My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 533 - Goodbye Humans! The News of the Massive Gathering Place!

Chapter 533: Goodbye, Humans! The News of the Massive Gathering Place!

The last time Su Mo came near the 20-meter-high wall was when he was still afraid of exposing himself. He simply took a few glances and quickly averted his eyes.

Today, with Turner leading the way and the progress of Fire Exchange, he finally had the time and chance to raise his head high and observe the details of the high walls!

The high wall’s material was similar to the city walls outside of Freedom City, which were dark red bricks that constantly devoured the sunlight that shined upon them.

Its defense system was an embedded observation window instead of an external watchtower.

There was a gap between every 30 meters of the wall, and from time to time, people would stick their heads out to observe the situation on the streets.

The overall defensive strength of the high walls was only average, capable of catching minor crimes but not sneakier and more cunning deeds.

However, if you were to add an eyeball in the center of the wall like the Black Stone Camp, the entire wall would instantly lose its grandeur.

On the contrary, it had an indescribable eerie feeling that made people shudder.

Turner saw the complicated expression on Hao Qiang’s face and misunderstood.

“Hao Qiang, don’t worry! They say it’s a big deal, but it really isn’t a big deal for a mercenary to get rid of the bondage that was forcibly put on to them.

“Your mark is blue and you don’t really seem familiar with the rules here. I’m guessing you must be part of one of the groups that were sent out of the city before the construction was completed, right?”

Hao Qiang could only nod to the question.

Turner patted his chest. “You don’t have to worry now. The territory introduced a mercenary policy to maintain the population within Freedom City. You can just use the excuse that you haven’t been back in a long time. Besides, you’re creating income for the territory by paying the fines. Plus, Harl and I have your back. There won’t be any problems!”

They turned a corner and a giant door appeared under the high wall.

Unlike the city gates that were guarded before, the door under the high wall was an ordinary stone door, and no one was seen guarding it.

However, two uniformed staff members approached them after they entered through the door.

A man and a woman, both from the Fox clan, with slender statures, good looks and a charming aura, appeared before them.

They observed the gender of their guests, and the man in front stepped back while the woman stepped forward, bowing deeply.

“Welcome, masters, to the Inner City. I’ll be your guide to this place. Please allow me to check your information to arrange for the best service and guidance for you.”

Like the entertainment service agents in Freedom City’s other venues, the fox girl radiated an aura when she talked or bowed.

Unfortunately, her temptation was not effective on the two dwarves and half-cyborg.

As Turner put a hand on his mark, Su Mo immediately copied his actions.


A simple message shot out through the mark and after sensing the receiver, it flew into the back of the girl’s hand.

The fox girl lowered her head skillfully and pulled up the received message. Her expression changed slightly and she bowed again.

“Lord Harl, Lord Turner, the two of you are VIPs in Freedom City and can enjoy the purple mark services in the Inner City. Please follow me!”

The superior treatment due to the mark was reflected everywhere in Freedom City.

Although the two’s marks were still blue, they were adjusted to purple by the city guards as ample compensation.

“Okay, lead the way. We do need some good mercenaries.

“Also, help me deal with this guy’s identification issue!”


The field of vision became wider after walking inside for about 100 meters.

The buildings that could be seen by the roadside were full of people who were carrying items that could not be traded outside.

For example, the daily fixed rations, a lumpy plant that could be made into a paste, were like roadside garbage piled up in a hill.

There were constantly large carts responsible for loading, and then taking them to a fixed location outside the city for sale.

Large quantities of rare ores for making weapons and protective gears could be seen scattered around the place.

Su Mo glanced around and saw several kinds of high-grade ores, glowing with a faint blue light, randomly placed on the floor of the shops, and the city guards were free to pick whatever they wanted.

Rare medicinal herbs, high-level plants, and bizarre technological items…

The further down they walked, the more it seemed that he had never seen such overwhelming sights before. Su Mo was increasingly aware of the structure of the Demon clan.

The inside and outside of the high wall were like two different worlds, where there was a clear division between poverty and wealth.

Outside, there was a rotten empire that could easily crumble, and it seemed that anyone who came here could destroy it.

Inside, it was like an intertwined and deep-rooted underwater iceberg, making it difficult to see where the real end was.

With eyes watching from high on the city wall, there was no fear of theft in the Inner City.

Along the way, they turned several corners and finally came to a strange building that was only surrounded by walls and had no gate to enter. The fox girl suddenly stopped and made a gesture inviting them inside.

“Lord Harl, would you like to deal with this person’s identification first or go…”

“Let’s go and see some mercenaries first, then deal with the identification after!”


The fox girl nodded again and stretched out her hand, waving it at the wall. The originally closed building walls cracked open, revealing a passage downstairs.

Noticing that Sumo’s eyes fell on the inside of the passage, the fox woman explained, “The original open-air mercenary paradise was relocated here with a new setting after considering that people from Light Empire would often come to invade our territory and make it difficult for us to manage. There are several demon clansmen who have lost their marks and foreign races available for purchase.

“And based on the rules set by the territory lord, we have made more changes to ensure the rights and interests of buyers.

“With the previous authority to manage subordinates, the master could only manage the life and death of mercenaries. It seemed very strict, but in fact, according to our investigation, very few people used it, and there were many accidents.

“So, we modified it so that the owner can check the mercenary’s movement route within the past three days, and at the same time, they can also use the mark to retrieve the creatures that the mercenary had recently came into contact with.

“On the mercenary’s side, on the premise that the mercenary cannot harm the master, we have set up countermeasures through other rules. For example, after the master orders the mercenary not to talk to strangers, once the mercenary violates it, his access to his mark will be immediately disabled…

“In other aspects, we’ve also enforced the same…”

On the way underground through the deep stairs, the fox girl talked about the new and improved rules.

From the master’s jurisdiction over the mercenary, to the mercenary’s loyalty options to the master, and to the design of every detail.

From the inside out, the entire system had undergone radical changes.

If one were to say that the initial mercenary elimination system established by the territory lord of the Demon clan was a move to force everyone to go out and helplessly make money, then it had now evolved and embarked down the wrong path. It was becoming more and more out of control, revealing its true purpose of exploitation of the poor.

After becoming a mercenary, one basically lost all rights, and even the right to commit suicide was forcibly deprived from them.

Apart from working hard for their master and praying that the master would one day help redeem themselves, the mercenary was left with no other options.

“‘What if I purchase a foreign race? How do you ensure that they are governed by the rules?” Su Mo asked an important point after listening to all the rules.

“Ahh? Is Lord Harl interested in bringing in foreign races to work? I’m afraid that’s not possible. They have no mark and we can’t restrain them, which would hurt the rights and interest of the master!

“We can only guarantee that the identity information of these foreign races has not been collected and sold. That is to say, Lord Harl, you can get first-hand information and create templates for sale.

“As for their lives, after collecting their information, the owner can resell them here and we can be responsible for sending them out of the city with the decision of the owner!

“In any case, they can’t live in the city!”

Su Mo nodded nonchalantly after listening to the fox woman’s explanation.

As expected, the Demon clan was not generous enough to fuse a mark for foreign races.

However, it was no different from what she had mentioned to anyone. No one would want to put a time bomb beside them.

Demon clan had better mercenaries and could simply replace templates, so it was unnecessary to get foreign races to work.

The biggest role of these enslaved people who could be bought and sold was to squeeze all the information out from them to make templates for easy sales.

“We’re here. One more thing, please do not have close contact with unbonded mercenaries to prevent unnecessary risks.

“Of course, during the purchasing process, we also hope that guests will not come into conflict with one another, so as not to ruin everyone’s shopping experience!”

At the end of the corridor, after the other fox man interacted with the door to verify the entry, the door that blocked the line of sight slammed open and revealed the scene inside.

Even though he had come here to buy mercenaries before, Turner still sighed.

“Oh, this is really big!”

“Yes, this is not only where we trade mercenaries on weekdays, but also where we move civilians after wars.

“The entire space can accommodate about a hundred thousand people!”

A bit similar to the ground building, the underground city was brightly lit, as bright as day.

Moreover, on both sides of the extremely long road, there were also various mercenary exchanges soliciting customers who passed by.

At first glance, the crowd of people here was not small and slightly better than the neighborhood where Fire Exchanged was located.

However, upon careful observation, Su Mo was keenly aware of the mystery inside.

Just like other people outside who bought and sold products like it was the stock market every day, more than 90% of these surging crowds also held such thoughts.

They bought different kinds of mercenaries every day and sold them a few days later to make up the difference.

Mercenaries were also a commodity. One market dealt with things while this one dealt with people. The exchange would even release a daily price list. The aboveground and the underground were extremely harmonious in this regard.

“Lord Harl, Lord Turner, I can only accompany you so far. If you’re satisfied with our service please…”

“Okay. You may leave. Here are fifty contribution points, you two can share it!”

Before the fox woman could finish speaking, Turner, who was familiar with the process, took the initiative to interrupt the conversation between the two and gave a generous tip.

Then, Su Mo smiled as he watched the two of them happily walk down the original road to lead the next wave of guests.

“Thoe mercenaries that I bought last time are really garbage. They were infiltrated so easily. This time we have money, so why don’t we go and buy some good ones?”

You got what you paid for, and in Freedom City, this rule applied for most of the part.

He pointed to the exchange where the two of them had purchased mercenaries last time and then pointed to the exchange with fewer people, but its decor was obviously more luxurious.

Turner said through his gritted teeth, “Don’t worry, let’s take a look first. ‘Good’ does not mean ‘loyal’. Besides, what we need now aren’t thugs, but people who can work, so we won’t need really good ones!”

“Let’s do it this way. We’ll split up and remember the people who meet the requirements, then we’ll meet up and choose slowly.”

Turner nodded. “That’s fine with me. I’ve nothing to do this afternoon anyway. I’ll go take a look at the back first?”


They agreed upon a time to meet and separated.

Turner walked straight to the big store behind, while Hao Qiang went to the most crowded exchange.

Looking at the two figures drowned out by the turbulent flow of people, Su Mo shook his head and turned to the shop near the main entrance, where the “Moon Star Exchange” sign was hung.

“Oh? This is a rare visitor! Lord Harl, please come in!”

As soon as he entered, the servant who was in charge of recruiting guests greeted him enthusiastically for the first time.

Except for a few refugees outside the city, well-informed people were not unfamiliar with the recent rising fame of Fire Exchange’s owner in Liberty City.

Even the other demon clansmen who had purchased the dwarf craftsman Harl before were locked up with tears after his rise.

“I’m here for mercenaries. Lead the way!”


Unlike goods that could be placed on shelves…

Before the mercenaries had no masters, due to their uncertainty, they were basically imprisoned in dungeons, covered with chains that restricted their activities.

Following the servant’s lead, they went all the way to the back hall, and after passing through a downward passage, the two came to an underground dungeon.

A room of about three square meters was the living space of every person detained here.

The mercenaries watched Su Mo come down and the majority of them raised their heads only momentarily before they hung down weakly again after seeing his short dwarf body.

Obviously, in the hearts of the mercenaries, the dwarves were born to represent poverty.

Su Mo ignored their actions and started internally memorizing the mercenaries’ information, without any communication with them from the beginning to the end.

Then, Su Mo returned to the first floor again.

Most of the mercenaries in the Fire Exchange were good at hard work but there were not many with bright minds.

These kinds of mercenaries would be good as cheap labor for the basin, and could quickly increase the speed of the construction of their disaster-resistant base.

However, in Freedom City, where social interaction was a must, these “fools” were the most unwanted.

Su Mo shook his head and quickly walked to the opposite exchange again. Following the sequence, Su Mo began to shop quickly.

Along the way, unlike the others, Su Mo did not ask any questions. He briefly remembered the information and then left immediately.

Only when he encountered an exchange that sold foreign mercenaries would he stop to take a look and ask a few questions.

Unfortunately, after visiting seven or eight exchanges, there was little information that could be inquired from the foreign mercenaries.

“Hey, Hao Qiang, have you finished shopping in the streets behind you?”

According to the length of the block, the exchanges on this street alone were no less than fifty. Even if you were to walk past to see flowers, it would take at least half a day.

As soon as he walked out of the ninth house, Su Mo was surprised to see Hao Qiang waiting at the door.

“No, I only visited three, but…master, I’ve made a major discovery!”


Seeing Hao Qiang’s surprised expression, Su Mo frowned and walked casually to a less crowded place.

After a while, they came to a neighborhood with few people. They found a random exchange and walked in.

Then, after sending away the servants, they chose to go down to take a look by themselves.

Hao Qiang walked closer inside the passage.

“Shelter leader, there’s a big problem. When I was shopping at the back end of the exchanges just now, I saw our own race. Yes! Human beings!

“I don’t know if I’m going insane but as soon as he saw me coming in, he yelled at me that he had news of a human gathering place. He’d tell me everything if I bought him!”

Su Mo stopped his steps after hearing this.

“News of a human gathering place?”

“Yes, he said he knew the location of a massive human gathering place of about 30,000 people!

“And the trouble is, according to his vague description, this location is just within a thousand kilometers to the southeast of our basin!”

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