I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 668 - The Battle Begins!

Chapter 668 - The Battle Begins!

Within several Coast Guard patrol sh.i.p.s, several men were currently looking at their radar and observed for a bit.

These sh.i.p.s moved in formation with one another and didn't even deviate for a second, so they were definitely moving as one unit!

One should know that if they were independent, at least some of the sh.i.p.s would try to overtake overs or even stop or move left or right at will.

But that wasn't the case for these sh.i.p.s.

So after observing their movements for a bit, the men hurriedly called their Control tower to report their findings.

"Lighthouse point Marina!

Lighthouse point Marina!

Lighthouse point Marina!

This is 21C here to make a report.


"This is lighthouse point Marina.

21C begin your report.


"Radar reads 68 fish sailing towards the net.

And in about 2 and a half hours give or take, they should be arriving at the shores if they weren't stopped.


"Copy that 21C.

Round up the rest and tell them to get back as fast as they can.


With that, the coastal sh.i.p.s speedily left the waters as if they weren't there in the first place.

The enemy was using people to paddle, but the Baymardians had their engines.

So if they could do a month's journey from Baymard to Carona in 2 and a half days... then what more of this 2 and a half hour distance?


Their sh.i.p.s hurriedly sailed across the waters at maximum speed.

And soon, they were back on Baymard's shores.

Of course the news had already been sent to the Navy's base.

And in turn, the Navy had quickly informed the Seaport to hold all leaving sh.i.p.s.


"What do you mean by we can't go now?"

"What the hell is going on?"

"You just checked us out, and now you are checking us in again?"

"What is wrong with you guys today?"

"I have goods to deliver or else my boss will have my head okay?"

Of course just like in the case of the previous Landport incident when Alec attacked... The seaport also did its best to keep everyone safe, amidst the many anxious, angry and tired visitors.

But after they had been given free hotel stays, food, bus rides back to Baymard, and so on... their attitudes immediately became better.

It was only then that they properly listened to the words from the workers.


If they went out there, they would be in danger?

"I'm sorry sir, but for your own safety... we will ask you all to return to Baymard for an extra day.

So tomorrow, you all will be free to go."

Hearing that, everyone couldn't help feeling a tad bit curious.

But since they were quickly rushed and sent back into Baymard, they decided to forget all about it.

And while that was going on, the Navy and Marines were busy getting suited up for battle.

All 13 battlesh.i.p.s had already been inspected, so they were all set and ready to go.

Of course Gary quickly informed Landon, before heading towards the control center.

"Your majesty... they're here."


Just as planned, take them out far away from Baymard's shores.

I don't want any of our visitor's sh.i.p.s destroyed or even touched by these people."

"Yes, your majesty."


You go do your thing.

And after the battle is won, inform me about everything."

"Of course your majesty!"

With that Gary hastily took his Navy coat and headed out with his secretary.

Now, they had to fight with everything that they had.


"Hurry up!

Hurry up!

Get in position immediately!"

"Move men!

The enemy is upon us, and we don't have much time to waste.

Move now!" Said the Officer ranked personnels who urged the men to take their places quickly.

Some of the men ran towards the engine room, while others ran towards the ship's control room and so on.

All in all, no ship could move until all men were within their specified positions.

And of course even if one ship was ready, since the plan was to move out as one unit... they all had to wait for the other sh.i.p.s to ready themselves before they could head out.

It would only take them a few minutes to meet the enemy at sea.

So they had some time to prepare themselves.

After all, the enemy was about 2 and a half hours away at this point.

Hence they had some time.

And just as planned, it took 50 minutes from the time they were informed.... for them to leave the training regions, get their weapons (for those who would be attacking the enemies), hop on several buses within the same Navy base, head towards the Navy docks, board their sh.i.p.s and get to their designated stations on board.

And now, they finally left Baymard when the enemy was estimated to be about 1 hour, 40 minutes away from Baymard's shores.



The intimidating battlesh.i.p.s speedily sailed out until they finally spotted their targets.

They quickly spread out in a straight line, blocking the path towards Baymard.

Those on board the Teriquen fleet also spotted several objects growing larger and larger before their eyes.

At first, they were confused about what it could be because of its speed.

But when it finally stopped before them, they were taken aback by how big it was, as well as the fact that it was a ship.

No one needed to tell them about who owned these sh.i.p.s because they knew.

That's right!

Who didn't know that these sh.i.p.s belonged to Baymard?

Even though these men haven't left Terique for years, they had heard stories about the sh.i.p.s that left Carona and headed towards Baymard.

At first, they didn't believe it when the stories said that the ship's height was 5 to 7 times that of their ship.

But looking at the massive giant before them, they couldn't help but appreciate the iron giants a little more.

As for how they were going to get onboard them, well... apparently, a spy here in Baynard had given secret information about the weak points of these sh.i.p.s.

So once they hook onto them, they will be able to hop on board and attack these Baymardians.

And from what they were also told, the entire ship only comprised of sleeping quarters, entertainment sites, shops and even restaurants.

So they were sure that these Baymardians didn't have any deadly weapons on board.

But how could these people have known tht they were talking about a cruise ship and not a battleship?

And as for the matter of the ship having some sort of weak point, well... they really did rely too much on that so-called spy who was still hidden in Baymard.

For these Teriquens, they viewed these Baymardian sh.i.p.s as those that typically transported people from Carona to Baymard and cube versa.

So they weren't all that worried about their presence.

In fact to them, these Baymardians had no clue about the upcoming battle.

Nicodemus looked at the sh.i.p.s that were blocking their way and sneered, before making his way towards Pirus' room.


"We've encountered the enemy!"

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