Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Qin Yu's expression changed as the bone-chilling aura entered his body and targeted his mind! Restlessness, fear, despair and other feelings filled his mind in an instant as some deep memories surfaced unwillingly .

Each of them was a dreadful blow to his mind . If his will weakened, then it will sink into chaos, with the final outcome being his sense of self perishing . Sweat started pouring out of his pores, soaking his black robe . Qin Yu's eyes were suffused with blood, yet his face was dull .

"Hmph! Do you think this small trick can affect my mind? Get the hell out!" His Golden Core Divine Sense erupted, pulverizing the freezing aura and clearing his head .

With a flick of his finger, a drop of blood landed on the black sword . As it trembled, it released a black light in defiance .

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes, sneering, "I took you from the Sealed Demonic Zone and I can also destroy you . You'd better believe it . "

The black sword whimpered as it absorbed the blood and then landed in his hand: Hundred Ancient Sword . A fiendish demonic weapon that could devour souls and vitality to improve its consciousness .

So the dagger and the sword sheath were one once . This demonic treasure was now complete and it could even improve, thus making it priceless . If he someday gets the chance to upgrade it to spiritual treasure, its might would reach an unimaginable level . It truly was a great item .

Even though it would be challenging upgrading it to spiritual treasure, it at least had a considerable chance of becoming one . The value of this black sword was immeasurable just from this

He realizes he owed that Qi girl a favor because of this .

Qin Yu put away the black sword . In the Ancient Immortal Valley, all matters had to be done with extra care, since the reason for his hiding was to wait for an opportunity .

In the next several days, Qin Yu rarely went out, showing normal behavior, thus lessening the attention he received from buying the sword sheath .

Although he never left the stone houses area—with careful observation— Qin Yu found that the patrols of the Ancient Immortal Valley intensified . With even disciples joining them from time to time . It was expected since the information regarding the Radiant Scarlet Tree began to spread .

Sure enough, not long after, this news also spread throughout this area . Qin Yu knew that the opportunity he was waiting for drew nearer . But the more he felt it, the more he became reserved . He walked in the open every day then returned soon after, as to not reveal any discrepancies .

In the following nine days, Qin Yu made it a habit to go out . The surrounding houses were slowly occupied in the meantime and his new neighbours nodded in greeting .

Qin Yu smiled in response, stepping towards the market . He later heard a commotion in front, as he was about to return . This wasn’t at all surprising, even with the Ancient Immortal Valley's rule of non-violence . As many dubious characters gather, conflicts were bound to pop up .

Towards this common sight, Qin Yu usually turned away . But this time he hesitated and made his way through the crowd .

Qi Jiao's eyes were teary while holding a jade bottle in her hand, "You swindlers, this Jade Salve is fake, completely useless . "

The people behind the stall sported ugly faces, but it was really hard to get angry towards a tear-stained young miss!

The purple clothed cultivator took a breath, then said gravely, "Little miss, you can’t speak nonsense . You checked yesterday this Jade Salve worth of a hundred spirit stones yourself . How can you say we're swindlers? "

Qi Jiao was a bit dazed . Then her crying grew fiercer, "But it's truly useless . I’m not lying . "

Her wronged and heartbroken appearance was real, while the spectators gazed with contempt at the sellers, 'How shameless for a bunch of old men cheating a young miss!'

The purple clothed cultivator's heart was raging . He still had some things he wanted to sell and never expected for his reputation to be tarnished . He then took out a similar bottle from his clothes, "Look, everyone, these are two Jade Salve bottles I happened to obtain . One I sold to this young miss, and this is the second . " He carefully opened the sealed lid and waved his hand above it, "Please check everyone, is it not real? We don't sell fake goods . "

"It is indeed the smell of the Jade Salve . "

"This kind of items must be thoroughly inspected at purchase to avoid mistakes . "

"Yes, but this young miss doesn’t seem to be lying . "

Qi Jiao didn’t know what to say, as she kneaded the jade bottle bewildered .

The purple clothed cultivator was vexed, 'How can I continue to sell with these complications?' Someone from behind whispered in his ear making his expression brightened, so he hurriedly added, "Young miss, I advised you that the Jade Salve's lid mustn’t stay open for too long, or it will be affected by the air and turn useless . Did you perhaps left it open?"

Qi Jiao shook her head, "I only inspected it once, then gave it to senior brother Li to deliver it to Master . But senior brother Li told me this Jade Salve was fake . "

Many looked over, and to mask his panic, senior brother Li immediately laughed coldly, "It’s clear that you deceived my young and ignorant junior sister by selling her fake goods . And now you are making such preposterous accusations!? If you don’t hurry and return the spirit stones back to my junior sister, then I won’t be polite!"

"Yes, don’t talk rubbish, hurry and pay her back!"

"So daring, to bully our junior sister Qi!"

"It’s as if you’re bullying us!"

The people behind him started raising a fuss .

The purple clothed cultivator sneered, "Doesn't it seem more like you came to make trouble? Not one spirit stone will be refunded!"

'There’s nothing I can do for you, little miss . But you bastards want to force me?'

The man behind the stall stood up .

But every pair of eyes landed on the purple clothed man . A Golden Core's aura was so brilliant!

This made senior brother Li and the rest dumbstruck, as no one expected for him to be a Golden Core cultivator .

The audience immediately changed sides .

"Why would senior with a Golden Core status degrade himself in selling fake goods?"

"Right, right . Just a hundred spirit stones are not worth it . "

"It seems it is these youngsters are the swindlers . But their luck ran out and actually provoked a Golden Core senior!"

"This girl doesn’t seem to be . Sigh, appearance can be deceiving!"

'To hell with pitying and sympathizing with a pretty girl . We are on the Golden Core's side . '

The purple cultivator sneered, "You must give me an explanation about this!" When the accusations were shrugged off with the release of his cultivation, his attitude changed into one of anger .

Senior brother Li and the others sported red faces . Their previous satisfying words were now gone, as they couldn’t help gaze pleadingly at Qi Jiao, hinting her on and on to apologize .

A Golden Core cultivator wasn’t much in the Ancient Immortal Valley, but to them, this was an insurmountable mountain . Even more so now, when the only expert in the sect was badly hurt and in seclusion . They didn’t dare to make such trouble .

Qi Jiao's face flushed red . She knew she couldn’t offend a Golden Core expert, but she didn’t lie, so why must she apologize? Grievance, embarrassed, nervous and helplessness passed through Qi Jiao's heart . She tried to wipe away her tears, to no avail .

"I-I'm s-sorry!"

The purple clothed man's face flashed with unwillingness, but a Golden Core still had his dignity . How did it change from demanding an explanation to just accepting it without any inquiry? But this girl was so heartbroken and he couldn’t bear to do it .

"Young miss Qi, please let me take a look at the Jade Salve . " Qin Yu was already by her side when he began .

The commotion over the sword sheath a few days ago was still fresh in many peoples’ minds . They immediately recognized him and felt he was hopeless . Sure enough, it was all for a girl . Whatever the case, his bid last time was very foolish . And now, he was actually provoking a Golden Core . Young people didn’t know how to behave!

Qi Jiao looked at Qin Yu, feeling an indescribable sense of safety in her heart . Her grievance then burst out without any reason, in the form of tears .

"I-I d-didn’t lie, n-not once . "

Qin Yu took the jade bottle and sniffed it, "This bottle of Jade Salve changed its properties in eight hours . " He then raised his head and looks at the purple clothed cultivator once he finished .

The middle-aged man didn’t know why, but he continued with, "From the time it was bought until now, about sixteen hours have passed . "

Qin Yu nodded, "Young miss Qi, when did you give the Jade Salve?"

Qi Jiao sobbed, "Not long after I bought it, I gave it to senior brother Li . "

Little miss gave the Jade Salve to senior brother Li after she purchased it, and the Jade Salve changed its properties in eight hours . If it was true, then the problems laid with senior brother Li .

As more suspicious glances were drawn to him, senior brother Li became more nervous, "What rubbish are you spouting? How do you know it's in eight hours? I'm warning you, don’t speak nonsense!"

Qin Yu was calm, "This is the Ancient Immortal Valley, with countless Alchemy experts . Who doesn't know this?"

Figures flashed, and three Ancient Immortal Valley disciples appeared .

"Who is making trouble?"

The purple clothed cultivator cupped his hands, "Fellow Daoist, this matter is related to this one surnamed Wei . I have troubled you . "

The three returned the greeting, "Paying respects to senior Wei . "

Even the Ancient Immortal Valley must show proper respect to a Golden Core cultivator .

One of them began, "Senior Wei, may I ask what happened?"

Wei Jing spoke in simple terms while pointing out the situation .

"Jade Salve isn’t considered precious . I will evaluate it . " The Ancient Immortal Valley disciple extended his hand, "Let me see . "

Qin Yu handed it over .

The ancient immortal valley disciple sniffed, then dripped some on his hand, and lastly examined it . He nodded and said, "Correct, it is indeed in eight hours . The Jade Salve has little effect now . " His eyes landed on Qin Yu, "Fellow Daoist, you have good judgment . "

Qin Yu cupped his hands, "Merely a coincidence, it doesn't compare to a true expert's skill . "

The Ancient Immortal Valley cultivator laughed, then turned around and spoke, "Senior Wei, how do you want him to be punished?"

Wei Jing muttered something .

Senior brother Li started to sweat bullets as his face paled .

Qi Jiao was angry inside at senior brother Li for deceiving her . But they were fellow disciples after all, and even in dire straits, she still couldn’t bear it to see him get hurt . With matters reaching this point, she barely helped herself, and helping him would be impossible . So she gave a meaningful look to Qin Yu .

This was something she unconsciously expressed in a young girl's moment of helplessness . The thought of Qin Yu being in trouble never crossed her mind .

Then she saw as Qin Yu stepped forward .

Qi Jiao's stared wide-eyed . What was he doing? Don’t be foolish and quickly leave!

Qin Yu cupped his hands, "Senior Wei, today’s mistake is entirely ours, I implore senior to let it go . "

A senior sister who heard this hurried over, feeling glum at his words . Then she begged for forgiveness, pleading not to pursue this further . But who are you? You would be in trouble if you offended a Golden Core!

"Greetings senior! Junior sister and junior brother weren’t sensible and offended senior . Please be lenient! We will offer some spirit stones as apologies . I ask senior to be magnanimous and let it go this time . "

Wei Jing looked at her—then at Qin Yu—and waved his arm, "Never mind, today was just a misunderstanding . You can leave . "

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