Chapter 494 - Uncontrollable

A while ago, while everyone was attentively listening in to Gavriel's report as he was updating them on what their King father had ordered when a sudden blast of dark magic seemed to have exploded out from the silent older prince. Everyone immediately turned their attention to him, eyes filling with confusion and surprise as to what had caused Gideon's dark magic to have been triggered so strongly like that. 

They saw how Gideon seemed to be oblivious about their presence now and perhaps, he has yet to realize the darkness gushing out of him. His eyes were glinting dangerously as he fixed it to the door and before Beatrice could open her mouth to speak and ask her son on what was going on, the door was already forced open, slamming into the wall due to the impact of Gideon's seemingly uncontrollable magic. All of those who were in the room jumped a little as they were startled at that impact of the door smashing into the wall, creating little cracks on it. They could see how strong the magic that was used to wrench the doors open, as the doors were not ordinary ones but those that were reinforced with magic themselves to prevent the accidental damaging when those with powers got angry and decided to take it out on their room doors.

And as soon as the door was opened, the danger in his eyes became deadly. So deadly that Evie's body automatically began to glow with a golden hue, her protective aura shielding her and the little one inside her in case anything were to happen to her, while Beatrice and Gavriel's eyes turned red. Their heads turned to look towards the door, wondering what he had seen to react like… what?! Vera?! 

Evie's eyes zoomed to focus on Vera's hand that was holding onto Kione's arm, and her jaw dropped open in shock. Oh, no! Do not tell me that… oh, goodness! Kione! What had that man done? Was he looking to get himself killed? Evie facepalmed herself mentally and wondered what had gotten into Kione.

"Gid –" Queen Beatrice could not even completely call his name out because Gideon was suddenly gone from his seat. It happened too fast it might even be faster than a blink of an eye. One moment, he was still sitting there and the other moment, he was already gone that those who were looking at him thought he just vanished into thin air.

"Gideon!" they heard Vera's yell and the next thing they knew, Gideon was by the door, his hand stretched forward, right before Vera. 

The world seemed to suddenly screech to a halt. Evie just stood there as well, watching with shock still reflected in her eyes. 

Gideon had halted as if he had been turned into a statue. And… Gav? When did he get there?! 

Gavriel was right before Gideon. It was obvious he had jumped right into the fray there to stop his older brother from committing any actions that might be too late to regret if he was late in stopping it. His hand was draped over Gideon's front, holding his shoulder so tightly to stop him from advancing any further. He did not know who the other man was, but he could sort of guess that the red headed girl must be his older brother's woman. His eyes were also quick in noticing the way how the red headed woman's hand was hooked around the man's arm. Aah… he understood why his brother was losing his cool like this. If it were Evie, he was also not sure if he would be able to keep his cool either. However, his brother should not be allowed to kill the man off even if he was territorial about his woman. At least until he could understand more about the situation at hand.

The queen was also right there already, grabbing at Gideon's hand that was stretched out, wrapping her fingers tightly around his wrist. She too was trying to keep him from doing something that he might regret later on.

Azrael on the other hand had grabbed onto Kione and pulled him away in the short moment that Prince Gideon had been restrained by his brother and mother. This friend of his was truly looking to get himself killed! He had acted quickly as the situation had allowed and the two lords were already a few steps away behind Vera when everything had stilled from the flurry of activity earlier. 

And Vera… she had just stood there, staring at the hand that was right before her face. At the fingers… the sharp and elongated blackened nails that were less than an inch away from her eyeballs. She was nearly pierced by those menacing nails.

The shield that Evie had casted at the very last moment was turning golden as Gideon's sharp nail touched it. That golden hue was not only shimmering around herself but also been casted around Vera to protect her as well. Thankfully, Evie's responses were fast, and her senses were sharp as she had suspected Vera might be in danger as she was the only human here amongst them.

No one seemed to be able to even take a breath at that extreme moment. Until Vera spoke again. "Gideon…" she called out softly, she did not take a step back nor flinch the least. Evie was even quite certain that she had moved forward to block Kione. Did she even realize that Gideon was going to attack? 

When Evie saw that Vera was lifting her hand, she dissolved the shimmery golden barrier between them. She knew it was a risky move, but she understood what Vera was trying to do. And if all else fails, Gav and Queen Beatrice were right there. She trusted their reflexes to intervene again if something does go wrong. 

Vera slowly lifted her hand to Gideon's. Her eyes were fixed on Gideon's blackened orbs and without fear she gently touched his fingers. Those fingers that looked as though they belonged to a demon. And she tenderly entwined her fingers with his, slowly bringing her digits to meet his, until their palms were finally flushed against each other's. 

That instant, the darkness in Gideon suddenly disappeared, his eyes turned back to their fiery blue orbs and slowly, his eyes widened as he looked down at Vera from his towering height. His nails were returning to normal now. 

Everyone finally took the breaths they were holding in as Gideon stepped back, pulling his hand from Vera's as he stumbled backward. Gav and his mother had long since let go of their hold on him. His eyes were still glued on Vera, but he looked like he realized what he had just did and he could hardly believe it. There was nothing but shock shining from his eyes now. 

Then all of a sudden, Gavriel grabbed at him again. But this time, it was as though Gav made a move to catch him, so Gideon would not fall to the ground.. And everyone could only look on, speechless, as Gideon held onto Gav, even lowering his head onto Gavriel's shoulder as if to hide his face. 

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