I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 762 - More New Toys 2

Chapter 762 - More New Toys 2

"I'm glad that you all like it so far.

But there are two more buttons left.

The third one is an O.C spray (pepper spray) that will be released from here.

It may seem like a useless defensive weapon, but I'm sure that you all know that during battle, such weapons might just be the leading cause of your victory."

Everyone nodded in agreement, as they pictured a scenario where they were almost losing.

If the enemy was strangling them but they didn't have enough energy to pull the bastard's hands away then why not aim pepper spray into his eyes?

It would take more than 3 minutes for the victims to adjust after getting sprayed, since their eyes would literally feel like it was being burnt off.

Thinking about it like this, they felt pleased with this addition.

Now their minds focused on what the last button could do.

Melissa smiled slyly at their anxious expressions.

"You all have Walkie Talkies right?

And the most fearful thing is that you might lose your Walkie Talkies during missions.

So what if I told you that these shields could also act like Walkie Talkies?"


Everyone's lips trembled in excitement while listening.

Melissa quickly pressed the last button and a secret compartment on the side of the shield opened up.

It had a few more buttons which all of them were familiar with.

These were the buttons on their Walkie Talkies.

It also had a small sketch or drawing of a phone on it.

And on the lower part of the drawing were tiny dots, which was probably the microphone for them to speak in.

The same could be said for the upper part of the picture which would transmit the voices of others to them.

Again, at the side, there was a small dial Turner there for them to switch and connect with other military frequency bands.

Of course during missions, they were supposed to be on the frequency band or channel that was assigned to them.

That way, everyone on the mission could connect and talk with each other at once on the same channel.

The fact that they had a built-in Walkie Talkie had already blown their minds.

Their greedy eyes completely devoured the BodyGuard possessively.

This BodyGuard arm shield was a must!


"This is definitely for the police forces and Guard units.


This time, we have picked up a treasure."

"What the hell are you talking about?

This is clearly for the army.

So don't even think about it!"


Old dog, last time, you army people took the flaming torch weapon and we didn't complain.

But now that this one is for us, you're trying to steal it from under our noses?

Dream on!

The bodyguard is for us."

"I don't know if it's for the police forces, but it's definitely for us guards units.

Just listen to the name, the bodyguard.

It's clearly for us.

So why are you both dancing around like chickens?"

"Who's a chicken?

Just because it has the word guard in its name doesn't mean that it's for guards."


It's for the army."


The police force."

"Guard Units!"

"Police force!"




Melissa looked at them and chuckled.

Well, the more excited they were, the more money her industry would make.

After all, they were buying these goods from her industry.

So the more impressed they were, the happier she was too.

As for Landon, his thoughts were in the future instead.

Back on earth, the complete BodyGuard arm shield was like a while superhero spy gadget.

Firstly, it had an L.E.D screen which also provided G.P.S routes, maps and could even detect concealed weapons too.

That wasn't all, it could also do gas & chemicals detections with a touch of a button and had several inbuilt sensors in it.

There was also the fact that it had a small spy camera and recording device installed into it.

Of course, it also came with a laser rangefinder that could determine the distance between the enemy (or object) and the user.

With the L.E.D screen, everything could be viewed.

Again, one shouldn't forget the fact that the current high tech bodyguard had tiny defibrillators that could restore a normal heartbeat by sending an electric impulse or shock to the heart during life-threatening moments.

Location tracking and many other functions made the BodyGuard a real treasure.

In future, all these things would be added to Baymard's current Bodyguard full arm shield.

By then, Landon wondered how these Lucius and the rest would react to the real thing.

It would certainly be a sight to see.

Back on earth, all these features were present on the Bodyguard for military uses.

And as one went from military to law enforcers to guards and finally to Basic (public use), some features were removed altogether.

For example, the basic one only had a flashlight and pepper spray.

It was typically used by park rangers and those who went hunting and were attacked by wildlife.

The strong protective shield had saved many lives.

Anyway in Baymard, no civilians would have them.

Only those working as park rangers and what not.

Of course, the armed forces would have them as well.

So everyone had been arguing for nothing because they would all get these BodyGuards shields.

But in future, the shield functions will vary depending on what armed force they would be assigned to.

Only the military would have all functions in their arm shield.


With that, Melissa continued onto the next invention, which was a Radar gun for police officers who wanted to know how fast vehicles were going.


Finally, the problem has been solved.

Now, we can accurately give out speeding tickets.

You don't know how many people have argued with us and defended themselves about their speeding tickets.

Now that we have this, there would be no way for them to argue again.

Good! Good! Good!

This radar gun is awesome!"

Mark held the Radar gun as if it were a baby, before passing it to Lucius.

Landon also felt awkward because over the years, it had completely skipped his mind.

It was only when Mark complained that Landon remembered.

Up next, they showed them several new guns, as well as several new handheld grenades which were all deadly.

But the things that made many thrilled were the new sniper guns and the latest models of Practice grenades.

Practice grenades were similar in the handling and function of normal hand grenades... but rather than producing lethal destruction, they only produced a loud popping noise and a puff of smoke on detonation.

They were completely harmless to the soldiers or the police forces during training.

They had the same weight, have and feel as regular grenades which were great for practicing precision when throwing them.

In short, practice grenades were a necessity during training.

What made them happy was that the new practice grenades were said to produce an even louder thunderous sound and thicker smoke factor which would give the trainer a real sense of fear.

All in all, everyone was very pleased with these new toys.

Now, they couldn't wait to place their orders immediately!

"As expected of overseer Melissa.

Her industry has done it again."


I can't wait to go out on missions with these new babies."

"Heh... have you forgotten that it's my police force that will have those ones?"


You wish!

It's my guard unit that will get them."


They belong to the army."

"No way!

They belong to the police force!"

"Guard Units!"


"Police Force!"

Soon, everyone turned towards Landon in the heat of the argument.

"Your majesty, say something!"


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