also seemed to be seeking to merge with the molecules, but since potion concoction was a delicate process and they invaded during the most critical moment of the integration, they ended up causing the entire situation to deteriorate almost instantly!"n--.((-.(-)-(I-(n

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