I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 1441 Project AirPort


What was that? 

They knew of seaports and even Baymard’s famous Landport. 

But who can tell them what an airport was? 

They had a hunch but pushed their thoughts away, feeling that maybe they were overthinking things. 

Project Airport. 

It was not too long that their Queen began looking for a suitable site, alongside the Baymardian team that delivered a special letter to her.

In the end, this site was chosen. 

It wasn’t in the heart of the city. And neither was not in a slum region or overly crowded site.

What was surplus over here were beautiful sceneries of greenery that differed from the hustling and bustling of the central city site.

Quite a few nobles had personal grand estates here. But they hardly stayed in them since by carriage side, it would take close to 2 hours to get to the bustling zone. 

The Capital city was vast. Its history was also a combination of quite a few towns, villages, and a city back in more ancient times.

To move about the place would take people hours and hours.

From some extreme ends to another end in the city, one could use up to 6 hours!

But this wasn’t so bad. 

Even in modern cities, people could stay on the roads for close to 2 hours in the same city when leaving for work early in the mornings. 

Some cities were just that big.

For those in this location, leaving towards the central heart of the Capital city was a 2-hour journey or more. 

Most nobles chose to step closer towards the central site, as close to the palace as they could… Only a few stayed here.

But for the Baymardians, such a sight was perfect.

There was so much space and instead land!

Thus, the Chief Baymardian personnel in charge of the project chose their current site with Penelope a while back. 

And now, the project will officially begin taking shape. 

Before the rains begin in October, the runways have to get done!


Penelope stepped forward to address the crowd opposite her. 

She could see their curiosity almost bursting through their eyes.

But she knew that once they knew how powerful this project would be, they might all have heart attacks!

”Everyone, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules for such an abrupt meeting.”

Many shook their heads as though saying: it’s nothing. 

Such a strange and mysterious project… How could they miss such an opportunity when invited? 

You must be joking!

Their faces lit up. And subconsciously, they also leaned forward too. 

Their curiosity was getting the better of them.


Penelope lightly chuckled. 

”In our beloved Carona, the transportation sector has long grown to an incredible rate that none of us expected. Our public road transportation system is kicking off nicely.”

Many, especially those in Carona’s transport ministry, all nodded in agreement. 

There are even some public wagins that would take one out of the city to any of the nearby towns or cities. 

The Capital city, as well as several other cities, towns, and villages, have all been grouped into what the Baymard’s called a Prefecture/province/state.

The changes are slow and steady, but they believed that in the next 4~6 years, every part of Carona would be able to have such services.

”Though we’ve been able to accomplish so much, we still have a long way to go. And on that note, Baymard and Carona will be partnering up once more to expand our growth by establishing Project Airport!”

~Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.~

Many clapped at the momentum of Penelope’s words. 

What a way to introduce a project.

Bravo, your Majesty. Bravo!

~Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.~

Santa had a fat smile on his face, appreciating his wife.

Hey, he really scored big time.

Just look at how amazing his wife was?

Too cool!



Penelope raised her hands, calling for silence. 

”Project Airport!… What is it exactly? There are seaports for the sea, Baymard’s Landport for the land… And of course, the latest and new type of them all, AIRPORTS for the sky!”


Her revelation shook them to the core. 

You know, they have only guessed so much, thinking that they should be wrong. 

But who knew that it was precisely what its name insinuated?

Sky travel! Sky travel… Will it be with those Baymardian Air Balloons?

”I know what many of you are thinking. But you’re mistaken. No balloons will be used. And just like the Baymardians ships, they will be able to travel with some of your bags, suitcases, and luggage.” 


Many felt that maybe her majesty was wrong. 

Apart from the Baymardian Balloon that looked lightweight enough to reach for the sky, they couldn’t see any other way flying would be possible. 

’Her majesty should be wrong.’ They thought, though not bothering to state their conclusions. 

For now, the fact that airport travel would be a new thing was already too exciting, to say the least. 

”To my right are the Baymardian representatives and workers who will help us with this project.”

From Penelope’s understanding, the airport operation was more or less similar to how the Main Bay-Caronian Ship port is run… Except for a few changes. 

What exactly was a runway?

It would be a lie if she said she knew what it was. 

One by one, Penelope began dividing the labor and pairing many with those on the Baymardian teams. 

This airport was a joint matter. Contracts will have to be signed, budgeting worked on, money recovery plans and estimated yields assessed, shares talked about, etc. 

The many Caronian delighted were pleased with all they heard.

However, Penelope’s last words made them have goosebumps.

”For many of your sub-tasks, I will appoint my husband, his highness Benjamin Hamilton, to work with you all!”



… Your majesty… Are you serious?

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