The Bloodline System

Chapter 1596 The Betrayal

Chapter 1596  The Betrayal

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


The woman's gown was made of a silky, almost iridescent fabric that caught the light with every movement, creating a mesmerizing effect. Silver patterns, resembling constellations, were woven into the fabric, giving her an almost celestial appearance.

Around her neck hung a pendant with a deep blue sapphire, its depth matching the intensity of her gaze.

Gustav's eyes narrowed as he regarded them coldly.

"What do you want?" he asked with an icy tone.

The man spoke first. "Gustav, we've come to discuss the offer to join us as a world leader. Your influence and power could help stabilize the current unrest."

Gustav crossed his arms, his gaze unwavering. "I've already made it clear that I'm not interested in a position I can't commit to. I won't be around to serve properly."

The female world leader stepped forward. "The world is on the brink of chaos, Gustav. Your presence could bring the order we desperately need."

Gustav's patience was wearing thin. "I don't care about your politics or your power struggles. If that's all you came to say, you can leave the way you came."

The leaders exchanged glances, clearly not willing to give up so easily. "Please, Gustav," the woman pleaded. "Consider the impact you could have. A lot of people now look up to you. They trust you."

Gustav smirked as a dangerous glint appeared in his eye. "I have a proposition for you. It's the only one you'll be getting from me. If you don't agree to it, we have nothing more to talk about."

The leaders looked intrigued, though wary. "What is this proposition?" the man asked.

"You'll hear about it at the press meeting," Gustav replied, his tone final. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to."

Without waiting for a response, Gustav turned and headed toward the entrance of the skyscraper.

The leaders followed at a distance, clearly unsettled by his abrupt dismissal. As he approached the ground floor, the noise from outside grew louder. The press and media were still gathered in droves. Their cameras and microphones were ready to capture any statement he made.

Gustav stepped outside as the cool evening air a sharp breezed by and the surroundings were filled with the clamor of the reporters. The moment he appeared, the crowd erupted with questions.

"Gustav, are you considering the offer to become a world leader?"

"What's your response to the current global unrest?"

"Can you give us any insight into your future plans?"

Gustav raised a hand, signaling for silence. The reporters quieted, their eyes trained on him, eager for his words.

"I understand there's a lot of speculation about my role in the future," Gustav began, his voice steady and commanding. "I have no interest in becoming a world leader. I cannot serve in a position that requires my constant presence when I have other responsibilities."

The crowd murmured, but Gustav continued. "However, I do have a proposition for the current world leaders. One that I believe could address the issues we're facing more effectively than a simple title change."

The cameras zoomed in, capturing every word. The two leaders who had approached him earlier watched from the side, their expressions tense.

"What is this proposition?" a reporter asked, his voice cutting through the murmur.

Gustav's eyes scanned the crowd, his gaze intense. "I propose the creation of an independent council composed of the most capable and trustworthy individuals from various fields—science, medicine, defense, and yes, law enforcement. This council would work together to address global issues, free from political agendas and corruption. They will have the power to sanction the world government and any other authoritative agencies all across the world for any wrong actions."

The reporters were stunned into silence for a moment before the questions began to fly.

"Who would be on this council?"

"How would they be selected?"

"Would you lead this council, Gustav?"

Gustav raised his hand again, quieting them. "The council members would be selected based on their expertise and integrity. They would be individuals who have proven themselves through their actions, not their words. I won't necessarily claim leadership of the council, however, I will work together with the members and the council will directly answer to me. They will carry on with their duties even when I am not present on Earth."

The male world leader from earlier stepped forward, his voice carrying authority. "And how do you propose we go about establishing this council?"

Gustav looked at him with a faint smirk. "That's for the people to decide. I've given you the idea. If you truly care about stabilizing the world, you'll find a way to make it happen. After the world leaders agree to this, the people will decide on their candidates."

'Is this your answer... Gustav Crimson?'

There was a tense silence as the leaders processed his words. The female leader finally spoke with a thoughtful gaze. "It's a bold idea, Gustav. One that could indeed make a difference."

Gustav nodded. "Bold actions are needed in bold times. If you agree to this, I'll lend my support and help where I can. But if you continue to play politics, you'll find no ally in me."

The crowd buzzed with renewed energy as the implications of Gustav's proposition sunk in. The two leaders present conferred quietly for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"We'll consider it, Gustav," the man said finally. "Thank you for your time."

Gustav nodded, turning back to the press. "That's all for now. I have preparations to make."

With that, he stepped back into the skyscraper as the doors slid shut behind him.

Endric was waiting for him in the living room, a curious look on his face. "What happened out there?"

Gustav shrugged, sitting down beside him. "I proposed the creation of an independent council to address global issues. This independent council will be above the world leaders and every authority on earth. Now let's see if they have the guts to follow through."

Endric chuckled, shaking his head. "You really gave them a lot to think about."

Gustav smirked; "I had to do it in front of the press to give them little chances of refusal."


The morning after Gustav's public proposal, the world was abuzz with conversation and speculation.

News outlets and social media platforms were flooded with discussions about his proposition. Headlines screamed the news from every corner of the globe:

"Gustav Crimson Proposes Independent Council to Oversee Government Decisions and Address Global Issues!"

"Will World Leaders Accept Gustav's Bold Plan?"

"Public Support Surges for Independent Council!"

In every city, people gathered to talk about Gustav's idea. From cafes to markets, the consensus was clear: if the world government truly cared about the people, they would accept Gustav's proposal.

"The man's got a point," said an elderly gentleman in a popular pub. "Politics as usual isn't working. Maybe it's time we tried something different."

"I agree," responded a young woman, sipping her coffee in a New York City diner. "Gustav's idea of an independent council makes sense. We need leaders who care more about people than power."

The protests, which had already been simmering, gained new momentum. Crowds of demonstrators carried signs that read, "Support the Council!" and "Listen to Gustav!" The pressure on world leaders was mounting, and they knew they had to respond.

In government buildings across the globe, high-ranking officials held frantic meetings. The tension was high as they debated the merits and risks of Gustav's proposal.

"This is unprecedented," said one leader, pounding his fist on the table. "We can't just hand over power to a 21-year-old."

"But look at the state of the world," countered another. "If we don't act, we risk losing everything. The people are with him. They trust him."

Voices rose and fell in heated arguments. Some leaders were adamantly against the idea, unwilling to relinquish their control. Others, seeing the writing on the wall, argued for change.

"Think about it," urged a young diplomat. "If we show that we're willing to listen to the people and take bold steps, we could regain their trust. This could be the fresh start we need."

After three days of intense deliberation, the world government made a historic decision. They would accept Gustav's proposal and establish the independent council. The announcement was met with widespread relief and cautious optimism.

Gustav was just two days away from his planned departure for Agon when he received the news. He knew he had to postpone his trip to help set up the council. He couldn't just leave it in the hands of anyone.

That evening, Gustav addressed the world once more.

"Thank you for your support and trust," he began. "We have a unique opportunity to reshape our world, to create a system that truly serves the people. The people will select individuals of integrity and expertise to form this independent council."

The following days were a whirlwind of activity. Gustav employed the help of E.E and the others to set up an online platform where people could nominate and vote for candidates.

They encouraged everyone to participate, emphasizing the importance of choosing individuals who embodied the values of humanity, compassion, and expertise in their respective fields.

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