Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 64

Chapter 64


Just like that?

The spectators were also dumbstruck .

Many screamed inside, 'What a lucky bastard . ', while others admired him, 'Senior Wei is truly magnanimous, letting them go even when framed . '

The Ancient Immortal Valley disciple coldly said, "Since senior Wei said so, you can leave . Be more careful in the future, as you might not be so lucky next time . "

Senior sister was immensely grateful towards Wei Jing . She grabbed her junior sister and junior brothers, then quickly left after bowing again and again . As for Qin Yu—a nosy youngster—his intentions were definitely selfish . Regardless if it were to save a fair and delicate noblewoman, he didn’t even realize the seriousness of the situation . The farther men like him were, the better .

Qi Jiao intended to say something, but was forcefully taken away by senior sister, while watching Qin Yu with an apologetic expression . He laughed it off, not minding it . Originally, he had a favor he wanted to repay . But after today, all their implications were now settled, bringing about a perfect ending .

Who knew of these people might drag him into something later?

With the commotion gone, the crowd slowly dispersed . Many eyed Qin Yu while thinking, 'This youngster is a bit too foolish . He clearly helped with good intentions, yet the others showed no consideration by leting him leave . '

Qin Yu was unaware of the pitiful looks he received and began to leave .

"Young friend, wait a moment . " Wei Jing sent the three Ancient Immortal Valley disciples off, the called out to Qin Yu while walking over in haste .

Qin Yu cupped his hands, "Is there anything else, senior?"

Wei Jing looked around, "This isn’t the place to speak . Is it possible for a young friend to come join me at my residence?"

Qin Yu's eyes flashed, nodding .

Wei Jing laughed, "Follow me, young friend . "

They were exiting the market, then walked along a small road up the mountain . After a while, they arrived before a long courtyard . The Ancient Immortal Valley arranged this area for the Golden Core cultivators, and it also had an impresive scenery .

Several juniors might not know why was the clan uncle so courteous towards this youngster, but they were taught how to be respectful and not as questions .

Wei Jing waved his hand, "Alright, you may leave . " After the clan's disciples left, he had a solemn expression, "Young friend, I'll get straight to the point . If I am disrespectful, please forgive me . Dare I ask, does young friend have a type of lightening treasure on yourself?"

Qin Yu frowned .

Wei Jing repeatedly waved his arms, "Young friend is overthinking things . Because of my cultivation method, I need the assistance of a lightning treasure . If young friend is willing to part with it, I will buy it very reasonable price . " He paused, then said with astonishement, "Young friend can see that I am born in a small cultivator clan . I only managed to reach Golden Core by chance and have little wealth . But even if I have to borrow money, I am sure I can satisfy you . "

This person was really honest!

Qin Yu replied, "Senior Wei, how are you so sure I have a lightning attribute item?"

“This is related to my cultivation method . As long as there is a treasure that causes a mutual attraction, a reaction occurs, and not even a storage bag can contain it . "

Qin Yu shook his head, "I can assume that the reason why senior Wei didn’t pursue the previous matter is because of your intentions regarding junior . "

Wei Jing laughed dryly, "Young friend must think it’s laughable . "

He admitted just like that!

Qin Yu pondered, then began, "Senior Wei is generous, forgiving junior's friends . Whether it's about reason or feelings, there is nothing I can say about it . "

Wei Jing nodded repeatedly at first, with 'What you said is correct' expression . But the following words made him nervous, and his face froze .

"But junior still needs it . I really can’t part with it, so I ask for senior Wei to be indulgent . Junior will be taking his leave then . "

Wei Jing frowned . His instincts told him that what Qin Yu said wasn’t true, but why was he unwilling to sell?

"Clan Uncle, is there a need to waste words with your cultivation? Some pressure woukd have scare him into submitting it!" A Wei clan junior angrily spoke .

Wei Jing shouted coldly, "Shut up, what have I taught you every day? Never to use your cultivation to bully the weak!"

Several youngsters were terrified and quickly lowered their heads in apology .

Wei Jing's face softened a bit, "Remember, the cultivation world is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers . You never know when you might meet one, so you must be extremely careful . "

"Clan Uncle is saying that he is hiding his cultivation?"

Wei Jing didn’t respond and waved his hand, "Go, find out where he stays . I will pay him a visit tomorrow . " The youngsters didn’t dare to say anything and retreated respectfully .

The following day .

Wei Jing made himself presentable—changing into official attire . Then he made his way to the middle of the mountain, with two clever youngsters and a gift . This was a proper visit, treating Qin Yu as if he had equal status . Wei Jing wasn’t certain if Qin Yu was an expert, but he never saw through him . Plus, he was always calm yesterday . It always helped being more careful .

Of course, this was greatly related to his character and was recommended to show respect when making a request .

The youngsters already checked where Wei Jing needed to go . He inwardly decided that he must get that treasure, no matter the cost . But from one look he could ascertain Qin Yu's will . And if he was firm in not selling, it would be very hard to change his mind . What would he do then?

As he was frowning in thought, a group suddenly barred their way . Wei Jing lifted his head only to have his face darken . He then asked on a cold voice, "You again?"

Senior sister and Qi Jiao's faces tensed and hurriedly greeted, "We pay respects to senior Wei . " The two of them rushed to pay their respects .

Master's injuries were growing heavier and was in dire need of the Jade Salve to suppress them . They heard yesterday that Wei Jing had another bottle . After some hesitation, they still decided to look for him again . They must buy it, no matter the cost .

But the two of them do not know where Wei Jing lives, and couldn’t just ask around . Left with no choice, they wandered in the vicinity of the market, hoping to meet him . Just when all hope seemed lost, Wei Jing appeared before them . Thus—in delight—they hurriedly welcomed him .

Seeing the two of them exceedingly courteous, Wei Jing's face eased up somewhat, "What do you want?"

Senior sister's heart relaxed and quickly explained that they came to request and buy the other Jade Salve .

The two behind Wei Jing laughed coldly . They might not say it, but the meaning is clear, 'You tarnished our reputation yesterday and came once again to buy it!? You have got to be joking!'

Senior sister's face reddened, "The Jade Salve is very important to us . We are willing to pay two hundred spirit stones, please give us your consent senior . "

Wei Jing shook his head in refusal . All his thoughts were now on Qin Yu, not having time to waste on this matter . But after a few steps, he suddenly stoped, and turned around, "Are you acquainted with young friend Qin Yu?"

Senior sister thoughts turned for the better, but her happiness hasn’t revealed itself before she froze, 'Qin Yu? Who’s he?'

Qi Jiao was the same .

Wei Jing was struck dumb, 'Just how is it that you don’t even know the name of your rescuer?' But after a long thinking, a certain possibility came to him . Wei Jing's face became amiable, "He is precisely the young friend who helped you yesterday . "

"Ah!" Qi Jiao cried faintly .

Wei Jing, "Young miss Qi recognizes him, right?"

Qi Jiao's face paled and bit her lip, not knowing what to do .

Wei Jing hurriedly said, "Young miss Qi needn’t be anxious . I don’t mean harm, as we have a mutual request . How about this, if you can make Qin Yu agree, the Jade Salve will be yours . "

He waved his hand, "Let’s go, we were just on our way to see him . "

Senior sister and Qi Jiao exchanged a glance, feeling dazed . ‘Senior Wei Jing is going to Qin Yu to make a request . Just how incredible is he? Just what skill he has to make senior Wei be this careful, to the point of even giving them the Jade Salve?’

"What do we do, senior sister?"

Senior sister looked at Qi Jiao, hesitating . She then spoke through clenched teeth, "We go after them!"

In front of a stone house stood Wei Jing and sent a junior to knock at the door .

The door soon opens, and Qin Yu’s face darkened at the scene before him, "Senior Wei, what’s the meaning of this?"

For the sake of obtaining the Radiant Scarlet Tree, he didn’t want any attention . And Wei Jing's visit made this a moot point .

‘You are a Foundation Establishment capable of making a Golden Core in paying you a visit . Just who would believe that this is normal?’

Wei Jing's mind was a bit tense . That unfathomable reaction has once again surfaced, with even fear and trepidation mixed within . He then gave a rushed smile, "I have come to pay young friend a visit, in such and idle day . I also met these two young ladies—along the way—and came together . Please forgive us for disturbing you, young friend . "

Qin Yu wanted to roar, 'Can I trouble you not to be so polite?' Sensing the amazement of his neighbors, he took a deep breath, "Welcome senior Wei, let's talk inside!" He said, as he peeked from the corner of his eyes at the two behind him, and then at the two ladies .

Wei Jing instructed behind him, "The gift, um, you wait here!"

Senior sister hurriedly said, "We will also wait . "

Qin Yu took back his glare, 'Even a gift . Hurry up and hide it! I must not let this old geezer mess around, or trouble won’t be far behind!'

He was aware of Wei Jing's kind nature from yesterday, but he was still young and inexperienced .

"Senior Wei, please . "

The door then closed with a bang .

Qin Yu's face contorted, "Senior Wei, what is the meaning of this?"

Wei Jing felt indescribably nervous, as fear and trepidation became more pronounced . He swallowed, then said apologetically, "Young friend, the reason I came here, is for that item . I ask young friend to part with it!" After a pause, he forced himself to continue, "The two young ladies have come to buy my other Jade Salve . As long as young friend agrees to part with the treasure, I will immediately give the Jade Salve to them!"

Qin Yu laughed from anger, brushing his sleeve away, "We aren’t friends, so using them won’t worl . And I already said that I still need it . "

Wei Jing gave a bitter smile, "You really won't sell?"

"No . "

Wei Jing sighed, "Alright, I will be troubling you again tomorrow . "

Qin Yu stared, 'What about being a kind and honest person?'

‘Even if I have discerning eyes, you also can't change this much . You can't just threaten me like this!’

"You're too much senior Wei!"

Wei Jing smiled dejectedly, "I ask for young friend's help . I don’t have any other way . " He paused, then continued, "Can you see—young friend—why I faked my cultivation and began trading here? I offended someone from the top of the mountain and I am unable to retreat even if I want to . If I can’t advance my cultivation, then my clan will be over . So I have no choice but to use this trick . Please forgive me for offending you, young friend . "

Qin Yu’s gloomy face brightened by more than half, then said through his clenched teeth, "Five thousand spirit stones, not a stone less! And if trouble came because of today, you better not blame me for not warning you . "

Wei Jing was overjoyed, "Many thanks to young friend! Five thousand is quite a lot . I will immediately prepare them and then come back tomorrow!"

Qin Yu frowned, "You reallt don’t care about troubles?"

"My clan is about to collapse, so what would be the point of being scared? Goodbye . "

"Wait!" Qin Yu waved his hand, "Don’t come in person tomorrow, it will be too conspicuous . And don’t forget what you said about the Jade Salve . "

Wei Jing gave a content smile and said, "Be at ease young friend, I will remember . "

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