I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 518 Provocations

Chapter 518 Provocations

Within a private dungeon, several men quickly surrounded a badly bruised up man at the center.

And at the forefront, were 6 men who obviously held powerful positions amongst these men.

As for the badly bruised up fellow lying on the floor, he was none other than Slytherin Cord.


After getting beaten, kicked and dragged throughout his journey..... Now, he could finally see his rabbit's secret hideout.

So this is where the magic happens?

He struggled to get a glimpse of the place, as his eyes were incredibly swollen.... making it hard for him to keep them open without him tearing up.

Adrenaline flooded through his system when he thought of this little rabbit of his.

He struggled to keep his eyes open, but when he saw his little bunny still wearing a mask....he almost felt like puking out blood and just dying on the spot.

This was the man that he had chased for years now.

This was his prey.... his driving force, and his everything.

And yet, even at this very moment..... this little rabbit of his still refused to give him any bit of satisfaction whatsoever.

Was he really going to die without seeing his truly true face?

How Savage!


His rabbit in question didn't even bother about why his face was changing from red to green all of a sudden.

"It's time to end this once and for all..... Isn't that right, friend."

"Hahahahhaha..... cough!... cough!

Little rabbit, we meet at last!"

"Yes.... we've finally come face to face with one another," William said coldly while drawing his sword.


"Friend..... do you know your mistake?"

"Heh?.... what mistake?

Are you talking about all those times that I tracked you around Arcadina?

Or the numerous times that I've tried to kill you?

Little rabbit, at first... I thought that you were a real gentleman.

But who would've thought that you would be such a petty person?" Slytherin said arrogantly, before sneering at William loudly.

"Shut up!

How dare you talk to the young master like that?"

Hearing Slytherin's remark, all the men quickly got heated up..... and looked at Slytherin as if they wanted to hack him into a thousand pieces.

But Slytherin still acted as if he wasn't aware of their death glares.


I'm just stating the truth!

Your leader is indeed a petty man!!!"

Even though he knew that death would be the only out for him, he just wanted to go out in an unforgettable way..... and that was through battle.

In short, after chasing his rabbit for years now... how could he be willing to die without even having a one-on-one battle with his rabbit?


In fact, even though he was badly bruised up... he still wanted to take the chance in fighting his little rabbit.

No matter what, he had to die knowing that he had at least injured his little rabbit.

Of course the place that he was aiming for, was a place that was a man's taboo area in a fight.


Even if he died, he had to turn his little rabbit into a woman by cutting or injuring that 'Part'.



Though I'm already badly injured by your men, you still have so many people in the here for little old me?


Don't you have any shame?

Hehehhe.... your actions are more like that of a Cowards.

And here I thought that you were very powerful.

As I expected... rather than fighting me one on one, you would rather use your men to do the job for you.

Of course, I know that it's because you're scared of me.


You know that even with my current condition, you wouldn't be able to win a single battle against me.

So now, you want to use such underhand tactics instead?

How typical of a weakling!

Yes, that's right... A weakling!!!!

You are just a coward who's always hiding a mark, as well as your men.

If I'm wrong!.... then fight me!

Fight me and prove that I'm wrong!"

Listening to Slytherin, everyone within the room felt their anger rise even more.

They trembled in rage and clenched their fists..... while sending threatening gazes towards Slytherin, as if telling him that he was a dead man.


They truly wanted to teach this piece of sh** a lesson so badly.

But looking at their young master's cool and calm demeanour, they could only swallow up their anger silently.


If not for the young master.... you would be dead by now!' they thought

=͟͟͞͞( •̀д•́)))


Slytherin looked at their expressions and sneered.

Just this much was enough to anger them to death?

Heheheh... it seems like getting a battle with Jo's little rabbit would be easier than he thought.


Mr. Ghostly Prince or whatever you call yourself... If I had known that I had been tracking trash like you all along, then I wouldn't have bothered in the first place.

Sigh..... You're truly a disappointment!!"


The men couldn't take it anymore and drew their swords simultaneously.

"Young master, please grant me permission to kill this arrogant prick!"

"No young master, let me go up instead!"

"Young master, don't listen to him... I'm more skilled than he is, so I should be the one to end this bastard's life."

"Young master!....."

"Young master!...."

Watching these men go crazy, really make Slytherin become more confident instead.

He even started coming up with his own fantasy play in his mind.... that involved William dying when they finally began their one-on-one battle.

And since everyone respected the strong, then when he finally won... wouldn't these people look at him in awe instead?


They might even want him as their master since no one wanted to serve a weakling.

Ah!!!... Just thinking about it now, if he could control these people... Then wouldn't he be and to fight against Eli and become ruler of Arcadina?

He had long been dissatisfied with Eli, who always distracted him by giving him missions that didn't involve the Ghostly Prince

And because of this, he just stopped responding to Eli altogether.

One could even say that they were now Frenemies.

So why not use this opportunity to also give Eli as payback as well?

Thinking about his new plans, he couldn't help but praise himself a bit.

'Slytherin... Oh... Slytherin.....

You're a f**king genius!'


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